1,711 research outputs found

    Novel, congenital iliac arterial anatomy: Absent common iliac arteries and left internal iliac artery.

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    Congenital anomalies of the iliac arterial system are rare and can be associated with ischemia. With an increase in vascular imaging and interventions, such anomalies are likely to be encountered with greater frequency. We present the case of a 25-year-old female who was incidentally found to have absence of the common iliac arteries bilaterally and the left internal iliac artery, a constellation not previously reported in the literature. We present relevant imaging findings, review embryonic vascular development, and discuss potential clinical implications

    Surfactant-induced migration of a spherical drop in Stokes flow

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    In Stokes flows, symmetry considerations dictate that a neutrally-buoyant spherical particle will not migrate laterally with respect to the local flow direction. We show that a loss of symmetry due to flow-induced surfactant redistribution leads to cross-stream drift of a spherical drop in Poiseuille flow. We derive analytical expressions for the migration velocity in the limit of small non-uniformities in the surfactant distribution, corresponding to weak-flow conditions or a high-viscosity drop. The analysis predicts that the direction of migration is always towards the flow centerline.Comment: Significant extension with additional text, figures, equations, et

    Studi Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah Perkerasan (Overlay) pada Jalan Maospati - Sukomoro (STA. 0+000 – 12+000) di Kabupaten Magetan Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    Struktur perkerasan jalan sebagai komponen dari prasarana transportasi yang berfungsi sebagai penerima beban lalulintas yang dilimpahkan melalui roda kendaraan. Oleh karena itu, struktur perkerasan perlu memiliki stabilitas yang tinggi, kokoh selama masa pelayanan jalan dan tahan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan dan atau cuaca. Kelelahan (fatigue resistance), kerusakan perkerasan akibat berkurangnya kekokohan jalan seperti retak (craking), lendutan sepanjang lintasan kendaraan (rutting), bergelombang, dan atau berlubang, tidak dikehendaki terjadi pada perkerasan jalan. Dalam Studi perencanaan ini yang akan direncanakan adalah Perkerasan Lentur (Flexible pavement) pada Peningkatan jalan Maospati Sukomoro dengan panjang total 12KM dengan lebar jalan 6M. Sebagaimana suatu perkerasan lentur akan mengalami penurunan kinerja sehubungan dengan beban lalulintas dan lingkungan. Pada saat perkerasan dibebani, maka beban-beban tersebut akan menyebar ke lapisan-lapisan dibawahnya dalam bentuk tegangan penyebaran. Tegangan tersebut dapat menyebabkan lendutan dan akhirnya terjadi keruntuhan, untuk mengembalikan kekuatan perkerasan, salah satu alternatif yang biasa digunakan adalah melakukan pelapisan ulang (Overlay). Selain karena faktor diatas lapis tambahan juga harus diperkuat untuk memikul beban yang lebih besar dari perhitungan dari perencanaan awal. Studi perencanaan ruas jalan Maospati Sukomoro ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Adapun langkah studi dalam pengerjaan skripsi ini adalah sebagai berikut : Perencanaan, Analisa volume lalu lintas rencana, Menghitung lendutan Balik, Menentukan Tebal Lapisan Tambahan (Overlay), Menghitung Volume Tebal Perkerasan Tambahan (Overlay), Membuat Rencana Anggaran Biaya. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Jumlah Lalu lintas Harian Rata-rata (LHR) berdasarkan umur rencana 10 tahun pada jalan Maospati Sukomoro adalah 18.270 SMP. Lendutan Balik (dwakil) sepanjang ruas jalan Maospati Sukomoro sebesar 2,35 mm berdasarkan nilai AE18KSAL yaitu 3,74 x 106 dengan lendutan Balik yang diijinkan sebesar 1,9 mm. Tebal lapis tambahan perkerasan (overlay) yang diperlukan yaitu 4 cm. Biaya Pelaksanaan Pelapisan ulang (Overlay) Pada Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Maospati Sukomoro STA 0+000 - 12+000 adalah sebesar Rp. 4.565.237.600 (Empat milyar lima ratus enam puluh Lima juta dua ratus tiga puluh tujuh ribu enam ratus rupiah)

    TVET teachers, a reflection on trends in Indonesia and Australia

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    Penataan Ruang di Provinsi Riau Tahun 2010-2015

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    Spatial is a system of spatial planning, spatial utilization and control of spaceutilization. With the expiration RTRW Riau Province in 2009 had an impact ondevelopment and has the potential to inhibit the growth of industry and the regionaleconomy. The research problem is How the arrangement of space in Riau Province inthe absence of regulation Spatial Plan (RTRW) and How the implications of spatialplanning without spatial regulation in the province of Riau. This study aims todetermine the arrangement of space in Riau Province in the absence of regulationSpatial Plan (RTRW) and to know the implications of the arrangement of space withoutspatial regulation in the province of Riau.This research method is qualitative method with the type of data used primarydata and secondary data, data sources and documents obtained through a researchinformants. Data were collected through interviews and documentation, and thenanalyzed in a descriptive way to provide an overview of the research results.The results of this research are of Spatial Planning in Riau Province Year 2010-2015 has yet to be separated into a regional regulation by the Provincial Governmentof Riau because the seat has not increased the area proposed Regional Government ofRiau Province to the Ministry of Forestry, thus implies Unable to RTRW Regency / Cityset , exemption of land, and inhibit the development and investment

    The geometrical interaction of the stylus and the measured surface in 3D roughness measurements

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    The target of this work is to study the effect of the stylus tip geometry on the surface roughness measurements by the stylus methods. A computer simulation of the measuring process in 3D using arbitrary tip shapes has been undertaken. A novel feature of this simulation is that it determines and reports the contact distribution of the contact points on the stylus when scanning each surface. Following analysis of fully simulated data to establish the fidelity of the simulation process, it was applied to data set from real surfaces. First these were examined using ideal (sometimes truncated) pyramid, conical and spherical tips. Then tip shapes determined from the measurement of real styli were used. Relatively large tips (of the order of 10 ÎĽm) were used in order to ease the need for measurement resolution. The simulation results were evaluated against real measurements of the surfaces. A bespoke measuring system was developed for this, adding X-Y scanning and a means of interchanging styli while maintaining micrometer lateral positioning between measurements. The shape of each stylus tip has been determined using a technique based on the replication by indentation into a soft substrate (typically lead). The roughness values of the real surfaces when scanned (theoretically) by the real tips have been compared to the roughness values of the same surfaces when measured by the measuring system with different tips. This comparison has shown a good compliance of both the theoretical and the practical results. This provides a degree of confidence for interpreting details of the simulation as having practical relevance. Both computer simulation and real measurements confirm the trends that would be expected from earlier studies. For example, amplitude parameters tend to drop in value as stylus size increases. The distribution of stylus contacts in simulation suggests that it is rarely to be found near the nominal centre of the tip. It is also clearly demonstrated that real worn tips do not necessary act as if blunt, contacts concentration in small regions when local features dominate. These results have significant implementations for the uncertainty in topographic measurements

    Penelusuran Potensi Likuifaksi Pantai Padang Berdasarkan Gradasi Butiran Dan Tahanan Penetrasi Standar

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    . Padang 30 September 2009 earthquake had caused liquefaction at several locations in the city of Padang. Generally, liquefied areas were around the rivers or near the beach. In order to get the gradation of the liquefied soil, sieve analysis was conducted on soil samples. Based on those test result and drilling data, the assessment of liquefaction potential for soil layer around the coast of Padang is done. Soil investigation using deep drilling and standard penetration test to the hard layer has been done on the site. Furthermore, the soil gradations at certain depths were analyzed by comparing the gradation curve of the liquefied soil. Liquefaction potential assessment based on the soil gradation shows that the Padang Beach area has the liquefaction potential. The results are then compiled with the analysis of the liquefaction potential based on the standard penetration test. The depth of the soil layer that potentially to liquefy in Padang Beach is on the depth of less than 10m

    Cryptosporidiosis: From Prevention to Treatment, a Narrative Review

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    Cryptosporidiosis is a water- and food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the protozoon parasite of the genus Cryptosporidium. C. hominis and C. parvum are the main two species causing infections in humans and animals. The disease can be transmitted by the fecal–oral route as well as the respiratory route. The infective stage (sporulated oocysts) is resistant to different disinfectants including chlorine. Currently, no effective therapeutic drugs or vaccines are available to treat and control Cryptosporidium infection. To prevent cryptosporidiosis in humans and animals, we need to understand better how the disease is spread and transmitted, and how to interrupt its transmission cycle. This review focuses on understanding cryptosporidiosis, including its infective stage, pathogenesis, life cycle, genomics, epidemiology, previous outbreaks, source of the infection, transmission dynamics, host spectrum, risk factors and high-risk groups, the disease in animals and humans, diagnosis, treatment and control, and the prospect of an effective anti-Cryptosporidium vaccine. It also focuses on the role of the One Health approach in managing cryptosporidiosis at the animal–human–environmental interface. The summarized data in this review will help to tackle future Cryptosporidium infections in humans and animals and reduce the disease occurrence

    Kajian Hukum Kedudukan Kepala Daerah Terpilih Yang Terlibat Tindak Pidana Suap Terhadap Keabsahan Masa Jabatannya

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    This study elaborates on the legal position of elected head of regional government that is involved in the crime of bribery and its salvation, especially in terms of its legality of office terms. This study is of a descriptive nature, and is qualified as a normative study. The result to this study is among others: with regards to its legal position, head of region elected by virtue of regional election is legitimately a head of a region, therefore it is an obligation to continue inaugurate them as the head of the region. IntisariPenelitian ini mengkaji kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang terlibat Penelitian ini mengkaji kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang terlibat tindak pidana suap dan upaya penyelesaiannya, khususnya dalam hal keabsahan masa jabatannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan masuk dalam kualifikasi penelitian normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah antara lain: perihal kedudukan hukum kepala daerah terpilih yang tetap sah sebagai kepala daerah hasil Pemilukada sehingga menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk tetap melantik yang bersangkutan sebagai kepala daerah
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