610 research outputs found

    Photosynthesis and calcification in the calcifying algae Halimeda discoidea studied with microsensors

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    With microsensors, we measured the steady‐state microprofiles of O2, pH and Ca2+ on the topside of young segments of Halimeda discoidea, as well as the surface dynamics upon light–dark shifts. The effect of several inhibitors was studied. The steady‐state measurements showed that under high light intensity, calcium and protons were taken up, while O2 was produced. In the dark, O2 was consumed, the pH decreased to below seawater level and Ca2+ uptake was reduced to 50%. At low light intensity (12 mmol photons m‐2 s‐1), Ca2+ efflux was observed. Upon light–dark shifts, a complicated pattern of both the pH and calcium surface dynamics was observed. Illumination caused an initial pH decrease, followed by a gradual pH increase: this indicated that the surface pH of H. discoidea is determined by more than one light‐induced process. When photosynthesis was inhibited by dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea (DCMU), a strong acidification was observed upon illumination. The nature and physiological function of this putative pump is not known. The calcium dynamics followed all pH dynamics closely, both in the presence and absence of DCMU. The Ca‐channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine had no effect on the Ca2+ dynamics and steady‐state profiles. Thus, in H. discoidea, calcification is not regulated by the alga, but is a consequence of pH increase during photosynthesis. Acetazolamide had no effect on photosynthesis, whereas ethoxyzolamide inhibited photosynthesis at higher light intensities. Therefore, all carbonic anhydrase activity is intracellular. Carbonic anhydrase is required to alleviate the CO2 limitation. Calcification cannot supply sufficient protons and CO2 to sustain photosynthesis

    Photosynthetic acclimation of <i>Symbiodinium</i> <i>in hospite</i> depends on vertical position in the tissue of the scleractinian coral <i>Montastrea curta</i>

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    Coral photophysiology has been studied intensively from the colony scale down to the scale of single fluorescent pigment granules as light is one of the key determinants for coral health. We studied the photophysiology of the oral and aboral symbiont band of scleractinian coral Montastrea curta to investigate if different acclimation to light exist in hospite on a polyp scale. By combined use of electrochemical and fiber-optic microsensors for O(2), scalar irradiance and variable chlorophyll fluorescence, we could characterize the physical and chemical microenvironment experienced by the symbionts and, for the first time, estimate effective quantum yields of PSII photochemistry and rates of electron transport at the position of the zooxanthellae corrected for the in-tissue gradient of scalar irradiance. The oral- and aboral Symbiodinium layers received ∌71% and ∌33% of surface scalar irradiance, respectively, and the two symbiont layers experience considerable differences in light exposure. Rates of gross photosynthesis did not differ markedly between the oral- and aboral layer and curves of PSII electron transport rates corrected for scalar irradiance in hospite, showed that the light use efficiency under sub-saturating light conditions were similar between the two layers. However, the aboral Symbiodinium band did not experience photosynthetic saturation, even at the highest investigated irradiance where the oral layer was clearly saturated. We thus found a different light acclimation response for the oral and aboral symbiont bands in hospite, and discuss whether such response could be shaped by spectral shifts caused by tissue gradients of scalar irradiance. Based on our experimental finding, combined with previous knowledge, we present a conceptual model on the photophysiology of Symbiodinium residing inside living coral tissue under natural gradients of light and chemical parameters

    Nitrogen cycling in shallow low oxygen coastal waters off Peru from nitrite and nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotopes

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    O2 minimum zones (OMZ) of the world's oceans are important locations for microbial dissimilatory NO3- reduction and subsequent loss of combined nitrogen (N) to biogenic N2 gas. This is particularly so when the OMZ is coupled to a region of high productivity leading to high rates of N-loss as found in the coastal upwelling region off Peru. Stable N isotope ratios (and O in the case of NO3- and NO2-) can be used as natural tracers of OMZ N-cycling because of distinct kinetic isotope effects associated with microbially-mediated N-cycle transformations. Here we present NO2- and NO3- stable isotope data from the nearshore upwelling region off Callao, Peru. Subsurface O2 was generally depleted below about 30 m depth with O2 less than 10 ÎŒM, while NO2- concentrations were high, ranging from 6 to 10 ÎŒM and NO3- was in places strongly depleted to near 0 ÎŒM. We observed for the first time, a positive linear relationship between NO2- ÎŽ15N and ÎŽ18O at our coastal stations, analogous to that of NO3- N and O isotopes during assimilatory and dissimilatory reduction. This relationship is likely the result of rapid NO2- turnover due to higher organic matter flux in these coastal upwelling waters. No such relationship was observed at offshore stations where slower turnover of NO2- facilitates dominance of isotope exchange with water. We also evaluate the overall isotope fractionation effect for N-loss in this system using several approaches that vary in their underlying assumptions. While there are differences in apparent fractionation factor (Δ) for N-loss as calculated from the ÎŽ15N of [NO3-], DIN, or biogenic N2, values for Δ are generally much lower than previously reported, reaching as low as 6.5‰. A possible explanation is the influence of sedimentary N-loss at our inshore stations which incurs highly suppressed isotope fractionation

    Physiology of Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex: Coincidence Detection through Bursting

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    L5 pyramidal neurons are the only neocortical cell type with dendrites reaching all six layers of cortex, casting them as one of the main integrators in the cortical column. What is the nature and mode of computation performed in mouse primary visual cortex (V1) given the physiology of L5 pyramidal neurons? First, we experimentally establish active properties of the dendrites of L5 pyramidal neurons of mouse V1 using patch-clamp recordings. Using a detailed multi-compartmental model, we show this physiological setup to be well suited for coincidence detection between basal and apical tuft inputs by controlling the frequency of spike output. We further show how direct inhibition of calcium channels in the dendrites modulates such coincidence detection. To establish the singe-cell computation that this biophysics supports, we show that the combination of frequency-modulation of somatic output by tuft input and (simulated) calcium-channel blockage functionally acts as a composite sigmoidal function. Finally, we explore how this computation provides a mechanism whereby dendritic spiking contributes to orientation tuning in pyramidal neurons

    Global distribution of a chlorophyll f cyanobacterial marker

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    Some cyanobacteria use light outside the visible spectrum for oxygenic photosynthesis. The far-red light (FRL) region is made accessible through a complex acclimation process that involves the formation of new phycobilisomes and photosystems containing chlorophyll f. Diverse cyanobacteria ranging from unicellular to branched-filamentous forms show this response. These organisms have been isolated from shaded environments such as microbial mats, soil, rock, and stromatolites. However, the full spread of chlorophyll f-containing species in nature is still unknown. Currently, discovering new chlorophyll f cyanobacteria involves lengthy incubation times under selective far-red light. We have used a marker gene to detect chlorophyll f organisms in environmental samples and metagenomic data. This marker, apcE2, encodes a phycobilisome linker associated with FRL-photosynthesis. By focusing on a far-red motif within the sequence, degenerate PCR and BLAST searches can effectively discriminate against the normal chlorophyll a-associated apcE. Even short recovered sequences carry enough information for phylogenetic placement. Markers of chlorophyll f photosynthesis were found in metagenomic datasets from diverse environments around the globe, including cyanobacterial symbionts, hypersaline lakes, corals, and the Arctic/Antarctic regions. This additional information enabled higher phylogenetic resolution supporting the hypothesis that vertical descent, as opposed to horizontal gene transfer, is largely responsible for this phenotype’s distribution

    Leaf growth in early development is key to biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis.

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    Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids have similar properties to hybrid crops with greater biomass relative to the parents. We asked whether the greater biomass was due to increased photosynthetic efficiency per unit leaf area or to overall increased leaf area and increased total photosynthate per plant. We found that photosynthetic parameters (electron transport rate, CO2 assimilation rate, chlorophyll content, chloroplast number) were unchanged on a leaf unit area and unit fresh weight basis between parents and hybrids indicating that heterosis is not a result of increased photosynthetic efficiency. To investigate the possibility of increased leaf area producing more photosynthate per plant we studied C24/ Landsberg erecta (Ler) hybrids in detail. These hybrids have earlier germination and leaf growth than the parents leading to a larger leaf area at any point in development of the plant. The developing leaves of the hybrids are significantly larger than those of the parents with consequent greater production of photosynthate and an increased contribution to heterosis. The set of leaves contributing to heterosis changes as the plant develops; the four most recently emerged leaves make the greatest contribution. As a leaf matures, its contribution to heterosis attenuates. While photosynthesis per unit leaf area is unchanged at any stage of development in the hybrid, leaf area is greater and the amount of photosynthate per plant is increased

    Resilience of Zostera muelleri seagrass to small-scale disturbances: The relative importance of asexual versus sexual recovery

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    Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to recover from disturbance without loss of essential function. Seagrass ecosystems are key marine and estuarine habitats that are under threat from a variety of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The ability of these ecosystems to recovery from disturbance will to a large extent depend on the internsity and scale of the disturbance, and the relative importance of sexual versus asexual reproduction within populations. Here, we investigated the resilience of Zostera muelleri seagrass (Syn. Zostera capricorni) to small-scale disturbances at four locations in Lake Macquarie - Australia's largest coastal lake - and monitored recovery over a 65-week period. Resilience of Z. muelleri varied significantly with disturbance intensity; Z. muelleri recovered rapidly (within 2 weeks) from low-intensity disturbance (shoot loss), and rates of recovery appeared related to initial shoot length. Recovery via rhizome encroachment (asexual regeneration) from high-intensity disturbance (loss of entire plant) varied among locations, ranging from 18-35 weeks, whereas the ability to recover was apparently lost (at least within the time frame of this study) when recovery depended on sexual regeneration, suggesting that seeds do not provide a mechanism of recovery against intense small-scale disturbances. The lack of sexual recruits into disturbed sites is surprising as our initial surveys of genotypic diversity (using nine polymorphic microsatellite loci) at these location indicate that populations are maintained by a mix of sexual and asexual reproduction (genotypic diversity [R] varied from 0.24 to 0.44), and populations consisted of a mosaic of genotypes with on average 3.6 unique multilocus genotypes per 300 mm diameter plot. We therefore conclude that Z. muelleri populations within Lake Macquarie rely on clonal growth to recover from small-scale disturbances and that ongoing sexual recruitment by seeds into established seagrass beds (as opposed to bare areas arising from disturbance) must be the mechanism responsible for maintaining the observed mixed genetic composition of Z. muelleri seagrass meadows. © 2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    N-loss isotope effects in the Peru oxygen minimum zone studied using a mesoscale eddy as a natural tracer experiment

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    Mesoscale eddies in Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ's) have been identified as important fixed nitrogen (N) loss hotspots that may significantly impact both the global rate of N-loss as well as the ocean's N isotope budget. They also represent ‘natural tracer experiments’ with intensified biogeochemical signals that can be exploited to understand the large-scale processes that control N-loss and associated isotope effects (Δ; the ‰ deviation from 1 in the ratio of reaction rate constants for the light versus the heavy isotopologues). We observed large ranges in the concentrations and N and O isotopic compositions of nitrate (NO3−), nitrite (NO2−) and biogenic N2 associated with an anticyclonic eddy in the Peru OMZ during two cruises in November and December 2012. In the eddy's center where NO3− was nearly exhausted, we measured the highest ÎŽ15N values for both NO3− and NO2− (up to ~70‰ and 50‰) ever reported for an OMZ. Correspondingly, N deficit and biogenic N2-N concentrations were also the highest near the eddy's center (up to ~40 ”mol L−1). ÎŽ15N-N2 also varied with biogenic N2 production, following kinetic isotopic fractionation during NO2− reduction to N2 and, for the first time, provided an independent assessment of N isotope fractionation during OMZ N-loss. We found apparent variable Δ for NO3− reduction (up to ~30‰ in the presence of NO2−). However, the overall Δ for N-loss was calculated to be only ~13-14‰ (as compared to canonical values of ~20-30‰) assuming a closed system and only slightly higher assuming an open system (16-19‰). Our results were similar whether calculated from the disappearance of DIN (NO3− + NO2−) or from the appearance of N2 and changes in isotopic composition. Further, we calculated the separate Δ for NO3− reduction to NO2− and NO2− reduction to N2 of ~16-21‰ and ~12‰, respectively, when the effect of NO2− oxidation could be removed. These results, together with the relationship between N and O of NO3− isotopes and the difference in ÎŽ15N between NO3− and NO2-, confirm a role for NO2− oxidation in increasing the apparent Δ associated with NO3− reduction. The lower Δ for NO3− and NO2− reduction as well as N-loss calculated in this study could help reconcile the current imbalance in the global N budget if they are representative of OMZ N-loss

    Lack of methylated hopanoids renders the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme sensitive to osmotic and pH stress

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    © 2017 American Society for Microbiology. To investigate the function of 2-methylhopanoids in modern cyanobacteria, the hpnP gene coding for the radical S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) methylase protein that acts on the C-2 position of hopanoids was deleted from the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133S. The resulting ΔhpnP mutant lacked all 2-methylhopanoids but was found to produce much higher levels of two bacteriohopanepentol isomers than the wild type. Growth rates of the ΔhpnP mutant cultures were not significantly different from those of the wild type under standard growth conditions. Akinete formation was also not impeded by the absence of 2-methylhopanoids. The relative abundances of the different hopanoid structures in akinete-dominated cultures of the wild-type and ΔhpnP mutant strains were similar to those of vegetative cell-dominated cultures. However, the ΔhpnP mutant was found to have decreased growth rates under both pH and osmotic stress, confirming a role for 2-methylhopanoids in stress tolerance. Evidence of elevated photosystem II yield and NAD(P)H-dependent oxidoreductase activity in the ΔhpnP mutant under stress conditions, compared to the wild type, suggested that the absence of 2-methylhopanoids increases cellular metabolic rates under stress conditions

    SeagrassDB: An open-source transcriptomics landscape for phylogenetically profiled seagrasses and aquatic plants

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Seagrasses and aquatic plants are important clades of higher plants, significant for carbon sequestration and marine ecological restoration. They are valuable in the sense that they allow us to understand how plants have developed traits to adapt to high salinity and photosynthetically challenged environments. Here, we present a large-scale phylogenetically profiled transcriptomics repository covering seagrasses and aquatic plants. SeagrassDB encompasses a total of 1,052,262 unigenes with a minimum and maximum contig length of 8,831 bp and 16,705 bp respectively. SeagrassDB provides access to 34,455 transcription factors, 470,568 PFAM domains, 382,528 prosite models and 482,121 InterPro domains across 9 species. SeagrassDB allows for the comparative gene mining using BLAST-based approaches and subsequent unigenes sequence retrieval with associated features such as expression (FPKM values), gene ontologies, functional assignments, family level classification, Interpro domains, KEGG orthology (KO), transcription factors and prosite information. SeagrassDB is available to the scientific community for exploring the functional genic landscape of seagrass and aquatic plants at:
