292 research outputs found

    Anomalous specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD

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    We discuss the origin of the anomalous TlnT1T\ln T^{-1} behavior of the low-temperature entropy and specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD and report on a recent calculation which is complete to leading order in the coupling and which contains an infinite series of anomalous terms involving also fractional powers in TT. This result involves dynamical hard-dense-loop resummation and interpolates between Debye screening effects at larger temperatures and non-Fermi-liquid behavior from only dynamically screened magnetic fields at low temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of Strong and Electroweak Matter 2004 (SEWM04), Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 Jun 200

    Non-Fermi-Liquid Specific Heat of Normal Degenerate Quark Matter

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    We compute the low-temperature behavior of the specific heat of normal (non-color-superconducting) degenerate quark matter as well as that of an ultradegenerate electron gas. Long-range magnetic interactions lead to non-Fermi-liquid behavior with an anomalous leading TlnT1T\ln T^{-1} term. Depending on the thermodynamic potential used as starting point, this effect appears as a consequence of the logarithmic singularity in the fermion self-energy at the Fermi surface or directly as a contribution from the only weakly screened quasistatic magnetic gauge bosons. We show that a calculation of Boyanovsky and de Vega claiming the absence of a leading TlnT1T\ln T^{-1} term missed it by omitting vector boson contributions to the internal energy. Using a formulation which collects all nonanalytic contributions in bosonic ring diagrams, we systematically calculate corrections beyond the well-known leading-log approximation. The higher-order terms of the low-temperature expansion turn out to also involve fractional powers T(3+2n)/3T^{(3+2n)/3} and we explicitly determine their coefficients up to and including order T7/3T^{7/3} as well as the subsequent logarithmically enhanced term T3ln(c/T)T^3 \ln (c/T). We derive also a hard-dense-loop resummed expression which contains the infinite series of anomalous terms to leading order in the coupling and which we evaluate numerically. At low temperatures, the resulting deviation of the specific heat from its value in naive perturbation theory is significant in the case of strongly coupled normal quark matter and thus of potential relevance for the cooling rates of (proto-)neutron stars with a quark matter component.Comment: REVTEX, 26 pages, 5 postscript figures. v3: new chapter added which performs a complete hard-dense-loop resummation, covering the infinite series of anomalous terms and extending the range of applicability to all T << m

    Perturbative QCD at non-zero chemical potential: Comparison with the large-Nf limit and apparent convergence

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    The perturbative three-loop result for the thermodynamic potential of QCD at finite temperature and chemical potential as obtained in the framework of dimensional reduction is compared with the exact result in the limit of large flavor number. The apparent convergence of the former as well as possibilities for optimization are investigated. Corresponding optimized results for full QCD are given for the case of two massless quark flavors.Comment: REVTEX4, 4 pages, 3 color figures. v2: fig. 3 now includes also lattice data for two-flavor QCD at nonzero chemical potentia

    Comment on `Pressure of Hot QCD at large N_f'

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    It is argued why quasiparticle models can be useful to describe the thermodynamics of hot QCD excluding, however, the case of a large number of flavors, for which exact results have been calculated by Moore.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (version accepted for publication

    Anomalous specific heat in high-density QED and QCD

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    Long-range quasi-static gauge-boson interactions lead to anomalous (non-Fermi-liquid) behavior of the specific heat in the low-temperature limit of an electron or quark gas with a leading TlnT1T\ln T^{-1} term. We obtain perturbative results beyond the leading log approximation and find that dynamical screening gives rise to a low-temperature series involving also anomalous fractional powers T(3+2n)/3T^{(3+2n)/3}. We determine their coefficients in perturbation theory up to and including order T7/3T^{7/3} and compare with exact numerical results obtained in the large-NfN_f limit of QED and QCD.Comment: REVTEX4, 6 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor improvements, references added; v3: factor of 2 error in the T^(7/3) coefficient corrected and plots update

    Phase diagram at finite temperature and quark density in the strong coupling region of lattice QCD for color SU(3)

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    We study the phase diagram of quark matter at finite temperature (T) and chemical potential (mu) in the strong coupling region of lattice QCD for color SU(3). Baryon has effects to extend the hadron phase to a larger mu direction relative to Tc at low temperatures in the strong coupling limit. With the 1/g^2 corrections, Tc is found to decrease rapidly as g decreases, and the shape of the phase diagram becomes closer to that expected in the real world.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Shanghai, China, Nov. 14-20, 2006 (Quark Matter 2006

    Comment on and Erratum to "Pressure of Hot QCD at Large N_f"

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    We repeat and correct the recent calculation of the thermodynamic potential of hot QCD in the limit of large number N_f of fermions. The new result for the thermal pressure turns out to agree significantly better with results obtained from perturbation theory at small coupling. For large coupling, a nonmonotonic behaviour is reproduced, but the pressure of the strongly coupled theory does not exceed the free pressure as long as the Landau pole ambiguity remains negligible numerically.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, JHEP3; v2: version accepted for publication in JHEP (title changed, 1 footnote added, 1 reference updated, content otherwise unchanged

    Asymptotic thermal quark masses and the entropy of QCD in the large-N_f limit

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    We study the thermodynamics of QCD in the limit of large flavor number (N_f) and test the proposal to resum the physics of hard thermal loops (HTL) through a nonperturbative expression for the entropy obtained from a Phi-derivable two-loop approximation. The fermionic contribution to the entropy involves a full next-to-leading order evaluation of the asymptotic thermal quark mass, which is non-local, and for which only a weighted average value was known previously. For a natural choice of renormalization scale we find remarkably good agreement of the next-to-leading-order HTL results for the fermion self energy and in turn for the entropy with the respective exact large-N_f results even at very large coupling.Comment: REVTEX, 31 pages, 16 figure

    Ultra-strong laser pulses: streak-camera for gamma-rays via pair production and quantum radiative reaction

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    We show that a strong laser pulse combined with a strong x-ray pulse can be employed in a detection scheme for characterizing high-energy γ\gamma-ray pulses down to the zeptosecond timescale. The scheme employs streak imaging technique built upon the high-energy process of electron-positron pair production in vacuum through the collision of a test pulse with intense laser pulses. The role of quantum radiation reaction in multiphoton Compton scattering process and limitations imposed by it on the detection scheme are examined

    The pressure of deconfined QCD for all temperatures and quark chemical potentials

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    We present a new method for the evaluation of the perturbative expansion of the QCD pressure which is valid at all values of the temperature and quark chemical potentials in the deconfined phase and which we work out up to and including order g^4 accuracy. Our calculation is manifestly four-dimensional and purely diagrammatic -- and thus independent of any effective theory descriptions of high temperature or high density QCD. In various limits, we recover the known results of dimensional reduction and the HDL and HTL resummation schemes, as well as the equation of state of zero-temperature quark matter, thereby verifying their respective validity. To demonstrate the overlap of the various regimes, we furthermore show how the predictions of dimensional reduction and HDL resummed perturbation theory agree in the regime T~\sqrt{g}*mu. At parametrically smaller temperatures T~g*mu, we find that the dimensional reduction result agrees well with those of the nonstatic resummations down to the remarkably low value T~0.2 m_D, where m_D is the Debye mass at T=0. Beyond this, we see that only the latter methods connect smoothly to the T=0 result of Freedman and McLerran, to which the leading small-T corrections are given by the so-called non-Fermi-liquid terms, first obtained through HDL resummations. Finally, we outline the extension of our method to the next order, where it would include terms for the low-temperature entropy and specific heats that are unknown at present.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures; v2: minor corrections and clarifications, references added; v3: Fig 16 added, version accepted for publication in PR