6,174 research outputs found

    Singular random matrix decompositions: distributions.

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    Assuming that Y has a singular matrix variate elliptically contoured distribution with respect to the Hausdorff measure, the distributions of several matrices associated to QR, modified QR, SV and Polar decompositions of matrix Y are determined, for central and non-central, non-singular and singular cases, as well as their relationship to the Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart generalized singular and non-singular distributions. We present a particular example for the Karhunen-Lòeve decomposition. Some of these results are also applied to two particular subfamilies of elliptical distributions, the singular matrix variate normal distribution and the singular matrix variate symmetric Pearson type VII distribution

    Singular random matrix decompositions: Jacobians.

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    For a singular random matrix Y, we find the Jacobians associated with the following decompositions; QR, Polar, Singular Value (SVD), L'U, L'DM and modified QR (QDR). Similarly, we find the Jacobinas of the following decompositions: Spectral, Cholesky's, L'DL and symmetric non-negative definite square root, of the cross-product matrix S = Y'Y


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    Assuming that Y has a singular matrix variate elliptically contoured distribution with respect to the Hausdorff measure, the distributions of several matrices associated to QR, modified QR, SV and Polar decompositions of matrix Y are determined, for central and non-central, non-singular and singular cases, as well as their relationship to the Wishart and Pseudo-Wishart generalized singular and non-singular distributions. We present a particular example for the Karhunen-Lòeve decomposition. Some of these results are also applied to two particular subfamilies of elliptical distributions, the singular matrix variate normal distribution and the singular matrix variate symmetric Pearson type VII distribution.


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    For a singular random matrix Y, we find the Jacobians associated with the following decompositions; QR, Polar, Singular Value (SVD), L´U, L´DM and modified QR (QDR). Similarly, we find the Jacobinas of the following decompositions: Spectral, Cholesky´s, L´DL and symmetric non-negative definite square root, of the cross-product matrix S = Y´Y.

    El acoso en el trabajo : una visión general del Reino Unido

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    El acoso sexual sepresenta en la actualidad como upa proble^iui laboral que tiene su principal víctima en la im.cjer. En nuestro país son nunicrosos los estudios sobre esta cuestión, por lo que se prefiere aportar una fisión conzpu ceda. Para ello se analiza la regulación existente en el Reino Unido sobre el acoso sexual. El modelo anglosajón requiere que cualquier estudio jurídico se apoye no sólo en la normativa existente sino en las decisiones Judiciales que forman el common law. El artículo se cierra con una visión práctica del acoso puesta de manifesto en los resultados de diversas encuestas._______________________________Nowadays sexual harassment is presented as a working problem in which its main victim is a woman. In this country there are many studies on this issue and thus it is intended to give a comparative point of view. Therefore, it is analyzed the current regulation of sexual harassment in the LTK. It is a requirement of the AngloSaxon model that any juridical study be based not only on the current regulation but also on the judicial decisions (common law). The article concludes by giving a practical view of harassment which is based on the results of different surveys

    El diálogo social como vehículo dinamizador en escenarios de crisis económica

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    El diálogo social constituye un elemento esencial para hacer frente a problemas económicos y sociales. Sin embargo no es una solución exenta de problemas, puesto que en cada momento histórico las relaciones laborales de cada país imponen el camino a seguir. En este artículo se examinan las distintas variantes del diálogo social en España y cómo se orienta para los próximos años a la hora de aportar soluciones a la crisis económica. Además, al analizar este tema, debe aludirse al diálogo social europeo como referencia de actuaciones que luego aterrizarán en los diferentes Estados miembros. Así, se exponen las principales líneas que desde la Unión Europea se pretenden alcanzar.______________________________________The social dialogue as a dynamic vehicle in the face of an economic crisis. However, it is not a solution without consequences because, depending on the historical context, the working relations of each country, guide the path to be followed. In the present article, we examine the different variables of the social dialogue is established in the following years to find solutions for the recession. Moreover, when we analyze this topic, we should refer to the European social dialogue for reference about how to proceed. Eventually, the different members of EU would follow the same reference. In this way, the main goals that the EU wants to achieve are explained