741 research outputs found

    The thin blue line-up: Comparing eyewitness performance by police and civilians

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    Police officers are often believed to provide more reliable testimony than civilian eyewitnesses. We reviewed the available empirical evidence for this belief. There is some evidence to suggest that police officers do indeed report more accurate details about witnessed events than civilians do, particularly concerning crime-relevant details. That research finding does not translate directly to practice, however, since an average difference between police and civilian witnesses does not mean that a particular police officer in a specific case should be believed over a particular civilian eyewitness. More importantly, police officers are no better than civilians at identifying a perpetrator from a line-up and may even be more likely to make a false identification. Because eyewitness misidentifications have far more severe consequences than misreported event details, expert witnesses in court should warn decision-makers that police officers are at least as likely as the average eyewitness to falsely identify an innocent person

    Ensuring Integrated Water Resource Management in Tanzania Benefits All

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    The introduction of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the early 1990s by international donors has led to some important new knowledge about availability and uses of water resources in Tanzania. However, more needs to be done to recognise the priorities of the rural majority of small-scale users, and not just those of donors, the environmental lobby and foreign investors in land and water. Greater efforts also need to be made by the basin offices to regulate high-impact users, and to work with existing district and local government structures that have developed and managed water to serve the rural majority since independence, rather than create additional top-down parallel institutional layers.Norwegian Research Counci

    Еліпсис – один із найважливіших шляхів поповнення складу мінімальних фразеологічних одиниць

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    Стаття присвячена актуальній науковій проблемі, пов'язаній із аналізом спеціального фрагмента фразеологічного корпусу української мови - мінімальним ідіомам. Описуються два види фразеологічного еліпсиса.Статья посвящена актуальной научной проблеме, связанной с анализом специального фрагмента фразеологического корпуса украинского языка - минимальным идиомам. Описываются два вида фразеологического элипсиса.The article is dedicated to the scientific actual problem, connected with the analysis of special fragment in phraseological structure of the Ukrainian language - minimal idioms. Two types of phraseological ellipsis described

    Formal water rights in rural Tanzania: Deepening the dichotomy?

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    Water rights / Water law / Water scarcity / Water use / Water users’ associations / Irrigation water / Cost recovery

    Greenpoint Sonsbeek : bezoekerscentrum Sonsbeek als initiator, facilitator en organisator voor het ontwikkelen, ontsluiten en verbinden van kennis in lokale groene netwerken

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    Bezoekerscentrum Sonsbeek heeft de vraag opgeworpen of zij de rol van kenniscentrum over het stedelijk groen in Arnhem zou kunnen oppakken en hoe zij dat zou kunnen vormgeven. Het rapport beschrijft een aantal ‘best practices’; inspirerende projecten en activiteiten gerelateerd aan ‘groen in de stad’. Bezoekerscentrum Sonsbeek kan inspiratie opdoen en lessen trekken uit de kansen en knelpunten van deze ‘best practices'. Een kenmerk van Sonsbeek is een grote inzet van vrijwilligers. Om tot een greenpoint te komen, is vrijwilligersbeleid gewenst

    Tuning stability of titania-supported Fischer-Tropsch catalysts:Impact of surface area and noble metal promotion

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    Cobalt oxidation is a relevant deactivation pathway of titania-supported cobalt catalysts used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS). To work towards more stable catalysts, we studied the effect of the surface area of the titania support and noble metal promotion on cobalt oxidation under simulated high conversion conditions. Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to follow the evolution of cobalt during reduction and FTS operation as a function of the steam pressure. The reduction of the oxidic cobalt precursor becomes more difficult due to stronger metal-support interactions when the titania surface area is increased. The reducibility was so low for cobalt on GP350 titania (surface area 283 m2/g) that the catalytical activity was negligible. Although cobalt was more difficult to reduce on P90 titania (94 m2/g) than on commonly used P25 titania (50 m2/g), the Co/P90 catalyst showed increased resistance against cobalt sintering and higher FTS performance than Co/P25. The addition of platinum to Co/P90 led to a higher reduction degree of cobalt and a higher cobalt dispersion, representing a catalyst with promising performance at relatively low steam pressure. Nevertheless, the stronger cobalt-titania interactions result in more extensive deactivation at high steam pressure due to oxidation.</p

    Spirituele waarden van natuur. Een analyse van de ervaring van spiritualiteit in relatie tot bomen en bos

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    Via een beperkt empirisch onderzoek is getracht een beter inzicht te verkrijgen in de (spirituele) beleving van de natuu

    Differences in Tumor-Associated Protein Levels among Middle-Age Flemish Women in Association with Area of Residence and Exposure to Pollutants

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    We measured tumor-associated proteins (TAPs) and pollutants in blood, serum, and urine of 200 nonsmoking women 50–65 years of age, residing in the rural municipality of Peer or in Hoboken or Wilrijk, industrial suburbs of Antwerp, Belgium. Persons with occupational exposures or commuting to other towns were excluded. Residents from Hoboken had significantly higher levels of blood lead and serum zinc and polychlorinated biphenyls. Surprisingly, residents of Peer had significantly higher levels of serum cadmium, dioxin-like activity in blood fat, and urinary 1-hydroxypyrene. For 5 of the 12 TAPs assessed in this study, we observed significant differences in serum levels among residents of the three municipalities after adjusting for personal or lifestyle parameters. Although we found levels of internal exposure to pollutants to be quite homogeneous in Flanders, we found significantly higher levels of TAPs only in the industrial suburbs. In multiple regression with all 29 available personal, lifestyle, and internal exposure parameters, blood lead levels showed a positive association with serum levels of anti-p53, carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA), and tissue polypeptide–specific antigen (TPS) and with an index for mean TAP level (I(tap)); dioxin-like activity in serum and serum copper showed a positive association with serum CA 125 (cancer antigen 125); and serum zinc showed a positive association with serum levels of c-erbB-2 ectodomain and TPS. An index of internal exposure showed a positive association with serum levels of both CEA and anti-p53 and with I(tap). This study provides some evidence that levels of internal exposure such as those present in Flanders, in particular concerning lead, are indeed associated with biologic effects

    Migraine and vascular disease biomarkers: A population-based case-control study.

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    Background The underpinnings of the migraine-stroke association remain uncertain, but endothelial activation is a potential mechanism. We evaluated the association of migraine and vascular disease biomarkers in a community-based population. Methods Participants (300 women, 117 men) were recruited as a part of the Dutch CAMERA 1 (Cerebral Abnormalities in Migraine, an Epidemiologic Risk Analysis) study. Participants were aged 30-60 (mean 48) years, 155 migraine had with aura (MA), 128 migraine without aura (MO), and 134 were controls with no severe headaches. Plasma concentrations of fibrinogen, Factor II, D-dimer, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and von Willebrand factor antigen were compared between groups, also stratifying by sex. Results Fibrinogen and hs-CRP were elevated in migraineurs compared to controls. In logistic regression analyses, MO and MA had increased likelihood of elevated fibrinogen, and MA had increased likelihood of elevated Factor II and hs-CRP. Fibrinogen and Factor II were associated with MA in women but not men. In the migraine subgroup, the total number of years of aura, but not headache, predicted elevated hs-CRP, and the average number of aura, but not headache, attacks predicted all biomarkers but Factor II. Conclusions Elevated vascular biomarkers were associated with migraine, particularly MA, as well as with years of aura and number of aura attacks