840 research outputs found

    Novos desafios e oportunidades para as cooperativas vitivinícolas : a criação de rotas enológicas.

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    As mudanças que se estão a verificar nas zonas rurais como consequência da aplicação dos novos conceitos definidos pela Política Agrícola Comum (PAC) estão a originar que as cooperativas vitivinícolas enveredem por actividades complementares, tais como o turismo enológico. No presente trabalho apresentamos os primeiros resultados de um projecto de investigação onde se procura avaliar o potencial económico da introdução da actividade do enoturismo em três áreas geográficas (Montilla-Moriles e Alicante em Espanha, e Beira Interior em Portugal), baseada na qualidade do produto que oferecem e acordo com a sua classificação de Denominação de Origem. Para tal analisamos como se está a definir um movimento associativo que, tendo como base as tradicionais cooperativas vitivinícolas da região, está a possibilitar a criação de novos segmentos de mercado para dar resposta à procura originada por esta incipiente actividade turística.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovation of Coagulation-Flocculation Processes Using Biopolyelectrolytes and Zeta Potential for Water Reuse

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    The coagulation-flocculation process is one of the conventional technologies used for the treatment of different types of industrial wastewater. The zeta potential is a key parameter that allows to determine the effective pH, the type and the correct biopolyelectrolyte dose to return the water quality using coagulation-flocculation. In this chapter, we present the application of a natural cationic biopolyelectrolyte (chitosan) to make the separation and recovery of cellulose fiber more efficient and to increase the reuse of treated water from the pulp and paper industry. The result of the coagulation-flocculation test at pH 5.4 and a chitosan dose = 10 mg/L shows that the treated water has the following values: biochemical oxygen demand = 150 mg O2/L, turbidity = 5 FAU, total suspended solids = 2 mg/L, chemical oxygen demand = 200 mg/L and hardness = 250 mg CaCO3/L. The quality of water obtained allows its discharge to a natural water body, in which it is possible to continue with a biological treatment stage, or to reuse the treated water for the manufacture of paper. Additionally, this coagulation-flocculation process can be coupled to an advanced oxidation process to increase the quality of the water and mineralize the content of organic material

    High resistance against clindamycin, metronidazole and amoxicillin in Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolates of periodontal disease

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    Objectives: To test the antimicrobial sensitivity of two periodontal pathogens to a panel of five orally administrable antibiotics in periodontal disease. Study design: A total of 69 isolates of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis were processed using culture and biochemical tests. Selected colonies of A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis were used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of clindamycin, metronidazole, amoxicillin, moxifloxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. Results: Susceptibility testing revealed a sensitivity of 100% of A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis to moxifloxacin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid but moderate susceptibilities were found for the rest of antibiotics agents evaluated. Conclusions: The widespread use of antibiotics is reflected in the level of resistance of A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis in patients with periodontal infections. This suggests that antibiotic susceptibility testing is necessary to determine efficacy of antimicrobial agents. Clinical studies with antibiotics should take these differences into account

    On the Space Time of a Galaxy

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    We present an exact solution of the averaged Einstein's field equations in the presence of two real scalar fields and a component of dust with spherical symmetry. We suggest that the space-time found provides the characteristics required by a galactic model that could explain the supermassive central object and the dark matter halo at once, since one of the fields constitutes a central oscillaton surrounded by the dust and the other scalar field distributes far from the coordinate center and can be interpreted as a halo. We show the behavior of the rotation curves all along the background. Thus, the solution could be a first approximation of a ``long exposition photograph'' of a galaxy.Comment: 8 pages REVTeX, 11 eps figure

    Desarrollo de una ontología en el contexto de la web semántica a partir de un tesauro documental tradicional

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    A thesaurus is a documentary tool that is used to catalog and retrieve information in specialized environments. In the search for better alternatives in the representation of information resources, ontologies—in the context of the semantic web—are being seen as a new means of representing the knowledge that currently exists in thesauri, now that it has been demonstrated that ontologies make it possible to improve the precision and the reutilization of all kinds of knowledge. The objective of this work is to present an option for the migration of the traditional documentary thesaurus to ontology in the environment of the semantic web, with the objective of permitting its use in document retrieval

    Possible Explosive Dispersal Outflow in IRAS 16076-5134 revealed with ALMA

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    We present 0.9 mm continuum and CO (3-2) line emission observations retrieved from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) archive toward the high-mass star formation region IRAS 16076-5134. We identify fourteen dense cores with masses between 0.3 to 22 M_{\odot}. We find an ensemble of filament-like CO (3-2) ejections from -62 to +83 km s1^{-1} that appear to arise radially from a common central position, close to the dense core MM8. The ensemble of filaments, has a quasi-isotropic distribution in the plane of the sky. The radial velocity of several filaments follow a linear velocity gradient, incresing from a common origin. Considering the whole ensemble of filaments, we estimate its total mass to be 138 and 216 M_{\odot} from its CO emission, for 70 K and 140 K respectively. Also, assuming a constant velocity expansion of the filaments (of 83 km s1^{-1}) we estimate the dynamical age of the outflowing material (3500 years), its momentum (~104^{4} M_{\odot} km s1^{-1}) and its kinetic energy (~104849^{48-49} erg). The morphology and kinematics presented by the filaments suggest the presence of a dispersal outflow with explosive characteristics in IRAS 16076-5134. In addition, we make a raw estimate of the lower limit of the frequency rate of the explosive dispersal outflows in the Galaxy (one every 110 years) considering constant star formation rate and efficiency with respect to the galactocentric radius of the Galaxy. This may imply a comparable rate of dispersal outflows and supernovae (approximately one every 50 years), which may be important for the energy budget of the Interstellar Medium and the link between dispersal outflows and high-mass star formation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. ApJ accepte

    Caso de precipitaciones convectivas muy intensas con nubes de desarrollo moderado: 21-9-95. Parte II: entornos sinóptico y mesoescalar

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    Ponencia presentada en: IV Simposio Nacional de Predicción del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, celebrado en 1999 en MadridLas mayores cantidades y más altas intensidades de precipitación convectiva del día 21 de septiembre de 1995, tuvieron lugar entre el final de la tarde y primeras horas de la noche sobre el litoral del Maresme, Barcelonés, Baix Llobregat y Garraf, como se describe detalladamente en la Parte I de este estudio (R. Pascual y E. Terradellas, 1996). El análisis de las condiciones sinópticas y mesoescalares, necesarias y favorables para la formación de chubascos intensos en áreas mediterráneas permite destacar, en este caso, la posible preeminencia de mecanismos de ascenso forzado desde niveles bajos relacionados con las brisas costeras y la orografía. El análisis de datos de suelo, aerológicos y del modelo HIRLAM, operativo en el INM, indican modificación del perfil de la estabilidad vertical por advección diferencial en niveles troposféricos medios y bajos y la no existencia de forzamiento inhibidor descendente de la convección, como factores ambientales contributivos a esta convección de otoño

    Evolution of the Schr\"odinger--Newton system for a self--gravitating scalar field

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    Using numerical techniques, we study the collapse of a scalar field configuration in the Newtonian limit of the spherically symmetric Einstein--Klein--Gordon (EKG) system, which results in the so called Schr\"odinger--Newton (SN) set of equations. We present the numerical code developed to evolve the SN system and topics related, like equilibrium configurations and boundary conditions. Also, we analyze the evolution of different initial configurations and the physical quantities associated to them. In particular, we readdress the issue of the gravitational cooling mechanism for Newtonian systems and find that all systems settle down onto a 0--node equilibrium configuration.Comment: RevTex file, 19 pages, 26 eps figures. Minor changes, matches version to appear in PR