221 research outputs found

    Influence of Internet Communication on the Thematic Organization of the Sermon

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    В исследовании описывается влияние интернет-коммуникации на содержание проповедей, читаемых в Новоапостольской церкви. Автор приходит к выводу, что в проповедях в связи со сменой формата проведения богослужений появляется ситуативная тема, отражающая эти изменения.The study describes the impact of Internet communication in the New Apostolic Church on the content of sermons. The author concludes that in sermons, due to the change in the format of worship, a situational theme appears that reflects these changes

    Language Reflection of New Reality in Religious Internet Media

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    In the context of the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, religious communities create and use the Internet media, because parishioners are prohibited from visiting temples. For this reason, the New Apostolic Church in Russia is creating a YouTube channel. It is a regional online media and site for online worship. This affects the content of the liturgy and the individual genres included in it. In this work, the object is the texts of prayers and sermons created during the online service in the New Apostolic Church. The subject of the research is the linguistic features of texts that have appeared due to the use of a new communication channel. Linguistic analysis of the texts showed that not only New Apostolic Christians, but also Internet users connected to the broadcast of the service, become the addressee of the sermon, the sender and the object of prayer.В условиях распространения коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 религиозные сообщества вынуждены использовать новые средства коммуникации, поскольку доступ в храм оказывается ограничен для прихожан. По этой причине Новоапостольская церковь в России создает YouTube-канал, служащий региональным интернет-СМИ и площадкой для проведения онлайн- богослужений. Это приводит к изменению литургии и содержания отдельных жанров, входящих в нее. Так, в данном исследовании объектом выступают тексты молитв и сопроповедей, созданные в ходе онлайн-богослужения в Новоапостольской церкви. Предметом исследования являются языковые особенности текстов перечисленных жанров, обусловленные использованием нового канала коммуникации. Лингвистический анализ текстов показал, что адресатом проповеди, адресантом и объектом молитвы становятся не только новоапостольские христиане, но и пользователи интернета, подключенные к трансляции богослужения, чью конфессиональную принадлежность установить невозможно

    The Annenkirche Phenomenon: the Promotion of the Church in the Social Network

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    В настоящее время происходит активный процесс медиатизации религии. Представители конфессий получают возможность создавать интернет-сообщества на различных площадках 262 с целью общения и распространения информации о своей деятельности. Сегодня яркий пример использования социальной сети для повышения узнаваемости церкви не только в религиозном, но и в социальном пространстве показывает местная религиозная организация «Евангелическо-лютеранский приход Святой Анны (Анненкирхе) в Санкт-Петербурге». Цель данного исследования — выявить основные способы продвижения церкви в социальной сети «ВКонтакте». Объектом исследования выступают публикации в сообществе церкви, предметом — их лингвистические особенности. В результате исследования выявлено, что продвижению церкви в социальной сети способствует использование сообщества «ВКонтакте» как рекламной площадки, поскольку основной корпус публикаций представляет собой посты с анонсами о культурных мероприятиях, регулярно организуемых в Анненкирхе. Такие публикации, как правило, наряду с религиозной лексикой, содержат эмоционально-окрашенные слова, создающие положительную тональность текстов.Currently there is an active process of mediatization of religion. The representatives of denominations have the opportunity to create internet communities on different sites in order to communicate and spread information about their activities. The local religious organization “Saint Anna Evangelical Lutheran Parish (Annenkirche) in St. Petersburg” shows a bright example of using social networks to increase church awareness not only in religious but also in social space. The aim 263 of this study is to identify the main ways of church promotion in the social network VKontakte. The object of the study is the publications in the church community, the subject is their linguistic features. The study revealed that the church promotion in the social network is facilitated by the use of the community VKontakte as an advertising platform, as the bulk of the publications are posts with announcements of cultural events, regularly organized in Annenkirche. Such publications tend to contain emotionally coloured words along with religious vocabulary, creating a positive tone to the texts

    Flt3L-Mediated expansion of plasmacytoid dendritic cells suppresses HIV infection in humanized mice

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (plasmacytoid DC, pDC) are major IFN-I producers and have been shown to be affected by HIV through ill-defined mechanisms. In this study, we directly assess the role of pDC in early infection, evaluating whether modulating their abundance can alter viral replication. First, HIV infection of humanized mice induces systemic depletion of pDC, and in the presence of soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt3L), pDC levels remain elevated. Flt3L significantly delays the onset of viremia and reduces viral replication via a process that is dependent on pDC and mediated through an enhanced early IFN-I response. pDC from Flt3L-treated mice are more prone to express IFN-a following TLR7 stimulation, but this propensity is gradually decreased during infection. In conclusion, maintaining pDC levels and function is key to effective early viral control, and in this context, these findings provide practical insights for anti-HIV strategies and vaccine design

    Effect of Differential N-linked and O-linked Mannosylation on Recognition of Fungal Antigens by Dendritic Cells

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    BACKGROUND. An experimental approach for improving vaccine efficacy involves targeting antigens to mannose receptors (MRs) on dendritic cells (DCs) and other professional antigen presenting cells. Previously, we demonstrated that mannosylated Pichia pastoris-derived recombinant proteins exhibited increased immunogenicity compared to proteins lacking mannosylation. In order to gain insight into the mechanisms responsible for this observation, the present study examined the cellular uptake of the mannosylated and deglycosylated recombinant proteins. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS. Utilizing transfected cell lines, roles for the macrophage mannose receptor (MMR, CD206) and DC-SIGN (CD209) in the recognition of the mannosylated, but not deglycosylated, antigens were demonstrated. The uptake of mannosylated antigens into murine bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDCs) was inhibited by yeast mannans (YMs), suggesting a mannose-specific C-type lectin receptor-dependent process, while the uptake of deglycosylated antigens remained unaffected. In particular, antigens with both N-linked and extensive O-linked mannosylation showed the highest binding and uptake by BMDCs. Finally, confocal microscopy studies revealed that both mannosylated and deglycosylated P. pastoris-derived recombinant proteins localized in MHC class II+ compartments within BMDCs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE. Taken together with our previous results, these data suggest that increased uptake by mannose-specific C-type lectin receptors is the major mechanism responsible for the enhanced antigenicity seen with mannosylated proteins. These findings have important implications for vaccine design and contribute to our understanding of how glycosylation affects the immune response to eukaryotic pathogens.National Institutes of Health (RO1 AI25780, RO1 AI37532

    Targeting ErbB2 and ErbB3 with a bispecific single-chain Fv enhances targeting selectivity and induces a therapeutic effect in vitro

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    Inappropriate signalling through the EGFR and ErbB2/HER2 members of the epidermal growth factor family of receptor tyrosine kinases is well recognised as being causally linked to a variety of cancers. Consequently, monoclonal antibodies specific for these receptors have become increasingly important components of effective treatment strategies for cancer. Increasing evidence suggests that ErbB3 plays a critical role in cancer progression and resistance to therapy. We hypothesised that co-targeting the preferred ErbB2/ErbB3 heterodimer with a bispecific single-chain Fv (bs-scFv) antibody would promote increased targeting selectivity over antibodies specific for a single tumour-associated antigen (TAA). In addition, we hypothesised that targeting this important heterodimer could induce a therapeutic effect. Here, we describe the construction and evaluation of the A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv (ALM), an anti-ErbB3/ErbB2 bs-scFv. The A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv exhibits selective targeting of tumour cells in vitro and in vivo that co-express the two target antigens over tumour cells that express only one target antigen or normal cells that express low levels of both antigens. The A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv also exhibits significantly greater in vivo targeting of ErbB2‘+'/ErbB3‘+' tumours than derivative molecules that contain only one functional arm targeting ErbB2 or ErbB3. Binding of ALM to ErbB2‘+'/ErbB3‘+' cells mediates inhibition of tumour cell growth in vitro by effectively targeting the therapeutic anti-ErbB3 A5 scFv. This suggests both that ALM could provide the basis for an effective therapeutic agent and that engineered antibodies selected to co-target critical functional pairs of TAAs can enhance the targeting specificity and efficacy of antibody-based cancer therapeutics

    Porcine Sialoadhesin (CD169/Siglec-1) Is an Endocytic Receptor that Allows Targeted Delivery of Toxins and Antigens to Macrophages

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    Sialoadhesin is exclusively expressed on specific subpopulations of macrophages. Since sialoadhesin-positive macrophages are involved in inflammatory autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, and potentially in the generation of immune responses, targeted delivery of drugs, toxins or antigens via sialoadhesin-specific immunoconjugates may prove a useful therapeutic strategy. Originally, sialoadhesin was characterized as a lymphocyte adhesion molecule, though recently its involvement in internalization of sialic acid carrying pathogens was shown, suggesting that sialoadhesin is an endocytic receptor. In this report, we show that porcine sialoadhesin-specific antibodies and F(ab')2 fragments trigger sialoadhesin internalization, both in primary porcine macrophages and in cells expressing recombinant porcine sialoadhesin. Using chemical inhibitors, double immunofluorescence stainings and dominant-negative constructs, porcine sialoadhesin internalization was shown to be clathrin- and Eps15-dependent and to result in targeting to early endosomes but not lysosomes. Besides characterizing the sialoadhesin endocytosis mechanism, two sialoadhesin-specific immunoconjugates were evaluated. We observed that porcine sialoadhesin-specific immunotoxins efficiently kill sialoadhesin-expressing macrophages. Furthermore, porcine sialoadhesin-specific albumin immunoconjugates were shown to be internalized in macrophages and immunization with these immunoconjugates resulted in a rapid and robust induction of albumin-specific antibodies, this compared to immunization with albumin alone. Together, these data expand sialoadhesin functionality and show that it can function as an endocytic receptor, a feature that cannot only be misused by sialic acid carrying pathogens, but that may also be used for specific targeting of toxins or antigens to sialoadhesin-expressing macrophages