36 research outputs found

    Адаптивний алгоритм реалізації постійного зниження літака

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    In this article we describe the main aspects of continuous descent operations (CDO). Advantages of CDO application are discussing. CDO can enable several specific strategic objectives to be met and should therefore be considered for inclusion within any airspace concept or redesign. Considered also is the general adaptive algorithm of the forecast of continuous descent path and described influence of wind on the flight pathOписываются основные аспекты применения процедуры непрерывного снижения (CDO). Обсуждаются преимущества применения CDO. Данная процедура может способствовать достижению ряда конкретных стратегических целей и поэтому должна предусматриваться в любой концепции или изменяемой структуре воздушного  пространства. Кроме того, в работе рассмотрен общий адаптивный алгоритм прогноза траектории непрерывного снижения и описано влияние ветра на данную траекториюOписано основні аспекти застосування процедури неперервного зниження (CDO). Обговорюються переваги застосування CDO. Дана процедура може сприяти досягненню цілого ряду конкретних стратегічних цілей і має передбачуватись у будь-якій концепції чи змінній структурі повітряного простору. Також розглянуто загальний адаптивний алгоритм урахування впливу вітру на траєкторію польоту літака й описано вплив вітру на дану траєкторі

    Incorporation of pollen data in source maps is vital for pollen dispersion models

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    Information about distribution of pollen sources, i.e. their presence and abundance in a specific region, is important especially when atmospheric transport models are applied to forecast pollen concentrations. The goal of this study is to evaluate three pollen source maps using an atmospheric transport model and study the effect on the model results by combining these source maps with pollen data. Here we evaluate three maps for the birch taxon: (1) a map derived by combining land cover data and forest inventory; (2) a map obtained from land cover data and calibrated using model simulations and pollen observations; (3) a statistical map resulting from analysis of forest inventory and forest plot data. The maps were introduced to the Enviro-HIRLAM (Environment – High Resolution Limited Area Model) as input data to simulate birch pollen concentrations over Europe for the birch pollen season 2006. 18 model runs were performed using each of the selected maps in turn with and without calibration with observed pollen data from 2006. The model results were compared with the pollen observation data at 12 measurement sites located in Finland, Denmark and Russia.We show that calibration of the maps using pollen observations significantly improved the model performance for all three maps. The findings also indicate the large sensitivity of the model results to the source maps and agree well with other studies on birch showing that pollen or hybrid-based source maps provide the best model performance. This study highlights the importance of including pollen data in the production of source maps for pollen dispersion modelling and for exposure studies


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    The review describes modern approaches to pain relief in the patients after total knee and hip replacement. It covers the principles of multi-modal analgesia, benefits and drawbacks of such ways of pain relief as intravenous analgesia with opioids, spinal and epidural analgesia; it compares different variants of peripheral blocks, and puts some light on a relatively new method of local periarticular infiltration anesthesia.The authors agree that further research is needed to optimize post-operative pain relief after total knee and hip replacement.В обзоре представлены современные подходы к обезболиванию пациентов после операций тотального эндопротезирования коленного и тазобедренного суставов. Затронуты принципы мультимодальной анальгезии, рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки таких способов обезболивания, как внутривенная анальгезия опиоидами, спинальная и эпидуральная анальгезия, проведено сравнение различных вариантов периферических блокад, а также освещен сравнительно новый метод местной периартикулярной инфильтрационной анестезии.Авторы разделяют мнение о необходимости дальнейших исследований, направленных на оптимизацию послеоперационного обезболивания после тотального эндопротезирования коленного и тазобедренного суставов

    Incorporation of pollen data in source maps is vital for pollen dispersion models (Discussion Paper)

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    Information about distribution of pollen sources, i.e. their presence and abundance in a specific region, is important especially when atmospheric transport models are applied to forecast pollen concentrations. The goal of this study is to evaluate three pollen source maps using an atmospheric transport model and study the effect on the model results by combining these source maps with pollen data. Here we evaluate three maps for the birch taxon: (1) a map derived by combining land cover data and forest inventory; (2) a map obtained from land cover data and calibrated using model simulations and pollen observations; (3) a statistical map resulting from analysis of forest inventory and forest plot data. The maps were introduced to the Enviro-HIRLAM (Environment – High Resolution Limited Area Model) as input data to simulate birch pollen concentrations over Europe for the birch pollen season 2006. 18 model runs were performed using each of the selected maps in turn with and without calibration with observed pollen data from 2006. The model results were compared with the pollen observation data at 12 measurement sites located in Finland, Denmark and Russia.We show that calibration of the maps using pollen observations significantly improved the model performance for all three maps. The findings also indicate the large sensitivity of the model results to the source maps and agree well with other studies on birch showing that pollen or hybrid-based source maps provide the best model performance. This study highlights the importance of including pollen data in the production of source maps for pollen dispersion modelling and for exposure studies

    Method of Formation of Tracheo-Tracheal Anastomosis with a Continuous Single-Row Suture in the Experiment

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    The work is devoted toanew suture in the formation of tracheo-tracheal anastomosis. Despite the improvement of surgical technique in tracheal interventions, the number of postoperative complications (insufficiency and stenosis of anastomosis) remains high, with postoperative lethality reaching 18.2 %. The main problem is the lack of a unified point of view on the choice of the method of anastomosis, in particular, inclusion in the mucosal suture. Several variants of tracheo-tracheal anastomosis are suggested, but a large number of complications testify to the shortcomings of the methods used.The aim of this work is to optimize the imposition of a continuous single-row suture for the formation of tracheo-tracheal anastomosis with a shortening of the trachea.Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the scientific department of experimental surgery with the vivarium of Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology using Wistar rats, and approved by the ethical committee.Results. A technique for the formation of tracheo-tracheal anastomosis with the use of an original continuous singlerow suture with a shortening of the trachea was developed. Step by step a sequence of operations from access to the cervical trachea to the formation of an anastomosis.Conclusion. The discussed version of the seam in the formation of tracheo-tracheal anastomosis makes it possible to accurately compare and reliably stabilize the sewn ends of the trachea

    Incorporation of pollen data in source maps is vital for pollen dispersion models

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    Information about distribution of pollen sources, i.e. their presence and abundance in a specific region, is important, especially when atmospheric transport models are applied to forecast pollen concentrations. The goal of this study is to evaluate three pollen source maps using an atmospheric transport model and study the effect on the model results by combining these source maps with pollen data. Here we evaluate three maps for the birch taxon: (1) a map derived by combining a land cover data and forest inventory, (2) a map obtained from land cover data and calibrated using model simulations and pollen observations, and (3) a statistical map resulting from analysis of forest inventory and forest plot data. The maps were introduced to the Enviro-HIRLAM (Environment – High Resolution Limited Area Model) as input data to simulate birch pollen concentrations over Europe for the birch pollen season 2006. A total of 18 model runs were performed using each of the selected maps in turn with and without calibration with observed pollen data from 2006. The model results were compared with the pollen observation data at 12 measurement sites located in Finland, Denmark, and Russia. We show that calibration of the maps using pollen observations significantly improved the model performance for all three maps. The findings also indicate the large sensitivity of the model results to the source maps and agree well with other studies on birch showing that pollen or hybrid-based source maps provide the best model performance. This study highlights the importance of including pollen data in the production of source maps for pollen dispersion modelling and for exposure studies.</p


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    In this study we investigated the anatomy of thyroid and parathyroid glands of female Wistar rats line. Thyroid gland consists of two lateral lobes, the right and left, and the isthmus. Each lobe has cranial and caudal poles. Cranial poles of the lateral lobes of thyroid gland reach the height of the cricoid cartilage or the caudal edge of thyroid cartilage plates. Caudal poles of the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland come down below the isthmus and reach the level of 4-5th tracheal rings. The isthmus joins both thyroid lobes and is in front of the trachea (on the level from the 1st to the 3rd or from the 2nd to the 4th tracheal cartilages). Parathyroid glands are pair rounded organs, up to 1-1,2 mm in diameter, yellow-cream and are placed in the upper third of both lobes of the thyroid gland on laterocranial surfaces. The blood supply comes from the cranial thyroid artery and at the localization in the middle third of thyroid gland lobes - partially from caudal thyroid artery. Venous drainage is carried out in the veins corresponding to the arteries. The correlation between the age of the animal with the anatomical structure of the parathyroid glands was revealed: with increasing age of the animal connective tissue capsule becomes severe, the parathyroid gland is differentiated from the tissues of the thyroid gland and rises above its surface. From the point of view of experimental modeling of abnormalities of the thyroid and parathyroid glands it is necessary to take into account the identified feature and to use the animals of least 10 months to study the pathogenic mechanisms of organ failure formation and to search new methods of correction

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of VEGF Effect on the Regeneration of the Anterior Tracheal Surface in the Early Postoperative Period

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    Background. Violation of the regeneration of the tracheal wall after undergoing reconstructive surgeries remains an urgent problem of modern surgery. One of the reasons for the violation of the regeneration processes is insufficient blood supply to the organ. Finding new ways to improve blood flow is a promising area of research.Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of VEGF effect on the regeneration of the anterior tracheal surface in the early postoperative period.Materials and methods. The study included 60 male Wistar rats at the age of 10 months. All animals underwent tracheal reconstructive surgery; the animals were divided into three groups: group 1 – without medicinal film, group 2 – with prolonged-release medicinal film, group 3 – with prolonged-release medicinal film containing VEGF. The sampling of histological material was carried out on days 3, 7 and 21 of the study, using morphometry to determine the thickness of the tracheal wall, the thickness of the postoperative scar, the area of the surgical intervention zone, the area of the vessels, the ratio of the thickness of the postoperative scar to the wall thickness trachea and the ratio of the area of the vessels to the area of the surgical intervention zone.Results. It was revealed that when exposed to a long-acting medicinal film containing VEGF, significant histological changes occurred on day 7 of the study. In groups 1 and 2, healing occurred by day 21 and was accompanied by defects of the mucous membrane and cartilage. On day 7 in group 3, there was a complete epithelialization of the tracheal wall, an increase in the number of newly formed vessels and glands in the area of surgical intervention. Healing was carried out with a thin postoperative scar without defects in all layers of the tracheal wall.Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the stimulating effect of VEGF on the regeneration of the tracheal wall in the early postoperative period after undergoing reconstructive surgery. The use of VEGF reduces the time of postoperative wound healing and preserves the anatomical structure of the tracheal wall