125 research outputs found

    Development of an OpenFOAM multiphysics solver for solid fission products transport in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor

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    The analysis of innovative reactor concepts such as the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) requires the development of new modeling and simulation tools. In the case of the MSFR, the strong intrinsic coupling between thermal-hydraulics, neutronics and fuel chemistry has led to the adoption of the multiphysics approach as a state-of-the-art paradigm. One of the peculiar aspects of liquid-fuel reactors such as the MSFR is the mobility of fission products (FPs) in the reactor circuit. Some FP species appear in form of solid precipitates carried by the fuel flow and can deposit on reactor boundaries (e.g., heat exchangers), potentially representing design issues related to the degradation of heat exchange performance or radioactive hotspots. The integration of transport models for solid particles in multiphysics codes is therefore relevant for the prediction of deposited fractions. To this aim, we develop a multiphysics solver based on the OpenFOAM library to address the issue of solid fission products transport. Single-phase incompressible thermal hydraulics are coupled with neutron diffusion, and advection-diffusion-decay equations are implemented for fission products concentrations. Particle deposition and precipitation are considered as well. The developed solver is tested on two different MSFR application to showcase the capabilities of the solver in steady-state simulation and to investigate the role of precipitation and turbulence modeling in the determination of particle concentration distributions

    Winery wastewater treatment for biomolecules recovery and water reuse purposes

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    Winery wastewater has a high pollutant load, but it also contains added-value molecules, such as phenolic compounds, which can be recovered. The recovery of these biomolecules has aroused great interest, providing benefits under different aspects, such as valorization of byproducts recovered from wastewater; reduction of the pollutant load of winery wastewater, facilitating its treatment and reuse in agriculture; reducing the environmental impacts of wineries; and promotion of the circular economy, due to the recovery of biomolecules and water reuse. Based on these matters, the chapter focuses on bringing relevant aspects about the generation of wastewater throughout the winemaking process, indicating the main biomolecules of commercial interest present in the wastewater, and proposing processes for the recovery of these biomolecules. In addition, the main technologies that are used in the treatment of winery wastewater are reported and discussed, envisaging the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Merging black hole binaries with the SEVN code

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    Studying the formation and evolution of black hole binaries (BHBs) is essential for the interpretation of current and forthcoming gravitational wave (GW) detections. We investigate the statistics of BHBs that form from isolated binaries, by means of a new version of the SEVN population-synthesis code. SEVN integrates stellar evolution by interpolation over a grid of stellar evolution tracks. We upgraded SEVN to include binary stellar evolution processes and we used it to evolve a sample of 1.5 x 10(8) binary systems, with metallicity in the range [10(-4); 4 x 10(-2)]. From our simulations, we find that the mass distribution of black holes (BHs) in double compact-object binaries is remarkably similar to the one obtained considering only single stellar evolution. The maximum BH mass we obtain is similar to 30, 45, and 55 M-circle dot at metallicity Z = 2 x 10(-2), 6 x 10(-3), and 10(-4), respectively. A few massive single BHs may also form (less than or similar to 0.1 per cent of the total number of BHs), with mass up to similar to 65, 90, and 145 M-circle dot at Z = 2 x 10(-2), 6 x 10(-3), and 10(-4), respectively. These BHs fall in the mass gap predicted from pair-instability supernovae. We also show that the most massive BHBs are unlikely to merge within a Hubble time. In our simulations, merging BHs like GW151226 and GW170608, form at all metallicities, the high-mass systems (like GW150914, GW170814, and GW170104) originate from metal-poor (Z less than or similar to 6 x 10(-3)) progenitors, whereas GW170729-like systems are hard to form, even at Z = 10(-4). The BHB merger rate in the local Universe obtained from our simulations is similar to 90Gpc(-3)yr(-1), consistent with the rate inferred from LIGO-Virgo data

    Host galaxies of merging compact objects: mass, star formation rate, metallicity, and colours

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    Characterizing the properties of the host galaxies of merging compact objects provides essential clues to interpret current and future gravitational-wave detections. Here, we investigate the stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), metallicity, and colours of the host galaxies of merging compact objects in the local Universe by combining the results of MOBSE population-synthesis models together with galaxy catalogues from the EAGLE simulation. We predict that the stellar mass of the host galaxy is an excellent tracer of the merger rate per galaxy n(GW) of double neutron stars (DNSs), double black holes (DBHs), and black hole-neutron star binaries (BHNSs). We find a significant correlation also between n(GW) and SFR. As a consequence, n(GW) correlates also with the r-band luminosity and with the g-r colour of the host galaxies. Interestingly, greater than or similar to 60 per cent, greater than or similar to 64 per cent, and greater than or similar to 73 per cent of all the DNSs, BHNSs, and DBHs merging in the local Universe lie in early-type galaxies, such as NGC 4993. We predict a local DNS merger rate density of similar to 238 Gpc(-3) yr(-1) and a DNS merger rate similar to 16-121 Myr(-1) for Milky Way-like galaxies. Thus, our results are consistent with both the DNS merger rate inferred from GW170817 and the one inferred from Galactic DNSs

    Genetic diversity of the genus Prunus based on per se evaluation of peach clonal rootstocks.

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    A aplicação de análises multivariadas e quantificação da divergência genética fornecem parâmetros que favorecem a seleção de porta-enxertos superiores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade técnica do uso de parte da diversidade genética do gênero Prunus como porta-enxerto clonal do pessegueiro ?BRS-Libra?. O pomar experimental faz parte de uma rede nacional de avaliação de porta-enxertos para prunáceas, sob a coordenação geral da Embrapa Clima Temperado. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso e a coleta de dados ocorreu no ciclo produtivo 2016/2017. Foram realizadas análises físicas (área de secção do tronco, massa média de frutos) e química (sólidos solúveis), além da quantificação da produtividade estimada das plantas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk, ao nível 5% de probabilidade, sendo posteriormente realizado o agrupamento dos porta-enxertos através do método hierárquico UPGMA. A realização do agrupamento resultou na formação de cinco grupos. As cultivares do grupo I, Mirabolano 29C e Marianna 2624, apresentaram incompatibilidade de enxertia com a cultivar BRS-Libra. Semelhantemente, as cultivares do grupo II apresentaram sintomas característicos de incompatibilidade de enxertia, resultando em pouco desenvolvimento. Os grupos III e IV são compostos por cultivares que apresentaram baixo e médio vigor, com boas perspectivas de uso para formar pomares em alta densidade, enquanto as cultivares do grupo V destacaram-se por apresentar alto vigor, recomendadas para pomares de baixa densidade. O uso de diferentes porta-enxertos influencia no comportamento da cultivar BRS-Libra no vigor e produção de frutos, havendo divergência genética entre eles

    Dynamics of black hole-neutron star binaries in young star clusters

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    Young star clusters are likely the most common birthplace of massive stars across cosmic time and influence the formation of compact binaries in several ways. Here, we simulate the formation of black hole-neutron star binaries (BHNSs) in young star clusters, by means of the binary population synthesis code MOBSE interfaced with the N-body code NBODY6++GPU. BHNSs formed in young star clusters (dynamical BHNSs) are significantly more massive than BHNSs formed from isolated binaries (isolated BHNSs): ~40 per cent of the dynamical BHNS mergers have a total mass of > 15 M0, while only ~0.01 per cent of the isolated BHNS mergers have mass in excess of this value. Hence, our models strongly support a dynamical formation scenario for GW190814, given its total mass of ~26 M0, if this event is a BHNS merger. All our dynamical BHNSs are ejected from their parent star cluster before they reach coalescence. Thus, a significant fraction of BHNS mergers occurring in the field might have originated in a young star cluster. The mass spectrum of BHNS mergers from gravitational-wave detections will provide a clue to differentiate between dynamical and isolated formation of BHNSs

    A hierarchical multiple-point statistics simulation procedure for the 3D reconstruction of alluvial sediments

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    A correct representation of the heterogeneity of porous formations and of their preferential flow paths is crucial for a reliable modelization of the contaminant transport processes. Several geostatistical tools have been developed to tackle this challenge. Many of these tools are often applied in a multi-scale framework, where the geostatistical simulation is applied fist trying to reproduce the big scale features of the sedimentary formations, and finally to reproduce their small scale features. However, many of the developed multi-scale and hierarchical techniques have a quite complex work-flow and rely on diverse simulation methods. Here a simplified hierarchical simulation procedure is proposed, where only multiple-point statistics (MPS) is used to simulate the target heterogeneities at different scales. The simulation procedure is organized in a tree-like frame, where MPS is applied at each simulation branch using a simplified binary training image and the corresponding available conditioning data. At each simulation branch, the MPS simulation is performed in a sub- domain defined by one of the two facies codes simulated at the parent branch. The proposed procedure is tested in the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of two model blocks of alluvial sediments, using the available two-dimensional (2D) outcrop information as training images. It is compared against a non hierarchical MPS simulation procedure in terms of connectivity indicators and breakthrough curves obtained from 3D particle tracking numerical experiments. All the aforementioned tests are performed considering 100 equiprobable realizations for each simulation technique. This allows to make statistically reliable comparisons, and to extract statistical distributions of the transport parameters by fitting analytical curves to the results of the particle tracking experiments. These statistical distributions are used to perform one-dimensional transport experiments on spatial scales ten times bigger than the block scale using the Kolmogorov-Dmitriev approach in a Monte Carlo framework