168 research outputs found

    Fairy tale therapy in a system of social pedagogical work with preschoolers

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    Спортивно-ориентированные технологии в физическом воспитании студенческой молодежи (на примере занятий волейболом)

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    У статті обґрунтовано необхідність впровадження спортивно-орієнтованої технології з пріоритетним використанням волейболу у фізичному вихованні, спрямовану на підвищення ефективності процесу фізичного виховання у вищому навчальному закладі, залучення студентів до фізкультурно-спортивних занять, підвищення їх рухової активності, розкриття рухового потенціалу молоді в студентські роки, підвищення спортивної та фізичної підготовленості. Використано такі методи дослідження теоретичний аналіз та узагальнення даних спеціальної літератури та документальних матеріалів; соціологічні методи дослідження; педагогічні методи дослідження; метод експертної оцінки, методи математичної статистики. Дослідження проводилися на базі Національного технічного університету України «КПІ». У дослідженнях брали участь студенти першого курсу, у якості експертів долучалися викладачі фізичного виховання вищих навчальних закладів. Визначено ставлення студентів до використання волейболу у заняттях фізичним вихованням. На основі експертної оцінки виявлено переваги занять з використанням засобів волейболу. Сформульовані основні принципи спортивно-орієнтованого фізичного виховання студентів на основі пріоритетного застосування спортивних ігор (на прикладі волейболу), що покладені в основу розробки технології. Спортивно-орієнтована технологія включає такі компоненти: мету, завдання, принципи, педагогічні умови, програму, критерії ефективності.The paper substantiates the need for the introduction of a sports-oriented technology with the priority use of volleyball in physical education, aimed at improving the efficiency of the physical education process in higher educational institutions, attracting students to physical culture and sports classes, increasing their physical activity, fulfilling of their physical potential in the student years, and enhancing sports and physical preparedness. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis and generalization of special literature data and documentary materials; sociological methods of research; pedagogical methods of research; the expert judgement method, and the methods of mathematical statistics. The study was carried out on the basis of the National technical university of Ukraine "KPI". The study involved first-year students; in addition, instructors of physical education of higher educational institutions were engaged as experts. The attitude of students toward the use of volleyball in physical education classes was determined. On the basis of expert evaluation, the advantages of the use of volleyball in physical education were identified. The main principles of the sports-oriented physical education of students on the basis of priority use of team sports (with an example of volleyball) were summarized that formed the basis for the development of technology. The sports-oriented technology includes the following components: the aim, objectives, principles, pedagogical conditions, program, and criteria of effectiveness.В статье обоснована необходимость внедрения спортивно-ориентированной технологии с приоритетным использованием волейбола в физическом воспитании, направленная на повышение эффективности процесса физического воспитания в высшем учебном заведении, привлечение студентов к физкультурно-спортивным занятиям, повышение их двигательной активности, улучшение двигательного потенциала молодежи в студенческие годы, повышение спортивной и физической подготовленности. Использованы следующие методы исследования теоретический анализ и обобщение данных специальной литературы и документальных материалов; социологические методы исследования; педагогические методы исследования; метод экспертной оценки, методы математической статистики. Исследования проводились на базе Национального технического университета Украины «КПИ». В исследованиях принимали участие студенты первого курса, в качестве экспертов привлекались преподаватели физического воспитания высших учебных заведений. Определено отношение студентов к использованию волейболу в занятиях физическим воспитанием. На основе экспертной оценки выявлены преимущества занятий с использованием средств волейбола. Сформулированы основные принципы спортивно-ориентированного физического воспитания студентов на основе применения приоритетности спортивных игр (на примере волейбола), положенные в основу разработки технологии. Спортивно-ориентированная технология включает следующие компоненты: цель, задачи, принципы, педагогические условия, программу, критерии эффективности

    Corporate culture in additional education establishments children

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    The concept «corporative culture» is divulged, taking into the account specificity of educational institution. The сorporative culture role as mean for the increasing of the labor motivation for the pedagogical collectivity is shown. The sources of formation of the corporative culture In new establishments of an additional education of children are definedРассмотрено понятие «корпоративная культура» с учетом специфики образовательного учреждения. Определены источники формирования корпоративной культуры в учреждениях дополнительного образования детей как средства повышения мотивации педагогического коллектив

    Tunka-Rex: the Cost-Effective Radio Extension of the Tunka Air-Shower Observatory

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    Tunka-Rex is the radio extension of the Tunka cosmic-ray observatory in Siberia close to Lake Baikal. Since October 2012 Tunka-Rex measures the radio signal of air-showers in coincidence with the non-imaging air-Cherenkov array Tunka-133. Furthermore, this year additional antennas will go into operation triggered by the new scintillator array Tunka-Grande measuring the secondary electrons and muons of air showers. Tunka-Rex is a demonstrator for how economic an antenna array can be without losing significant performance: we have decided for simple and robust SALLA antennas, and we share the existing DAQ running in slave mode with the PMT detectors and the scintillators, respectively. This means that Tunka-Rex is triggered externally, and does not need its own infrastructure and DAQ for hybrid measurements. By this, the performance and the added value of the supplementary radio measurements can be studied, in particular, the precision for the reconstructed energy and the shower maximum in the energy range of approximately 1017101810^{17}-10^{18}\,eV. Here we show first results on the energy reconstruction indicating that radio measurements can compete with air-Cherenkov measurements in precision. Moreover, we discuss future plans for Tunka-Rex.Comment: Proceeding of UHECR 2014, Springdale, Utah, USA, accepted by JPS Conference Proceeding

    Signal recognition and background suppression by matched filters and neural networks for Tunka-Rex

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    The Tunka Radio Extension (Tunka-Rex) is a digital antenna array, which measures the radio emission of the cosmic-ray air-showers in the frequency band of 30-80 MHz. Tunka-Rex is co-located with TAIGA experiment in Siberia and consists of 63 antennas, 57 of them are in a densely instrumented area of about 1 km\textsuperscript{2}. In the present work we discuss the improvements of the signal reconstruction applied for the Tunka-Rex. At the first stage we implemented matched filtering using averaged signals as template. The simulation study has shown that matched filtering allows one to decrease the threshold of signal detection and increase its purity. However, the maximum performance of matched filtering is achievable only in case of white noise, while in reality the noise is not fully random due to different reasons. To recognize hidden features of the noise and treat them, we decided to use convolutional neural network with autoencoder architecture. Taking the recorded trace as an input, the autoencoder returns denoised trace, i.e. removes all signal-unrelated amplitudes. We present the comparison between standard method of signal reconstruction, matched filtering and autoencoder, and discuss the prospects of application of neural networks for lowering the threshold of digital antenna arrays for cosmic-ray detection.Comment: ARENA2018 proceeding

    Improved measurements of the energy and shower maximum of cosmic rays with Tunka-Rex

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    The Tunka Radio Extension (Tunka-Rex) is an array of 63 antennas located in the Tunka Valley, Siberia. It detects radio pulses in the 30-80 MHz band produced during the air-shower development. As shown by Tunka-Rex, a sparse radio array with about 200 m spacing is able to reconstruct the energy and the depth of the shower maximum with satisfactory precision using simple methods based on parameters of the lateral distribution of amplitudes. The LOFAR experiment has shown that a sophisticated treatment of all individually measured amplitudes of a dense antenna array can make the precision comparable with the resolution of existing optical techniques. We develop these ideas further and present a method based on the treatment of time series of measured signals, i.e. each antenna station provides several points (trace) instead of a single one (amplitude or power). We use the measured shower axis and energy as input for CoREAS simulations: for each measured event we simulate a set of air-showers with proton, helium, nitrogen and iron as primary particle (each primary is simulated about ten times to cover fluctuations in the shower maximum due to the first interaction). Simulated radio pulses are processed with the Tunka-Rex detector response and convoluted with the measured signals. A likelihood fit determines how well the simulated event fits to the measured one. The positions of the shower maxima are defined from the distribution of chi-square values of these fits. When using this improved method instead of the standard one, firstly, the shower maximum of more events can be reconstructed, secondly, the resolution is increased. The performance of the method is demonstrated on the data acquired by the Tunka-Rex detector in 2012-2014.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th ICRC 2017, Busan, Kore

    Radio measurements of the energy and the depth of the shower maximum of cosmic-ray air showers by Tunka-Rex

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    We reconstructed the energy and the position of the shower maximum of air showers with energies E100E \gtrsim 100 PeV applying a method using radio measurements performed with Tunka-Rex. An event-to-event comparison to air-Cherenkov measurements of the same air showers with the Tunka-133 photomultiplier array confirms that the radio reconstruction works reliably. The Tunka-Rex reconstruction methods and absolute scales have been tuned on CoREAS simulations and yield energy and XmaxX_{\mathrm{max}} values consistent with the Tunka-133 measurements. The results of two independent measurement seasons agree within statistical uncertainties, which gives additional confidence in the radio reconstruction. The energy precision of Tunka-Rex is comparable to the Tunka-133 precision of 1515 %, and exhibits a 2020 % uncertainty on the absolute scale dominated by the amplitude calibration of the antennas. For XmaxX_{\mathrm{max}}, this is the first direct experimental correlation of radio measurements with a different, established method. At the moment, the XmaxX_{\mathrm{max}} resolution of Tunka-Rex is approximately 4040 g/cm2^2. This resolution can probably be improved by deploying additional antennas and by further development of the reconstruction methods, since the present analysis does not yet reveal any principle limitations.Comment: accepted for publication by JCA