28 research outputs found

    Analyse de sensibilité du système oasien et mesures de sauvegarde de l’oasis de Métouia (Tunisie)

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    L’oasis de Métouia, située au sud‑est de la Tunisie, est caractérisée par un climat aride où les précipitations sont rares et irrégulières. L’oasis doit donc son existence aux eaux souterraines qui, autrefois, provenaient de sources artésiennes actuellement taries suite à une surexploitation de la nappe profonde. La pédogenèse actuelle est dominée par l’évolution des processus de salinisation et d’hydromorphie affectant en totalité ou en partie le profil pédologique. Cette salinisation est la résultante des effets cumulés de la salinité des eaux d’irrigation et celle de la nappe phréatique proche de la surface dont la remontée capillaire génère des efflorescences salines. Ce facteur est accentué par l’absence de lessivage des sols et le dysfonctionnement du réseau de drainage. Le suivi des paramètres abiotiques de l’oasis durant quatre années successives (2001 – 2004), a révélé une interdépendance étroite entre la qualité des eaux précédemment décrite et les processus géochimiques qui en résultent, d’une part, et la dégradation de la zone non saturée, siège des accumulations gypseuses, d’autre part. Par ailleurs, aux facteurs précédemment signalés, viennent s’ajouter la mauvaise exploitation des parcelles et l’absence de règles de gestion du système oasien dans sa globalité. Afin de contrecarrer ces phénomènes qui affectent profondément la sensibilité du système oasien, on a élaboré des recommandations visant l’optimisation des besoins dynamiques en eau, du mode de distribution, ainsi que du réseau de drainage freinant la remontée de la nappe et améliorant l’aération et le lessivage de la zone non saturée.The Métouia oasis is situated in south-eastern Tunisia near the coast of Gabès City. The climate is arid with rare and irregular precipitation events. The oasis originated from a confined subsurface that was hydraulically connected to surface springs that had already been exhausted by human activities. The soil features are presently dominated by the evolution of salinization and water-saturation processes either partially or totally affecting the soil profile. The visible salt deposits and soil salinization processes are generated by the salinity of irrigation water and the shallow water table as well as the rising capillarity head. These processes are strongly influenced by the weak soil leaching mechanisms, on the one hand, and the poor drainage schemes, on the other hand. The four-year monitoring programme (2001 – 2004) focussed on important abiotic water and soil parameters and showed a close relationship between water quality and the generated geochemical processes parallel to the degradation of the non-saturated zone, in which gypsum accumulation processes are taking place. In addition to the above mentioned factors, the poor land exploitation system and the lack of integrated management of the oasis system are also important. Due to the high sensitivity of the oasis and in order to overcome the problems, several recommendations were proposed concerning the optimization of the irrigation scheme, the water supply network and drainage schemes. The recommended hydraulic infrastructure, combined with the proposed management rules for the oasis, would lead to better control of ground-water fluctuations and improvement of leaching and aeration processes in the unsaturated zone

    Analyse de sensibilité du système oasien et mesures de sauvegarde de l’oasis de Métouia (Tunisie)

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    L’oasis de Métouia, située au sud‑est de la Tunisie, est caractérisée par un climat aride où les précipitations sont rares et irrégulières. L’oasis doit donc son existence aux eaux souterraines qui, autrefois, provenaient de sources artésiennes actuellement taries suite à une surexploitation de la nappe profonde. La pédogenèse actuelle est dominée par l’évolution des processus de salinisation et d’hydromorphie affectant en totalité ou en partie le profil pédologique. Cette salinisation est la résultante des effets cumulés de la salinité des eaux d’irrigation et celle de la nappe phréatique proche de la surface dont la remontée capillaire génère des efflorescences salines. Ce facteur est accentué par l’absence de lessivage des sols et le dysfonctionnement du réseau de drainage. Le suivi des paramètres abiotiques de l’oasis durant quatre années successives (2001 – 2004), a révélé une interdépendance étroite entre la qualité des eaux précédemment décrite et les processus géochimiques qui en résultent, d’une part, et la dégradation de la zone non saturée, siège des accumulations gypseuses, d’autre part. Par ailleurs, aux facteurs précédemment signalés, viennent s’ajouter la mauvaise exploitation des parcelles et l’absence de règles de gestion du système oasien dans sa globalité. Afin de contrecarrer ces phénomènes qui affectent profondément la sensibilité du système oasien, on a élaboré des recommandations visant l’optimisation des besoins dynamiques en eau, du mode de distribution, ainsi que du réseau de drainage freinant la remontée de la nappe et améliorant l’aération et le lessivage de la zone non saturée.The Métouia oasis is situated in south-eastern Tunisia near the coast of Gabès City. The climate is arid with rare and irregular precipitation events. The oasis originated from a confined subsurface that was hydraulically connected to surface springs that had already been exhausted by human activities. The soil features are presently dominated by the evolution of salinization and water-saturation processes either partially or totally affecting the soil profile. The visible salt deposits and soil salinization processes are generated by the salinity of irrigation water and the shallow water table as well as the rising capillarity head. These processes are strongly influenced by the weak soil leaching mechanisms, on the one hand, and the poor drainage schemes, on the other hand. The four-year monitoring programme (2001 – 2004) focussed on important abiotic water and soil parameters and showed a close relationship between water quality and the generated geochemical processes parallel to the degradation of the non-saturated zone, in which gypsum accumulation processes are taking place. In addition to the above mentioned factors, the poor land exploitation system and the lack of integrated management of the oasis system are also important. Due to the high sensitivity of the oasis and in order to overcome the problems, several recommendations were proposed concerning the optimization of the irrigation scheme, the water supply network and drainage schemes. The recommended hydraulic infrastructure, combined with the proposed management rules for the oasis, would lead to better control of ground-water fluctuations and improvement of leaching and aeration processes in the unsaturated zone

    Daily simulation of plant and microbial transfers of carbon between the soil and the atmosphere under wheat-faba bean intercropping

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    The objective of this work was to collect the data necessary to apply a Model of the transformations of Organic matter by Micro-Organisms of the Soil (MOMOS) to one cultural cycle of a legume-cereal agrosystem in the Mediterranean region. This study has demonstrated that the MOMOS equation system is able to predict the daily exchanges of labile and stable C between the soil and the atmosphere. This fills a gap concerning modelling of direct microbial control on C evolutions and emerges as a new tool for agro-ecology and global change

    Modelling the continuous exchange of carbon between living organisms, the soil and the atmosphere

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    This study evaluated a framework for modelling the continuous exchange of carbon (C) between the atmosphere, plants, humus, and microorganisms, proposing a plant C model coupled to MOMOS, an existing microbial C model. C data were collected on low fertility cereal-legume cropping systems. Plant C and microbial C were modelled simultaneously and the growth parameters of plants and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms were fitted to the data. All C exchanges were successfully predicted using the same weather correction for plant and microbial processes. Most of the photosynthetic production was allocated to the roots, reducing yields. The C losses were found modelled mainly by root respiration for cereals, probably as an energy source for nutrient explorings, and by root mortality for legumes as a growth source for decomposers and symbiotic nodules. The effect of root-nodule activity on shoot growth was found non-linear. The system was modelled as a sink of 4.2 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) in the soil's labile C reserve. This paper coordinates theoretical bases for modelling the processes regulating plant productivity associated with plant C losses. The tool appears to be robust and is now available for calculating the essential parameters of agro-ecology and climate change