15 research outputs found

    Cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), in sub-Saharan African farming landscapes: a review of the factors determining abundance

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    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a pest species complex that causes widespread damage to cassava, a staple food crop for millions of smallholder households in Sub-Saharan Africa. Species in the complex cause direct feeding damage to cassava and are the vectors of multiple plant viruses. Whilst significant work has gone into developing virus-resistant cassava cultivars, there has been little research effort aimed at understanding the ecology of these insect vectors. In this review we critically assess the knowledge base relating to factors that may lead to high population densities of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Bemisia tabaci species in cassava production landscapes of East Africa. We focus first on empirical studies that have examined biotic or abiotic factors that may lead to high populations. We then identify knowledge gaps that need to be filled to deliver long-term sustainable solutions to manage both the vectors and the viruses that they transmit. We found that whilst many hypotheses have been put forward to explain the increases in abundance witnessed since the early 1990s, there are little available published data and these tend to have been collected in a piecemeal manner. The most critical knowledge gaps identified were: (i) understanding how cassava cultivars and alternative host plants impact B. tabaci population dynamics and its natural enemies; (ii) the impact of natural enemies in terms of reducing the frequency of outbreaks and (iii) the use and management of insecticides to delay or avoid the development of resistance. In addition, there are several fundamental methodologies that need to be developed and deployed in East Africa to address some of the more challenging knowledge gaps

    Endophytes vs tree pathogens and pests: can they be used as biological control agents to improve tree health?

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    Like all other plants, trees are vulnerable to attack by a multitude of pests and pathogens. Current control measures for many of these diseases are limited and relatively ineffective. Several methods, including the use of conventional synthetic agro-chemicals, are employed to reduce the impact of pests and diseases. However, because of mounting concerns about adverse effects on the environment and a variety of economic reasons, this limited management of tree diseases by chemical methods is losing ground. The use of biological control, as a more environmentally friendly alternative, is becoming increasingly popular in plant protection. This can include the deployment of soil inoculants and foliar sprays, but the increased knowledge of microbial ecology in the phytosphere, in particular phylloplane microbes and endophytes, has stimulated new thinking for biocontrol approaches. Endophytes are microbes that live within plant tissues. As such, they hold potential as biocontrol agents against plant diseases because they are able to colonize the same ecological niche favoured by many invading pathogens. However, the development and exploitation of endophytes as biocontrol agents will have to overcome numerous challenges. The optimization and improvement of strategies employed in endophyte research can contribute towards discovering effective and competent biocontrol agents. The impact of environment and plant genotype on selecting potentially beneficial and exploitable endophytes for biocontrol is poorly understood. How endophytes synergise or antagonise one another is also an important factor. This review focusses on recent research addressing the biocontrol of plant diseases and pests using endophytic fungi and bacteria, alongside the challenges and limitations encountered and how these can be overcome. We frame this review in the context of tree pests and diseases, since trees are arguably the most difficult plant species to study, work on and manage, yet they represent one of the most important organisms on Earth

    Cassava mosaic geminiviruses associated with cassava mosaic disease in Rwanda

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    Cassava mosaic disease (CMD), and cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs), were investigated in a country-wide survey conducted in six cassava-producing prefectures (administrative regions) of Rwanda in 2001. CMD occurred throughout the country at an average incidence of 30%. Incidence was highest in Kigali (44%) and lowest in Butare (11%). Cutting infection resulting from the use of CMD-affected planting material was the main type of infection. Disease symptoms were generally severe, with little difference between cultivars or locations. Most affected plants lacked the ‘candle-stick’ symptoms characteristic of severe CMD associated with infection by the ‘Uganda Variant’ of East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV-UG2). PCR analysis detected two viruses in CMD-affected plants: African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and EACMV-UG2. ACMV predominated and occurred throughout the surveyed areas, whereas EACMV-UG2 was restricted to the prefectures of Byumba, which border south-western Uganda and Kibungo in south-eastern Rwanda. No dual infections were detected

    Deletion of a gene encoding an amino acid transporter in the midgut membrane causes resistance to a Bombyx parvo-like virus

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    Bombyx mori densovirus type 2 (BmDNV-2), a parvo-like virus, replicates only in midgut columnar cells and causes fatal disease. The resistance expressed in some silkworm strains against the virus is determined by a single gene, nsd-2, which is characterized as nonsusceptibility irrespective of the viral dose. However, the responsible gene has been unknown. We isolated the nsd-2 gene by positional cloning. The virus resistance is caused by a 6-kb deletion in the ORF of a gene encoding a 12-pass transmembrane protein, a member of an amino acid transporter family, and expressed only in midgut. Germ-line transformation with a wild-type transgene expressed in the midgut restores susceptibility, showing that the defective membrane protein is responsible for resistance. Cumulatively, our data show that the membrane protein is a functional receptor for BmDNV-2. This is a previously undescribed report of positional cloning of a mutant gene in Bombyx and isolation of an absolute virus resistance gene in insects