11 research outputs found

    Exploiting Phenylpropanoid Derivatives to Enhance the Nutraceutical Values of Cereals and Legumes

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    Phenylpropanoids are a diverse chemical class with immense health benefits that are biosynthesized from the aromatic amino acid L-phenylalanine. This article reviews the progress for accessing variation in phenylpropanoids in germplasm collections, the genetic and molecular basis of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and the development of cultivars dense in seed-phenylpropanoids. Progress is also reviewed on high-throughput assays, factors that influence phenylpropanoids, the site of phenylpropanoids accumulation in seed, Genotype × Environment interactions, and on consumer attitudes for the acceptance of staple foods rich in phenylpropanoids. A paradigm shift was noted in barley, maize, rice, sorghum, soybean, and wheat, wherein cultivars rich in phenylpropanoids are grown in Europe and North and Central America. Studies have highlighted some biological constraints that need to be addressed for development of high-yielding cultivars that are rich in phenylpropanoids. Genomics-assisted breeding is expected to facilitate rapid introgression into improved genetic backgrounds by minimizing linkage drag. More research is needed to systematically characterize germplasm pools for assessing variation to support crop genetic enhancement, and assess consumer attitudes to foods rich in phenylpropanoids

    El mundo según los libros de texto: análisis crítico del discurso aplicado a materiales de español LE/L2

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    Analizamos desde la óptica del Análisis Crítico del Discurso y la Pedagogía Crítica la representación de siete variables (clase social; diversidad étnicoracial; roles sociales; prácticas culturales; roles de género e identidades LGTBIQ+; edad; discapacidad) en cinco manuales de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) muy utilizados en España. Mediante un método inductivo-deductivo, un corpus de materiales multimedia (textos, audios, imágenes y vídeos) y el diseño de una parrilla con 19 subcategorías y 38 variables, el análisis desvela la construcción de una realidad idealizada sobre la sociedad española con importantes implicaciones pedagógicas, comerciales y políticas. Constatamos la creación de estereotipos culturales de corte neoliberal que contextualizan los usos lingüísticos y los valores socioculturales ofrecidos al aprendiz y la invisibilización de aspectos más controvertidos de la realidad social española.We study the representation of seven variables (social class; ethnic and racial diversity; social roles; cultural practices; gender roles and LGTBIQ+ identities; age; disability) from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Pedagogy in five Spanish as a Second Language textbooks widely used in Spain. We use an inductive-deductive methodology to study a corpus of multimedia materials (texts, audio recordings, images and videos) and design an observation grid with 19 sub-categories and 38 variables. This analysis reveals an idealised portrayal of Spanish society and highlights important pedagogical, economic and political implications. We show that linguistic uses and socio-cultural values offered to learners are set in a context of cultural stereotypes, presented with a neoliberal bias, that hide controversial elements of Spanish society

    Using a Xicana Feminist Framework in Bilingual Teacher Preparation: Toward an Anticolonial Path

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    Advances in the Functional Characterization and Extraction Processes of Dietary Fiber

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