443 research outputs found

    Life in the Australian Bush in 1841

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    The African political experience since independence in the latter half of the Twentieth Century clearly discloses a sour story in need of a sober reflection. There have been different reasons advanced for the present situation or state of development, political or otherwise, in the African States. One of the most foremost reasons is the Leadership problem that the Continent happens to be riddled with. This problem is reflected in different spheres of life of the postcolonial African States. However, most riveting is the effect it has had on Governance. At most, the form of Governance in these countries, or more explicitly, the manner of governing in the same cannot be said to be good, as the qualities that are attached to Good Governance are lacking in these countries. Therefore, this paper is concerned with the reassessment of the African politics and a redirection of the same towards Good Governance especially at this point in African Development history, it is imperative that there be a turn - around from the corruptive form of Governance practiced in most African countries, to Good Governance since it is the most potent way to save Africa from doom and steer it towards the Development much needed

    Objective voice parameters in Colombian school workers with healthy voices

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    Objectives: To characterize the objective voice parameters among school workers, and to identify associated factors of three object

    Kajian Kecelakaan Kapal Di Pelabuhan Banten Menggunakan Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS)

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    Kecelakaan kapal yang tercatat dalam Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Kelas 1 Banten periode Desember 2012 hingga Januari 2014 menyatakan bahwa jenis kecelakaan yang terjadi di Pelabuhan Banten berupa tubrukan atau benturan, kebakaran, kandas dan tenggelam. Kecelakaan kapal jenis tubrukan merupakan kecelakaan yang sering terjadi di Pelabuhan Banten dengan presentase sebesar 63,64% sebanyak 7 kejadian. Penelitan ini memfokuskan terhadap jenis kecelakaan tubrukan kapal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengklasifikasikan penyebab tubrukan kapal kedalam HFACS dan menentukan rating penyebab tubrukan kapal berdasarkan AHP. Hasilidentifikasi dan klasifikasi penyebab tubrukan kapal berdasarkan faktor HFACS yaitu, unsafe acts (tindakan tidak aman) sebanyak 6 penyebab atau 40% dengan rating AHP sbesar 12.24%, preconditions for unsafe acts (kondisi tertentu penyebab tindakan tidak aman) sebanyak 4 penyebabatau 27% dengan rating AHP sebesar 8.51%, unsafe supervision (kesalahan pada pengawasan) sebanyak 2 penyebab atau 13% dengan rating AHP sebesar 8.24% dan organizational influences (pengaruh organisasi) sebanyak 3 penyebab atau 20% dengan rating AHP sebesar 10.84%


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran jenis sampah laut dan dampaknya terhadap kepadatan populasi dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos pada kawasan ekowisata mangrove di Kelurahan Oesapa Barat, Kota Kupang. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik observasi dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menemukan 9 jenis sampah laut tersebar di yang pada kawasan ekowisata mangrove, diantaranya sampah plastik, plastik berbusa, kain, gelas dan keramik, logam, kertas dan karton, karet, kayu serta jenis sampah lain-lain dengan nilai rata-rata komposisi jenis dan total kepadatan tertinggi terdapat sampah plastik yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata komposisi sebesar 92,32% dan nilai total kepadatan sebesar 9,622 item/m2. Makrozoobentos yang ditemukan sebanyak 13 jenis makrozoobentos yaitu jenis Nerita lineata, Centhium lutusum, Chicoreus capucinus, Cassidula nucleus, Clypeomorus batillariaeformis, Clypomerus pelucida, Cerithidae cingulate, Cerithium Cordium, Crassostrea cucullata, Anadara granossa, Coenobita brevimanus, Macrophtalimus hoscii dan jenis Metapenaus ensis dengan nilai kepadatan populasi berkisar antara 24-34 ind/m² atau berada pada kategori rendah dan nilai keanekaragamannya berkisar antara 1.457-2.207 yang menggambarkan kondisi struktur komunitas dan lingkungan perairan atau habitat makrozoobentos  pada lokasi penelitian ini dalam keadaan sudah mulai tertekan atau terkena dampak oleh faktor-faktor tertentu yang salah satunya adalah sampah laut. Kata Kunci: Sampah Laut, Makrozoobentos, Habitat, Pesisir, Plastik

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kelapa Sawit di Wilayah Kepolisian Sektor Sosa Kabupaten Padang Lawas Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The development of oil palm plantations not only thrive in big cities but also developing dikecamatan-districts in North Sumatra and the surrounding areas. Sosa is a district in North Sumatra Padang Lawas regency, that generally, people familiar with Sosa as cypress oil palm plantation area. Sosa has occurred in the district of palm oil theft were 41 cases with 73 suspects from the period of 2010 - in 2014. From lataer the back of pick-authors are interested in these issues in a scientific study. The research objective of this thesis: First, to determine the investigation of criminal theft of palm oil in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Second, to determine the obstacles faced in the investigation of criminal theft of oil palm in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Third, To know the efforts made.From the research, there are three main things that can disumpulkan. First, the investigation process is not running optimally because people still recognize indigenous settlement that does not have a strict sanctions. In addition to the habits of the people who do not want to report on and assume the process dikepolisian rambling and very long. Second, the existence of two inhibiting factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Such constraints include: lack of personnel, cultural / community customs, lack of funds and infrastructure. Third, To Overcome obstacles do undertakings addition of personnel, premises cooperating parties palm oil companies and communities Sosa and minimize the use of funds and utilize existing infrastructure.Suggestions author is the Police Sector should be more synergy Sosa and must firmly move quickly in tackling and prosecuting those responsible for the crime of theft of oil palm. Society must be cooperative in reporting and for palm oil businessmen in order to carry out the advice given by the Police Sector Sosa to set up security posts and also installing portals at certain points that are considered vulnerable

    Perancangan Media Sosial Fotografi Wisata Alam Lombok Timur

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    Kegiatan promosi yang memanfaatkan media sosial Instagram, Facebook dan Twitter. Kebanyakan di Indonesia ini yang dipromosikan adalah Pulau Bali yang sudah jelas banyak pengunjungnya. Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mempromosikan suatu daerah yang layak untuk dipromosikan dan masih minim promosi dari pihak-pihak daerahnya

    Ipteks Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan No 07 pada Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Manado

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    Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan No. 07" is a standard who control about fixed assets. The scope of this standard is applied to every unit of government who report their financial statement and sets about their accounting treatments. "Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan, dan Pelatihan Kota Manado" duty is to help the government organize some part of government's matter in regional civil servant's management and take responsibility in financial management as an accounting entity, must carry out their duty for budget's utilization. Based on the treatment applied, result shows that recognition, measurement, disclosure, depreciation, termination and elimination already match with "Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 71 Tahun 2010" about "Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah No. 07 Akuntansi Aset Tetap", but for termination and elimination of fixed assets didn't completely match with "Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan

    Analysis of Student Errors in Solving Mathematical Problems in Algebraic Forms Operation Material Based on Newman's Procedure

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    This study aims to discover the mistakes made by students, especially class VII students at Koka Christian Middle School, when solving math problems on algebraic operations using the Newman procedure. This research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The technique for collecting data used a written test by providing description questions that totaled 3 items and was supported by interviews with students and documentation. The subjects in this study were 16 students in class VII of Koka Christian Middle School who took the written test, and 3 of them were selected to be interviewed after a deliberation process. The results of the study showed that students made errors in solving math problems in the material for algebraic operations based on the Newman procedure, namely: 1). error in understanding the problem, where students need to write down what is known and asked by the problem or make examples in the form of variables. 2). problem transformation errors, where students cannot determine the mathematical model of the given problem or cannot determine the correct formula. 3). process skill errors, where students need clarification in the problem-solving steps due to errors in understanding the concept of algebraic operations. 4) final answer errors, where these errors result because students are wrong in the problem-solving process
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