1,484 research outputs found

    Practicing Gender: A Feminist Ethnography of an All Girls\u27 After-School Club

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    The institution of schooling is one of the most formative spaces in which young people learn about gender norms and expectations. Rather than being a biological given, gender identity is achieved through gender practices and gender achievements (Butler, 1990/1999; Nayak & Kehily, 2008). This study was a year-long ethnography during which I observed an all girls’ after-school club. The club included 15 girls who were in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. The majority of the club’s participants were African American girls. This ethnography utilized participant observation and interviews. Club documents were also analyzed during data analysis. My primary research question was: How was girlness conceptualized, perpetuated, and performed in an after-school club for middle school girls? Using critical theory and feminist poststructuralism, I investigated the work that goes into creating and maintaining current binary gender formations, and how this is related to race, class, and sexuality

    Finite-size effects in intracellular microrheology

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    We propose a model to explain finite-size effects in intracellular microrheology observed in experiments. The constrained dynamics of the particles in the intracellular medium, treated as a viscoelastic medium, is described by means of a diffusion equation in which interactions of the particles with the cytoskeleton are modelled by a harmonic force. The model reproduces the observed power-law behavior of the mean-square displacement in which the exponent depends on the ratio between particle-to-cytoskeleton-network sizes.Comment: 6 pages 2 figures. To appear in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Galois coverings of weakly shod algebras

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    We investigate the Galois coverings of weakly shod algebras. For a weakly shod algebra not quasi-tilted of canonical type, we establish a correspondence between its Galois coverings and the Galois coverings of its connecting component. As a consequence, we show that a weakly shod algebra is simply connected if and only if its first Hochschild cohomology group vanishes.Comment: Some references were added. The proof of Lemma 6.5 was modifie

    Persistent correlation of constrained colloidal motion

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    We have investigated the motion of a single optically trapped colloidal particle close to a limiting wall at time scales where the inertia of the surrounding fluid plays a significant role. The velocity autocorrelation function exhibits a complex interplay due to the momentum relaxation of the particle, the vortex diffusion in the fluid, the obstruction of flow close to the interface, and the harmonic restoring forces due to the optical trap. We show that already a weak trapping force has a significant impact on the velocity autocorrelation function C(t)= at times where the hydrodynamic memory leads to an algebraic decay. The long-time behavior for the motion parallel and perpendicular to the wall is derived analytically and compared to numerical results. Then, we discuss the power spectral densities of the displacement and provide simple interpolation formulas. The theoretical predictions are finally compared to recent experimental observations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Tilted algebras and short chains of modules

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    We provide an affirmative answer for the question raised almost twenty years ago concerning the characterization of tilted artin algebras by the existence of a sincere finitely generated module which is not the middle of a short chain

    Singular point characterization in microscopic flows

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    We suggest an approach to microrheology based on optical traps in order to measure fluid fluxes around singular points of fluid flows. We experimentally demonstrate this technique, applying it to the characterization of controlled flows produced by a set of birefringent spheres spinning due to the transfer of light angular momentum. Unlike the previous techniques, this method is able to distinguish between a singular point in a complex flow and the absence of flow at all; furthermore it permits us to characterize the stability of the singular point.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Force calculation on walls and embedded particles in multiparticle collision dynamics simulations

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    Colloidal solutions posses a wide range of time and length scales, so that it is unfeasible to keep track of all of them within a single simulation. As a consequence some form of coarse-graining must be applied. In this work we use the Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics scheme. We describe a particular implementation of no-slip boundary conditions upon a solid surface, capable of providing correct force s on the solid bypassing the calculation of the velocity profile or the stre ss tensor in the fluid near the surface. As an application we measure the friction on a spherical particle, when it is placed in a bulk fluid and when it is confined in a slit. We show that the implementation of the no-slip boundary conditions leads to an enhanced Ensko g friction, which can be understood analytically. Because of the long-range nature of hydrodynamic interactions, the Stokes friction obtained from the simulations is sensitive of the simulation box size. We address this topic for the slit geometry, showing that that the dependence on the system size differs very much from what is expected in a 3D system, where periodic boundary conditions are used in all directions.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Facilitators and Barriers to Engagement and Effective SoTL Research Collaborations in Faculty Learning Communities

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    To determine factors that influence faculty engagement and success in faculty learning communities focused on collaborative Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), our project gathered information on (1) faculty motivation to engage with SoTL; (2) structures that support collaboration; (3) the perceived impact of SoTL on teaching, scholarship, and faculty engagement in academic communities on campus and beyond; and (4) the role of the teaching center in supporting collaborative faculty learning communities focused on SoTL. In this explanatory, sequential design mixed-methods study, participants were asked to complete a survey on their experience as participants in faculty learning communities at a large comprehensive public university in the southeastern United States; researchers then conducted one-on-one interviews with select participants to gain an in-depth understanding of trends and questions emerging from the survey data. Results indicate that personal, institutional, professional, and team factors contribute to participants’ perception of the success and effectiveness of collaborative research teams. Findings from the study offer guidance for setting up effective collaborative structures for SoTL projects and nurturing inter-disciplinary research among faculty members, thus providing insights that can inform the design and facilitation of similar programs in the United States and internationally

    She Said, She Said: Interruptive Narratives of Pregnancy and Childbirth

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    In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir die Nutzung von Narrationsanalysen für teilstrukturierte Interviews, die wir mit insgesamt sechs Frauen geführt haben, die in Großstädten im Süden der USA leben und sich für eine "natürliche" Geburt ihres ersten Kindes entschieden hatten. Mittels der Creative Analytic Practice präsentieren wir die Erfahrungen der Frauen in Gedichtform, um die Spannung nachvollziehbar zu machen zwischen den Wünschen der Frauen einerseits und ihren tatsächlichen Schwangerschafts- und Geburtserfahrungen andererseits. Das Gedicht verdeutlicht Behördenpolitiken, Wege, wie Konsens in einigen amerikanischen Gesundheitsinstitutionen umgelenkt oder konstruiert wird und auch die Resilienz der befragten Frauen.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs170290In this article, we explore narrative inquiry data we collected with women who attempted to have a natural, drug-free childbirth for the birth of their first child. The data presented come from semi-structured life story interviews with six women who live in a metropolitan city in the mid-southern United States. Using creative analytic practice (CAP), the women's experiences are presented as a composite poem. The (re)presentation of the women's narratives in the poem emphasizes the tensions between what women desired and planned for in contrast to what they actually experienced during pregnancy and birth. The poem illustrates the politics of agency, the ways in which consent is bypassed or assumed in some medical institutions in the United States, and the resilience of the women.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs17029

    Comparison of Conditional Average Using Threshold and Template Methods for Quasi-Periodic Phenomena in Plasmas

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