3,763 research outputs found

    Relevance of lactate level detection in migrane and fibromyalgia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the blood lactate levels in healthy and pathological subjects, particularly with migraine and fibromyalgia. Moreover we investigated the possible correlation between lactate concentration, postural stability and balance disorders; the composition of the groups were: migraine (n = 25; age 49.7 +/- 12.5), fibromyalgia (n = 10; age 43.7 +/- 21.2), control group (n = 16 age 28.52 +/- 2.4). The results showed that patients with fibromyalgia (FG) had higher lactate levels compared to migraine (MG) and control group (CG) (mean +/- sd: FG = 1.78 +/- 0.9 mmol/L; MG = 1.45 +/- 1 mmol/L; CG = 0,85 +/- 0,07 mmol/L). The same situation was highlighted about the sway path length with eyes closed (FG = 518 +/- 195 mm; MG = 465 +/- 165 mm; CG = 405 +/- 94,72 mm) and with eyes open (FG = 430 +/- 220 mm; MG = 411 +/- 143 mm; CG = 389 +/- 107 mm). This can be explained by the fact that energy-intensive postural strategies must be used to optimize both static and dynamic coordination, in particular with repeated contractions of tonic oxidative muscle cells responsible for postural control

    Daily variability of Ceres' Albedo detected by means of radial velocities changes of the reflected sunlight

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    Bright features have been recently discovered by Dawn on Ceres, which extend previous photometric and Space Telescope observations. These features should produce distortions of the line profiles of the reflected solar spectrum and therefore an apparent radial velocity variation modulated by the rotation of the dwarf planet. Here we report on two sequences of observations of Ceres performed in the nights of 31 July, 26-27 August 2015 by means of the high-precision HARPS spectrograph at the 3.6-m La Silla ESO telescope. The observations revealed a quite complex behaviour which likely combines a radial velocity modulation due to the rotation with an amplitude of approx +/- 6 m/s and an unexpected diurnal effect. The latter changes imply changes in the albedo of Occator's bright features due to the blaze produced by the exposure to solar radiation. The short-term variability of Ceres' albedo is on timescales ranging from hours to months and can both be confirmed and followed by means of dedicated radial velocity observations.Comment: 5 pag, 1fig, two tables, MNRAS Letters 201

    Experimental and numerical characterization of a gravitational electromagnetic energy harvester

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    In this paper, the dynamic experimental identification of an inductive energy harvester for the conversion of vibration energy into electric power is presented. Recent advances and requirements in structural monitoring and vehicle diagnostic allow defining Autonomous Internet of Things (AIoT) systems that combine wireless sensor nodes with energy harvester devices properly designed considering the specific duty cycle. The proposed generator was based on an asymmetrical magnetic suspension and was addressed to structural monitoring applications on vehicles. The design of the interfaces of the electric, magnetic, and structural coupled systems forming the harvester are described including dynamic modeling and simulation. Finally, the results of laboratory tests were compared with the harvester dynamic response calculated through numerical simulations, and a good correspondence was obtained

    Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA database in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean

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    20 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables.-- C. Lo Monaco ... et al.Carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical ancillary data from previously not publicly available cruises were retrieved and recently merged to a new data base, CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic). The initial North Atlantic project, an international effort for ocean carbon synthesis, was extended to include the Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas) and all three sectors of the Southern Ocean. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean. The present work focuses on data collected in the Indian sector (20° S–70° S; 30° E–150° E). The Southern Indian Ocean dataset covers the period 1992–2004 and includes seasonal repeated observations. Parameters including salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity (TA), oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate were examined for cruise-to-cruise and overall consistency. In addition, data from an existing, quality controlled data base (GLODAP) were introduced in the CARINA analysis to improve data coverage in the Southern Ocean. A global inversion was performed to synthesize the information deduced from objective comparisons of deep measurements (>1500 m) at nearby stations (generally <220 km). The corrections suggested by the inversion were allowed to vary within a fixed envelope, thus accounting for ocean interior variability. The adjustments applied to CARINA data and those recommended for GLODAP data, in order to obtain a consistent merged dataset, are presented and discussed. The final outcome of this effort is a new quality controlled data base for TCO2 and other properties of the carbon system that can now be used to investigate the natural variability or stability of ocean chemistry and the accumulation of anthropogenic carbon. This data product also offers an important new synthesis of seasonal to decadal observations to validate ocean biogeochemical models in a region where available historical data were very sparse.This work has been funded as part of the EU project CARBOCEAN (no. 511176; GOCE), and additional support from the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project IOCCP (Maria Hood) and the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK Delmenhorst, Germany). Support for R. M. Key and X. Lin was primarily from NOAA grant NA08OAR4320752 and NA08OAR4310820. Support for M. A´ lvarez was from grant RYC-2006-001836. B. Tilbrook was supported though the Australian Climate Change Science Program and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystem CRC. A. F. Rios and A. Velo also acknowledge support from PGIDIT05OXIC40203PM Xunta de Galicia and CTM2006-27116-E/MAR MEC.Peer reviewe

    Corsican pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) stand management: Medium and long lasting effects of thinning on biomass growth

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    With the aim of acquiring better comprehension of the ecological and productive aspects of the management of pine forests, we monitored logging damage and evaluated the effects of thinning on stand growth 20 years after the treatment in a Pinus laricio Poiret stand in central Italy. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the injury levels to the remaining trees after thinning; to assess logging damage in the long-term by monitoring residual trees at the end of thinning; to evaluate the effect of damage on the radial growth of trees; to assess the stand dynamics in relation to injury levels and the treatment applied in a twenty-year range; to understand a possible treatment return time; and to evaluate the existence of the "thinning shock". The results were that 20 years after treatment, the stand dynamics showed a complete recovery; logging damage did not affect the radial growth of P. laricio over time; a second treatment seem to be sustainable starting from the fifteenth year after the previous treatment; and the thinning shock can be clearly evaluated in the first six to seven years after the treatment

    Long-Term Safety and Usefulness of Mexiletine in a Large Cohort of Patients Affected by Non-dystrophic Myotonias

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    Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of mexiletine in 112 patients affected by genetically confirmed non-dystrophic myotonias. The study was performed at the Neurophysiologic Division of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS), Rome and the Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome. Methods: The treatment was accepted by 59 patients according to clinical severity, individual needs, and concerns about a chronic medication. Forty-three patients were affected by recessive congenita myotonia, 11 by sodium channel myotonia, and five by dominant congenital myotonia. They underwent clinical examination before and after starting therapy, and Electromyography (EMG). A number of recessive myotonia patients underwent a protocol of repetitive nerve stimulations, for detecting and quantifying the transitory weakness, and a modified version of the Timed Up and Go test, to document and quantify the gait impairment. Results: Treatment duration ranged from 1 month to 20 years and the daily dosages in adults ranged between 200 and 600 mg. No patient developed cardiac arrhythmias causing drug discontinuation. Mexiletine was suspended in 13 cases (22%); in three patients, affected by Sodium Channel myotonia, because flecainide showed better efficacy; in one patient because of a gastric cancer antecedent treatment; in four patients because of untreatable dyspepsia; and five patients considered the treatment not necessary. Conclusions: In our experience, mexiletine is very useful and not expensive. We did not observe any hazarding cardiac arrhythmias. Dyspepsia was the most frequent dose-limiting side effect