1,030 research outputs found

    Аналіз тенденцій рівня розвитку економічних процесів підприємства

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    Подано методичні розробки щодо визначення ймовірної зміни рівнів розвитку економічних процесів машинобудівних підприємств залежно від рівня ефективності матеріальної мотивації персоналу на період 2010 р. Імовірну зміну рівня розвитку економічного процесу визначено за допомогою ланцюгів Маркова, що передбачає реалізацію шести послідовних етапів. Ключові слова: підприємства машинобудування, ланцюги Маркова, економічні процеси.Представлены методические разработки по определению вероятного изменения уровня развития экономических процессов предприятий машиностроения в зависимости от уровня эффективности материальной мотивации персонала на период 2010 г. Вероятное изменение уровня развития экономического процесса определено с помощью цепей Маркова, что предусматривает реализацию шести последовательных этапов. Ключевые слова: предприятия машино-стро¬ения, цепи Маркова, экономические процессы.The paper presents methodical developments on determination of probable changes in the level of machine-build enterprises’ economic processes development depending on the level of personnel’s material motivation efficiency for the period of 2010. Probable changes in the level of economic processes development are determined by using Markov’s chains which provide six stages. Keywords: machine-building enterprises, Markov chains, economic processes

    Chromatin particle spectrum analysis: a method for comparative chromatin structure analysis using paired-end mode next-generation DNA sequencing

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    Microarray and next-generation sequencing techniques which allow whole genome analysis of chromatin structure and sequence-specific protein binding are revolutionizing our view of chromosome architecture and function. However, many current methods in this field rely on biochemical purification of highly specific fractions of DNA prepared from chromatin digested with either micrococcal nuclease or DNaseI and are restricted in the parameters they can measure. Here, we show that a broad size-range of genomic DNA species, produced by partial micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin, can be sequenced using paired-end mode next-generation technology. The paired sequence reads, rather than DNA molecules, can then be size-selected and mapped as particle classes to the target genome. Using budding yeast as a model, we show that this approach reveals position and structural information for a spectrum of nuclease resistant complexes ranging from transcription factor-bound DNA elements up to mono- and poly-nucleosomes. We illustrate the utility of this approach in visualizing the MNase digestion landscape of protein-coding gene transcriptional start sites, and demonstrate a comparative analysis which probes the function of the chromatin-remodelling transcription factor Cbf1p

    Dissection of a metastatic gene expression signature into distinct components

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    BACKGROUND: Metastasis, the process whereby cancer cells spread, is in part caused by an incompletely understood interplay between cancer cells and the surrounding stroma. Gene expression studies typically analyze samples containing tumor cells and stroma. Samples with less than 50% tumor cells are generally excluded, thereby reducing the number of patients that can benefit from clinically relevant signatures. RESULTS: For a head-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) primary tumor expression signature that predicts the presence of lymph node metastasis, we first show that reduced proportions of tumor cells results in decreased predictive accuracy. To determine the influence of stroma on the predictive signature and to investigate the interaction between tumor cells and the surrounding microenvironment, we used laser capture microdissection to divide the metastatic signature into six distinct components based on tumor versus stroma expression and on association with the metastatic phenotype. A strikingly skewed distribution of metastasis associated genes is revealed. CONCLUSION: Dissection of predictive signatures into different components has implications for design of expression signatures and for our understanding of the metastatic process. Compared to primary tumors that have not formed metastases, primary HNSCC tumors that have metastasized are characterized by predominant down-regulation of tumor cell specific genes and exclusive up-regulation of stromal cell specific genes. The skewed distribution agrees with poor signature performance on samples that contain less than 50% tumor cells. Methods for reducing tumor composition bias that lead to greater predictive accuracy and an increase in the types of samples that can be included are presented

    Why highly expressed proteins evolve slowly

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    Much recent work has explored molecular and population-genetic constraints on the rate of protein sequence evolution. The best predictor of evolutionary rate is expression level, for reasons which have remained unexplained. Here, we hypothesize that selection to reduce the burden of protein misfolding will favor protein sequences with increased robustness to translational missense errors. Pressure for translational robustness increases with expression level and constrains sequence evolution. Using several sequenced yeast genomes, global expression and protein abundance data, and sets of paralogs traceable to an ancient whole-genome duplication in yeast, we rule out several confounding effects and show that expression level explains roughly half the variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein evolutionary rates. We examine causes for expression's dominant role and find that genome-wide tests favor the translational robustness explanation over existing hypotheses that invoke constraints on function or translational efficiency. Our results suggest that proteins evolve at rates largely unrelated to their functions, and can explain why highly expressed proteins evolve slowly across the tree of life.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figures, with supporting informatio

    2,3-cis-2R,3R-(−)-epiafzelechin-3-O-p-coumarate, a novel flavan-3-ol isolated from Fallopia convolvulus seed, is an estrogen receptor agonist in human cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: The plant genus Fallopia is well-known in Chinese traditional medicine and includes many species that contain bioactive compounds, namely phytoestrogens. Consumption of phytoestrogens may be linked to decreased incidence of breast and prostate cancers therefore discovery of novel phytoestrogens and novel sources of phytoestrogens is of interest. Although phytoestrogen content has been analyzed in the rhizomes of various Fallopia sp., seeds of a Fallopia sp. have never been examined for phytoestrogen presence. METHODS: Analytical chemistry techniques were used with guidance from an in vitro estrogen receptor bioassay (a stably transfected human ovarian carcinoma cell line) to isolate and identify estrogenic components from seeds of Fallopia convolvulus. A transiently transfected human breast carcinoma cell line was used to characterize the biological activity of the isolated compounds on estrogen receptors (ER) α and β. RESULTS: Two compounds, emodin and the novel flavan-3-ol, (−)-epiafzelechin-3-O-p-coumarate (rhodoeosein), were identified to be responsible for estrogenic activity of F. convolvulus seed extract. Absolute stereochemistry of rhodoeosein was determined by 1 and 2D NMR, optical rotation and circular dichroism. Emodin was identified by HPLC/DAD, LC/MS/MS, and FT/ICR-MS. When characterizing the ER specificity in biological activity of rhodoeosein and emodin, rhodoeosein was able to exhibit a four-fold greater relative estrogenic potency (REP) in breast cells transiently-transfected with ERβ as compared to those transfected with ERα, and emodin exhibited a six-fold greater REP in ERβ-transfected breast cells. Cell type-specific differences were observed with rhodoeosein but not emodin; rhodoeosein produced superinduction of reporter gene activity in the human ovarian cell line (> 400% of maximum estradiol [E2] induction) but not in the breast cell line. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to characterize the novel flavan-3-ol compound, rhodoeosein, and its ability to induce estrogenic activity in human cell lines. Rhodoeosein and emodin may have potential therapeutic applications as natural products activating ERβ, and further characterization of rhodoeosein is necessary to evaluate its selectivity as a cell type-specific ER agonist