194 research outputs found

    Delocalization transition for the Google matrix

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    We study the localization properties of eigenvectors of the Google matrix, generated both from the World Wide Web and from the Albert-Barabasi model of networks. We establish the emergence of a delocalization phase for the PageRank vector when network parameters are changed. In the phase of localized PageRank, a delocalization takes place in the complex plane of eigenvalues of the matrix, leading to delocalized relaxation modes. We argue that the efficiency of information retrieval by Google-type search is strongly affected in the phase of delocalized PageRank.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Research done at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Reducing the Effects of Unequal Number of Games on Rankings

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    Ranking is an important mathematical process in a variety of contexts such as information retrieval, sports and business. Sports ranking methods can be applied both in and beyond the context of athletics. In both settings, once the concept of a game has been defined, teams (or individuals) accumulate wins, losses, and ties, which are then factored into the ranking computation. Many settings involve an unequal number of games between competitors. This paper demonstrates how to adapt two sports rankings methods, the Colley and Massey ranking methods, to settings where an unequal number of games are played between the teams. In such settings, the standard derivations of the methods can produce nonsensical rankings. This paper introduces the idea of including a super-user into the rankings and considers the effect of this fictitious player on the ratings. We apply such techniques to rank batters and pitchers in Major League baseball, professional tennis players, and participants in a free online social game. The ideas introduced in this paper can further the scope that such methods are applied and the depth of insight they offer

    Influence, originality and similarity in directed acyclic graphs

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    We introduce a framework for network analysis based on random walks on directed acyclic graphs where the probability of passing through a given node is the key ingredient. We illustrate its use in evaluating the mutual influence of nodes and discovering seminal papers in a citation network. We further introduce a new similarity metric and test it in a simple personalized recommendation process. This metric's performance is comparable to that of classical similarity metrics, thus further supporting the validity of our framework.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Thermodynamic formalism for dissipative quantum walks

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    We consider the dynamical properties of dissipative continuous-time quantum walks on directed graphs. Using a large-deviation approach we construct a thermodynamic formalism allowing us to define a dynamical order parameter, and to identify transitions between dynamical regimes. For a particular class of dissipative quantum walks we propose a quantum generalization of the the classical PageRank vector, used to rank the importance of nodes in a directed graph. We also provide an example where one can characterize the dynamical transition from an effective classical random walk to a dissipative quantum walk as a thermodynamic crossover between distinct dynamical regimes.Comment: 8 page

    Ranking and clustering of nodes in networks with smart teleportation

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    Random teleportation is a necessary evil for ranking and clustering directed networks based on random walks. Teleportation enables ergodic solutions, but the solutions must necessarily depend on the exact implementation and parametrization of the teleportation. For example, in the commonly used PageRank algorithm, the teleportation rate must trade off a heavily biased solution with a uniform solution. Here we show that teleportation to links rather than nodes enables a much smoother trade-off and effectively more robust results. We also show that, by not recording the teleportation steps of the random walker, we can further reduce the effect of teleportation with dramatic effects on clustering.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics-based centrality for general directed networks

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    Determining the relative importance of nodes in directed networks is important in, for example, ranking websites, publications, and sports teams, and for understanding signal flows in systems biology. A prevailing centrality measure in this respect is the PageRank. In this work, we focus on another class of centrality derived from the Laplacian of the network. We extend the Laplacian-based centrality, which has mainly been applied to strongly connected networks, to the case of general directed networks such that we can quantitatively compare arbitrary nodes. Toward this end, we adopt the idea used in the PageRank to introduce global connectivity between all the pairs of nodes with a certain strength. Numerical simulations are carried out on some networks. We also offer interpretations of the Laplacian-based centrality for general directed networks in terms of various dynamical and structural properties of networks. Importantly, the Laplacian-based centrality defined as the stationary density of the continuous-time random walk with random jumps is shown to be equivalent to the absorption probability of the random walk with sinks at each node but without random jumps. Similarly, the proposed centrality represents the importance of nodes in dynamics on the original network supplied with sinks but not with random jumps.Comment: 7 figure

    Adiabatic quantum algorithm for search engine ranking

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    We propose an adiabatic quantum algorithm for generating a quantum pure state encoding of the PageRank vector, the most widely used tool in ranking the relative importance of internet pages. We present extensive numerical simulations which provide evidence that this algorithm can prepare the quantum PageRank state in a time which, on average, scales polylogarithmically in the number of webpages. We argue that the main topological feature of the underlying web graph allowing for such a scaling is the out-degree distribution. The top ranked log(n)\log(n) entries of the quantum PageRank state can then be estimated with a polynomial quantum speedup. Moreover, the quantum PageRank state can be used in "q-sampling" protocols for testing properties of distributions, which require exponentially fewer measurements than all classical schemes designed for the same task. This can be used to decide whether to run a classical update of the PageRank.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; closer to published versio

    Grammar-Based Random Walkers in Semantic Networks

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    Semantic networks qualify the meaning of an edge relating any two vertices. Determining which vertices are most "central" in a semantic network is difficult because one relationship type may be deemed subjectively more important than another. For this reason, research into semantic network metrics has focused primarily on context-based rankings (i.e. user prescribed contexts). Moreover, many of the current semantic network metrics rank semantic associations (i.e. directed paths between two vertices) and not the vertices themselves. This article presents a framework for calculating semantically meaningful primary eigenvector-based metrics such as eigenvector centrality and PageRank in semantic networks using a modified version of the random walker model of Markov chain analysis. Random walkers, in the context of this article, are constrained by a grammar, where the grammar is a user defined data structure that determines the meaning of the final vertex ranking. The ideas in this article are presented within the context of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) of the Semantic Web initiative.Comment: First draft of manuscript originally written in November 200

    Ranking Spaces for Predicting Human Movement in an Urban Environment

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    A city can be topologically represented as a connectivity graph, consisting of nodes representing individual spaces and links if the corresponding spaces are intersected. It turns out in the space syntax literature that some defined topological metrics can capture human movement rates in individual spaces. In other words, the topological metrics are significantly correlated to human movement rates, and individual spaces can be ranked by the metrics for predicting human movement. However, this correlation has never been well justified. In this paper, we study the same issue by applying the weighted PageRank algorithm to the connectivity graph or space-space topology for ranking the individual spaces, and find surprisingly that (1) the PageRank scores are better correlated to human movement rates than the space syntax metrics, and (2) the underlying space-space topology demonstrates small world and scale free properties. The findings provide a novel justification as to why space syntax, or topological analysis in general, can be used to predict human movement. We further conjecture that this kind of analysis is no more than predicting a drunkard's walking on a small world and scale free network. Keywords: Space syntax, topological analysis of networks, small world, scale free, human movement, and PageRankComment: 11 pages, 5 figures, and 2 tables, English corrections from version 1 to version 2, major changes in the section of introduction from version 2 to