60 research outputs found

    Optical photometry and spectral classification in the field of the open cluster NGC 6996 in the North America Nebula

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    We present and discuss broad band CCD UBV(I)c photometry and low resolution spectroscopy for stars in the region of the open cluster NGC 6996, located in the North America Nebula. The new data allow us to tightly constrain the basic properties of this object. We revise the cluster size, which in the past has been significantly underestimated. The width of the Main Sequence is mainly interpreted in terms of differential reddening, and indeed the stars' color excess EB-V ranges from 0.43 to 0.65, implying the presence of a significant and evenly distributed dust component. We cross-correlate our optical photometry with near infrared photometry from 2MASS, and by means of spectral classification we are able to build extinction curves for an handful of bright members. We find that the reddening slope and the total to selective absorption ratio Rv toward NGC 6996 are anomalous. Moreover the reddening-corrected colors and magnitudes allow us to derive estimates for the cluster distance and age, which turn out to be 760 ± 70 pc (V0 - Mv = 9.4 ± 0.2) and ∼350 Myr, respectively. Based on our results, we suggest that NGC 6996 is located in front of the North America Nebula, and does not seem to have any apparent relationship with it.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Can CCM law properly represent all extinction curves?

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    We present the analysis of a large sample of lines of sight with extinction curves covering wavelength range from near-infrared (NIR) to ultraviolet (UV). We derive total to selective extinction ratios based on the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989, CCM) law, which is typically used to fit the extinction data both for diffuse and dense interstellar medium. We conclude that the CCM law is able to fit most of the extinction curves in our sample. We divide the remaining lines of sight with peculiar extinction into two groups according to two main behaviors: a) the optical/IR or/and UV wavelength region cannot be reproduced by the CCM formula; b) the optical/NIR and UV extinction data are best fit by the CCM law with different values of R_V. We present examples of such curves. The study of both types of peculiar cases can help us to learn about the physical processes that affect dust in the interstellar medium, e.g., formation of mantles on the surface of grains, evaporation, growing or shattering.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, in "Light, dust and chemical evolution", Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Optical photometry and spectral classification in the field of the open cluster NGC 6996 in the North America Nebula

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    We present and discuss broad band CCD UBV(I)c photometry and low resolution spectroscopy for stars in the region of the open cluster NGC 6996, located in the North America Nebula. The new data allow us to tightly constrain the basic properties of this object. We revise the cluster size, which in the past has been significantly underestimated. The width of the Main Sequence is mainly interpreted in terms of differential reddening, and indeed the stars' color excess EB-V ranges from 0.43 to 0.65, implying the presence of a significant and evenly distributed dust component. We cross-correlate our optical photometry with near infrared photometry from 2MASS, and by means of spectral classification we are able to build extinction curves for an handful of bright members. We find that the reddening slope and the total to selective absorption ratio Rv toward NGC 6996 are anomalous. Moreover the reddening-corrected colors and magnitudes allow us to derive estimates for the cluster distance and age, which turn out to be 760 ± 70 pc (V0 - Mv = 9.4 ± 0.2) and ∼350 Myr, respectively. Based on our results, we suggest that NGC 6996 is located in front of the North America Nebula, and does not seem to have any apparent relationship with it.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The vertical transport of methane from different potential emission types on Mars

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    The contrasting evolutionary behavior of the vertical profile of methane from three potential release scenarios is analysed using a global circulation model with assimilated temperature profiles. Understanding the evolving methane distribution is essential for interpretation of future retrievals of the methane vertical profile taken by instruments on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter spacecraft. We show that at methane release rates constrained by previous observations and modelling studies, discriminating whether the methane source is a sustained or instantaneous surface emission requires at least ten sols of tracking the emission. A methane source must also be observed within five to ten sols of the initial emission to distinguish whether the emission occurs directly at the surface or within the atmosphere via destabilization of metastable clathrates. Assimilation of thermal data is shown to be critical for the most accurate back-tracking of an observed methane plume to its origin

    Optical photometry and spectral classification in the field of the open cluster NGC 6996 in the North America Nebula

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    We present and discuss broad band CCD UBV(I)CUBV(I)_C photometry and low resolution spectroscopy for stars in the region of the open cluster NGC 6996, located in the North America Nebula. The new data allow us to tightly constrain the basic properties of this object. We revise the cluster size, which in the past has been significantly underestimated. The width of the Main Sequence is mainly interpreted in terms of differential reddening, and indeed the stars' color excess EBVE_{B-V} ranges from 0.43 to 0.65, implying the presence of a significant and evenly distributed dust component. We cross-correlate our optical photometry with near infrared from 2MASS, and by means of spectral classification we are able to build up extinction curves for an handful of bright members. We find that the reddening slope and the total to selective absorption ratio RVR_V toward NGC 6996 are anomalous. Moreover the reddening corrected colors and magnitudes allow us to derive estimates for the cluster distance and age, which turn out to be 760±70pc760 \pm 70 pc (V0MV=9.4±0.2V_{0}-M_{V} = 9.4 \pm 0.2) and 350\sim 350 Myr, respectively. Basing on our results, we suggest that NGC 6996 is located in front of the North America Nebula, and does not seem to have any apparent relationship with it.Comment: 19 pages, 12 eps figures, in press in A&

    Removal of atmospheric features in near infrared spectra by means of principal component analysis and target transformation on Mars: I. Method

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    Acknowledgments We thank the Italian Institute of Astrophysics INAF for the financial support within the project PRIN-INAF 2011. We are thankful to OMEGA team and ESA staff for scientific, operational and technical supports.The aim of this work is to extract the surface contribution in the martian visible/near-infrared spectra removing the atmospheric components by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and target transformation (TT). The developed technique is suitable for separating spectral components in a data set large enough to enable an effective usage of statistical methods, in support to the more common approaches to remove the gaseous component. In this context, a key role is played by the estimation, from the spectral population, of the covariance matrix that describes the statistical correlation of the signal among different points in the spectrum. As a general rule, the covariance matrix becomes more and more meaningful increasing the size of initial population, justifying therefore the importance of sizable datasets. Data collected by imaging spectrometers, such as the OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité) instrument on board the ESA mission Mars Express (MEx), are particularly suitable for this purpose since it includes in the same session of observation a large number of spectra with different content of aerosols, gases and mineralogy. The methodology presented in this work has been first validated using a simulated dataset of spectra to evaluate its accuracy. Then, it has been applied to the analysis of OMEGA sessions over Nili Fossae and Mawrth Vallis regions, which have been already widely studied because of the presence of hydrated minerals. These minerals are key components of the surface to investigate the presence of liquid water flowing on the martian surface in the Noachian period. Moreover, since a correction for the atmospheric aerosols (dust) component is also applied to these observations, the present work is able to completely remove the atmospheric contribution from the analysed spectra. Once the surface reflectance, free from atmospheric contributions, has been obtained, the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM) has been applied to spectra showing the hydrated phase. Silicates and iron-bearing hydrated minerals have been identified by means of the electronic transitions of Fe2+ between 0.8 and 1.2 μm, while at longer wavelengths the hydrated mineralogy is identified by overtones of the OH group. Surface reflectance spectra, as derived through the method discussed in this paper, clearly show a lower level of the atmospheric residuals in the 1.9 hydration band, thus resulting in a better match with the MGM deconvolution parameters found for the laboratory spectra of martian hydrated mineral analogues and allowing a deeper investigation of this spectral range. <P /

    Sensitive search of CH4 on Mars by SOFIA/EXES

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    We present the results of our sensitive search of CH4 on Mars using the Echelon-Cross-Echelle Spectrograph (EXES) onboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)