1,525 research outputs found

    A Mean Field Model for the Quadrupolar Phases of UPd3_3

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    UPd3_3 is known to exhibit four antiferroquadrupolar ordered phases at low temperatures. We report measurements of the magnetisation and magnetostriction of single crystal UPd3_3, along the principal symmetry directions, in fields up to 33 T. These results have been combined with recent inelastic neutron and x-ray resonant scattering measurements to construct a mean field model of UPd3_3 including up to fourth nearest neighbour interactions. In particular we find that anisotropic quadrupolar interactions must be included in order to explain the low temperature structures derived from the scattering data.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Procédé de retransmission à redondance incrémentale adapté aux paquets IP fragmentés

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    Le problème traité concerne l'optimisation des performances au niveau de la couche réseau (couche 3 de l'OSI) dans le cadre des transmissions sans fil lorsque l'adaptation à la couche accès radio (couches 1 et 2 de l'OSI) nécessite une fragmentation du paquet de la couche 3. L'originalité du travail réside dans l'intégration et l'adaptation du concept de schéma d'ARQ hybride basé sur la redondance incrémentale à la méthode décrite dans [1] qui prend en compte le fait que les paquets de la couche 3 doivent être fragmentés. Il constitue une approche d'optimisation inter-couches. Le premier résultat important est que les performances obtenues par notre solution sont toujours supérieures aux méthodes conventionnelles de l'état de l'art. De plus, nous démontrons deux résultats analytiques qui sont étayés par des simulations

    Improved Fault Analysis on SIMECK Ciphers

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    The advances of the Internet of Things (IoT) have had a fundamental impact and influence in sharping our rich living experiences. However, since IoT devices are usually resource-constrained, lightweight block ciphers have played a major role in serving as a building block for secure IoT protocols. In CHES 2015, SIMECK, a family of block ciphers, was designed for resource-constrained IoT devices. Since its publication, there have been many analyses on its security. In this paper, under the one bit-flip model, we propose a new efficient fault analysis attack on SIMECK ciphers. Compared to those previously reported attacks, our attack can recover the full master key by injecting faults into only a single round of all SIMECK family members. This property is crucial, as it is infeasible for an attacker to inject faults into different rounds of a SIMECK implementation on IoT devices in the real world. Specifically, our attack is characterized by exercising a deep analysis of differential trail between the correct and faulty immediate ciphertexts. Extensive simulation evaluations are conducted, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness and correctness of our proposed attack

    Wi-Gitation:Replica Wi-Fi CSI Dataset for Physical Agitation Activity Recognition

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    Agitation is a commonly found behavioral condition in persons with advanced dementia. It requires continuous monitoring to gain insights into agitation levels to assist caregivers in delivering adequate care. The available monitoring techniques use cameras and wearables which are distressful and intrusive and are thus often rejected by older adults. To enable continuous monitoring in older adult care, unobtrusive Wi-Fi channel state information (CSI) can be leveraged to monitor physical activities related to agitation. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no realistic CSI datasets available for facilitating the classification of physical activities demonstrated during agitation scenarios such as disturbed walking, repetitive sitting–getting up, tapping on a surface, hand wringing, rubbing on a surface, flipping objects, and kicking. Therefore, in this paper, we present a public dataset named Wi-Gitation. For Wi-Gitation, the Wi-Fi CSI data were collected with twenty-three healthy participants depicting the aforementioned agitation-related physical activities at two different locations in a one-bedroom apartment with multiple receivers placed at different distances (0.5–8 m) from the participants. The validation results on the Wi-Gitation dataset indicate higher accuracies (1-Scores ≥0.95) when employing mixed-data analysis, where the training and testing data share the same distribution. Conversely, in scenarios where the training and testing data differ in distribution (i.e., leave-one-out), the accuracies experienced a notable decline (1-Scores ≤0.21). This dataset can be used for fundamental research on CSI signals and in the evaluation of advanced algorithms developed for tackling domain invariance in CSI-based human activity recognition

    The XMM-LSS Survey: A well controlled X-ray cluster sample over the D1 CFHTLS area

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    We present the XMM-LSS cluster catalogue corresponding to the CFHTLS D1 area. The list contains 13 spectroscopically confirmed, X-ray selected galaxy clusters over 0.8 deg2 to a redshift of unity and so constitutes the highest density sample of clusters to date. Cluster X-ray bolometric luminosities range from 0.03 to 5x10^{44} erg/s. In this study, we describe our catalogue construction procedure: from the detection of X-ray cluster candidates to the compilation of a spectroscopically confirmed cluster sample with an explicit selection function. The procedure further provides basic X-ray products such as cluster temperature, flux and luminosity. We detected slightly more clusters with a (0.5-2.0 keV) X-ray fluxes of >2x10^{-14} erg/s/cm^{-2} than we expected based on expectations from deep ROSAT surveys. We also present the Luminosity-Temperature relation for our 9 brightest objects possessing a reliable temperature determination. The slope is in good agreement with the local relation, yet compatible with a luminosity enhancement for the 0.15 < z< 0.35 objects having 1 < T < 2 keV, a population that the XMM-LSS is identifying systematically for the first time. The present study permits the compilation of cluster samples from XMM images whose selection biases are understood. This allows, in addition to studies of large-scale structure, the systematic investigation of cluster scaling law evolution, especially for low mass X-ray groups which constitute the bulk of our observed cluster population. All cluster ancillary data (images, profiles, spectra) are made available in electronic form via the XMM-LSS cluster database.Comment: 12 pages 5 figures, MNRAS accepted. The paper with full resolution cluster images is available at http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/spatial/xmm/LSS/rel_pub_e.htm
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