591 research outputs found

    Congener specific analysis of polychlorinated terphenyls

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    In order to identify and to quantify polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) in environmental matrices, the chro- matographic behavior of coplanar and non-coplanar congeners was evaluated. A mixture of 16 single PCT congeners was used for method development. Four of these compounds were synthesized for the first time by SUZUKI-coupling reaction. These were p-PCT (2,200 ,6,600 -tetrachloro-, 20 ,3,300 ,4,400 ,50 ,-hexachloro-, 20 ,3,300 ,5,50 ,500 -hexachloro-) and m-PCT (2,200 ,3,300 ,5,500 -hexachloro-). They were characterized by NMR ( 1 H, 13 C) spectroscopy. By means of the new column chromatographic clean-up reported here, a good matrix removal and the separation of the coplanar PCT congeners from the non-coplanar ones was obtained. The recovery rates for all congeners were good for the PCT in different test matrices like fat, charcoal, and soil. The quality of the clean-up, the separation and the recovery rates were determined by GC/MS analysis. The method was applied for the first time to a real sample from a fire accident, where different PCT, obviously formed during the combustion process, were found. The conclusion is drawn that this method is suitable for the analysis of PCT in different environmental samples

    Conceptual Framework Of Bidding Strategy In Order To Improve Construction Project Performance

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    Globalization makes the competition of construction is increasingly tight. The competitors faced not only in the regional district/city, province, but increasingly widespread, even cross the country worldwide. Bidding strategy is an important factor that improves competitiveness. It defines as a management skills of using all available resources both physical and financial, in order to offer a comprehensive and competitive bidding. The bidders usually consider various aspects, including internal, external and environment, with aim to win the bidding competition, and provide maximum project performance.The literature review method is used to create ideas, and synthesize the related researches which have been done previously. This paper aims to develop a framework that can be used for evaluation in the early stages of project selection, based on theriview of various literature related to bidding strategies and project performance. The result from the literature review concerning are presented, and a conceptual framework of bidding strategy model is developed

    Moderasi Biaya Beralih Pada Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Pts X)

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    This study aims to examine the moderating role of switching cost on two effects, which are: the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and service quality effect on customer loyalty. In addition, this study also examines the effect of service quality, switching cost and customer satisfaction, on customer loyalty. Finally, the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction is also tested. The analysis tool used is SEM with LISREL 8.80 software. In order to implement the results, it was conducted the correlation analysis between the dimensions of the independent variables with dimensions on the dependent variable. As a result, the switching cost is not provenas a moderator variable. Service quality has positive and significant effects on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Switching cost is proven positively and significantly effects customer loyalty. It was proven that customer satisfaction did not effects customer loyalty. Dimensions which dominant correlated are: the dimension of empathy with the core service dimension, dimension of empathy with dimension of loyalty attitude; and dimension of relational cost with behavioral loyalty dimension

    Perancangan Buku Esai Fotografi Mengenai Gambang Semarang Art Company

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    Gambang Semarang merupakan kesenian khas Semarang yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri melalui pertunjukan musik, tari, dan lawakan, dan sejak tahun 1930 telah dianggap sebagai ikon kota Semarang. Dalam perjalannya Gambang Semarang hampir punah dikarenakan tidak adanya proses regenerasi dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan kesenian tersebut. Melalui sebuah buku esai fotografi tentang Gambang Semarang diharapkan mampu memberikan pengetahuan dan melahirkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap seni budaya. Ke depannya, melalui buku esai ini Gambang Semarang semakin maju dan berkembang sehingga membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat dan kota Semarang

    Perancangan Buku Panduan Pariwisata Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Sumenep adalah salah satu destinasi wisata yang patut dikunjungi. Karena dari Sumenep kita dapat belajar tentang sejarah, religi sekaligus menikmati pemandangan alam yang indah. Sejarah Sumenep adalah salah satu sejarah yang menarik untuk dipelajari dan sejarah ini harus diketahui banyak orang agar tidak hilang oleh jaman

    Prototipe Charger Baterai Menggunakan Sumber Energi Matahari, Listrik, dan Mekanik

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    Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah alat “Prototipe Charger Baterai Menggunakan Sumber Energi Matahari, Listrik, Dan Mekanik". Alat ini berfungsi untuk mengisi ulang baterai lithium-ion. Sumber listrik yang digunakan pada alat ini terdiri dari tiga macam, yaitu solar cell, power supply, dan generator. Dalam menentukan sumber arus listrik yang diinginkan, alat ini menggunakan sistem relay otomatis yang diproses oleh AVR microcontroller AT 8535. Banyaknya baterai yang akan diisi dapat dipilih dari tombol-tombol dan ditampilkan di LCD, sehingga data yang dipilih dapat diproses oleh AVR microcontroller AT 8535 untuk mengirimkan kombinasi data ke rangkaian charger (menggunakan IC MAX 745) supaya batas tegangan yang diperlukan dapat diproses dari banyaknya baterai yang telah dipilih. Proses pengisian baterai akan berhenti apabila baterai telah terisi penuh atau terjadi overheating. LCD digunakan untuk menampilkan kondisi tegangan power supply, solar cell, dan generator, dan kemudian menampilkan menu banyaknya jumlah baterai yang akan diisi dan memonitor arus pengisian baterai. Dari hasil penelitian, alat ini dapat mengisi baterai lithium-ion berjumlah 1-4 buah dengan baik. Sistem switch otomatis telah bekerja dengan baik untuk peralihan sumber listrik (power supply, solar cell, generator) menurut prioritas yang diberikan. Sistem pengaman saat baterai penuh atau terlalu panas telah berjalan dengan baik

    Detection of Insecticide Resistance in Aedes Aegypti to Organophosphate in Pulogadung, East Jakarta

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. Jakarta is a capital city with the highest number of dengue patients. Among sporadic endemic areas in Jakarta, Pulogadung, a district of East Jakarta, is one of endemic areas of this disease. The primary strategy for the control of DHF is based on reducing population densities of the main mosquito vector Aedes aegypti. Organophosphate is an insecticide that has been used for more than 25 years in dengue vector control program. The long term used and sublethal dosage of this insecticide can induce resistance. This laboratory study used microplate test and ELISA reader to determine the increase of alfa- esterase activity in Aedes aegypti larvae for detecting the resistance to organophosphate. Resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung was shown to be: 23% high resistant, 33% medium resistant and 44% sensitive. This result was highly related to local community behavior where we found that the use of insecticide spray by the people was very low (8.8% of the sample). We found that the people who used insecticide spray were only 8.8% of the sample. Therefore, organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future. Based on resistance pattern of Ae aegypti to organophosphate insecticide in RW 01 Pulogadung, we can conclude that organophosphate still can be used in this area to control the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the future

    The Relation Between Minimum Wages and Poverty in Indonesia: an Islamic Perspective

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    This study is part of Islamic economics research that aims to determine the relationship between the minimum wage and poverty rate in Indonesia, especially case studies in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, and Banten during the period 2007-2013. In addition to the primary independent variable, there are six control variables are used, the level of education, the GDP per capita, unemployment rate, inflation rate, average wages and economic growth. The analysis technique used in this study are Arellano Bond Dynamic GMM (Generalized Method of Moment). The results of this study found that the minimum wage is not a significant effect on poverty levels in 2007-2013, especially in the districts/cities in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Banten. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that government has responsibilities and sufficient role to reduce poverty through minimum wage standardization, the state also has responsibilities to create social security, both for those who are unable to work, informal workers and vulnerable workers, so that the level of wages (income) they can meet any basic needs according to Ibn Hazm include food, clothing, health, education and housing