52 research outputs found

    A physical effort-based model for pedestrian movement in topographic urban environments

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    This paper presents a topography-sensitive cognitive model for analysis and prediction of pedestrian movement in urban settings. Topography affects visibility and therefore the spatial awareness of pedestrians. It also accentuates the role of physical effort during travel and route selection. The existing models fall short in their reference to these issues. A thorough description of the proposed model is followed by a validation - the model was tested against two existing models in three case studies in Haifa and Jerusalem, Israel. The proposed model outperformed the others in the steeper parts of the case studies. Future model development is discussed

    A Network Approach to Link Visibility and Urban Activity Location

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    Performance of a range of urban amenities is influenced by their accessibility to pedestrians. Success in attracting pedestrians to a particular location depends on how they project visuospatial information. In this paper, we propose an original method for analysing the visuospatial integration of particular locations within a street network. As a case study we analyse the distribution of one type of urban amenities - food and drink public facilities. We represent them in a form of visibility graph as objects of navigational decisions within the street network. To explore how urban facilities, streets and pedestrian visual cognition are interrelated, we create and compare three cases: a street network visibility graph and two visibility graphs of amenities. The first graph is based on the existing, “natural” distribution, while the second is an “artificial”, fabricated version of the environment, where urban locations are redistributed evenly across the case study. We study the graphs’ global network properties by the use of small-world, and scale-free models. Our results demonstrate that views available for an urban traveller in the existing, “natural” setting had a particular structure. It is built of numerous weakly connected locations coexisting with a small number of hubs with an exceptionally large number of visual connections. Such organisation of urban visibility shows that visuospatial network shares morphological similarities with other natural networks, suggesting that common organizational principles underlie network structure

    Virus-Induced Cancers of the Skin and Mucosa:Are We Dealing with "Smoking Guns" or "Smoke and Mirrors" in the Operating Theatre?

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    Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) alone is thought to cause ~610,000 cases of cancer per year, and is the dominant aetiological agent for ano-genital (esp. cervical) and head and neck cancers (esp. oropharyngeal). Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) is a more recently discovered virus which causes Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare but highly aggressive skin malignancy. Methods: We explored the available published evidence to see if transmission of live HPV or MCV virus in smoke generated by laser or diathermy was feasible, and would pose an infection risk. Long-term infection with such carcinogenic viruses would then pose an increased risk for the development of virus-induced cancers in medical personnel. Results: The morphological structures of both HPV and MCV are very similar, and the size, external capsids and genomic structures show striking similarity. Both viruses have a non-enveloped external protein capsid consisting of 72 capsomeres, and a double-stranded DNA core. Sizes of both viruses range from 50 to 60 nm. There are now recent data demonstrating live and infectious HPV in smoke, and that these viruses can be used to infect cells in vitro. Further, anecdotal reports of virus transmission leading to disease causation in the production of respiratory airway viral warts (benign disease), and, finally, reports of HPV-induced oropharyngeal carcinoma (malignant disease) in two gynaecological surgeons as an occupational health hazard have been published recently. Conclusion: There is now sufficient evidence to support the hypotheses that live infectious carcinogenic viruses can be transmitted via smoke generated from surgical procedures, and, in rare instances, actually cause significant disease. Protective measures such as smoke extraction and airway protection should be instituted for all healthcare personnel, particularly those with multiple repeated exposures such as gynaecological surgeons

    Spatial openness as a practical metric for evaluating built-up environments

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    This paper reports on a primary metric tool developed in a collaboration between an architecture researcher and a computer science researcher. The development of this tool emerged from the concept that the spatial openness (SO) -- the volume of free space measured from all possible observation points -- is an important quality indicator of alternative spatial configurations within given constraints; this concept is based on the idea that the geometry and morphology of the built-up environment influence perception. Previous work showed that comparative SO measurements in alternative spatial configurations are correlated with the comparative perceived density, and in particular that a higher value of SO indicates a lower perceived density. We present a feasible 3D computational method for measuring SO and demonstrate its potential use in the design process. The SO metric is a step towards the development of quantitative comparative evaluation of building shapes and spatial configurations related to the 3D observation of open space.

    Tips, Tricks, and Artifacts in Trichoscopy

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    A method for sampling the living wood microbiome

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    Abstract Efforts to characterize microbial life across diverse environments have progressed tremendously, yet the microbiome of Earth's largest biomass reservoir—the wood of living trees—has been largely unexplored. Current understanding of the tree microbiome is largely confined to roots and leaves, with little attention given to the endophytic microbiome of wood, even though emergent studies have indicated this zone as a niche for unique taxa, of consequence for ecosystem health and global biogeochemical cycles. The lack of investigation derives partly from the physical recalcitrance of wood, which presents challenges during sampling, homogenization, and the extraction of nucleic acids. In response to these issues, we present an optimized method for processing wood for use in microbial analyses, from sampling through to downstream analyses. Using methane‐cycling taxa as model endophytes, we assess losses in recovery during our method, and determine a limit‐of‐detection of approximately 500 cells per 100 mg of (dry) wood. For all six species evaluated—which represented several diverse taxa of hardwoods and softwoods—PCR inhibition proved minimal, and we expect this method to be applicable for a majority of tree species. The methods presented herein can facilitate future investigation into the wood microbiome and global microbial ecology of methane cycling

    Clinical guidelines for the recognition of melanoma of the foot and nail unit

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    Malignant melanoma is a life threatening skin tumour which may arise on the foot. The prognosis for the condition is good when lesions are diagnosed and treated early. However, lesions arising on the soles and within the nail unit can be difficult to recognise leading to delays in diagnosis. These guidelines have been drafted to alert health care practitioners to the early signs of the disease so an early diagnosis can be sought<br/
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