40 research outputs found
Comparison of the marginal adaptation of direct and indirect composite inlay restorations with optical coherence tomography
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to use the photonic imaging modality of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to compare the marginal adaptation of composite inlays fabricated by direct and indirect techniques. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Class II cavities were prepared on 34 extracted human molar teeth. The cavities were randomly divided into two groups according to the inlay fabrication technique. The first group was directly restored on cavities with a composite (Esthet X HD, Dentsply, Germany) after isolating. The second group was indirectly restored with the same composite material. Marginal adaptations were scanned before cementation with an invisible infrared light beam of OCT (Thorlabs), allowing measurement in 200 µm intervals. Restorations were cemented with a self-adhesive cement resin (SmartCem2, Dentsply), and then marginal adaptations were again measured with OCT. Mean values were statistically compared by using independent-samples t-test and paired samples t-test (p<0.05), before and after cementation. RESULTS: Direct inlays presented statistically smaller marginal discrepancy values than indirect inlays, before (p=0.00001442) and after (p=0.00001466) cementation. Marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations after cementation (p=0.00008839, p=0.000000952 for direct and indirect inlays, respectively). The mean marginal discrepancy value of the direct group increased from 56.88±20.04 µm to 91.88±31.7 µm, whereas the indirect group increased from 107.54±35.63 µm to 170.29±54.83 µm. Different techniques are available to detect marginal adaptation of restorations, but the OCT system can give quantitative information about resin cement thickness and its interaction between tooth and restoration in a nondestructive manner. CONCLUSIONS: Direct inlays presented smaller marginal discrepancy than indirect inlays. The marginal discrepancy values were increased for all restorations that refer to cement thickness after cementation
Effect of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy on plasma and urine endothelin concentrations
Since the first reports of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL), there have been increasing numbers of articles in the literature documenting renal blood flow impairment and blood pressure elevation as complications., However, little is known about the pathophysiology and prevention of these complications, In this prospective study, the influence of high-energy shockwaves on plasma and urine endothelin concentrations was investigated in 20 patients with renal stones, The patients were randomly assigned to receive a calcium channel blocker, 10 mg of nitrendipine (Bypress; Bayer) (N = 10) 2 hours before SWL or no medication (control group; N = 10), Blood samples were taken just before and 1 minute after application of 3000 shocks, Urine samples were collected by ureteral catheters, The plasma endothelin-l concentrations were significantly elevated after SWL in the control group (P = 0.003), On the other hand, nitrendipine significantly reduced plasma endothelin concentrations after SWL (P = 0.003), No significant change was observed in urine samples and blood pressure measurements, These results suggest that endothelin release after SWL may be a cause for lithotripsy-induced hemodynamic changes, Medical prevention with calcium channel blockers warrants further investigation
Habitual tea drinking and bone mineral density in postmenopausal turkish women: Investigation of prevalence of postmenopausal osteoporosis in turkey (IPPOT study)
PubMedID: 18622949Aim: In this epidemiological report, we assessed the prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis (OP) in postmenopausal Turkish women and the relationship between body mass index (BMI), and some nutritional factors (habitual tea, coffee, tobacco, and milk product consumption) with OP. Methods: This multicenter study was done in postmenopausal women residing in five big cities, in four different regions of Turkey between August and November 2005. An inclusion criterion was being in the postmenopausal period for at least 12 months. A semi-structured questionnaire was completed by face-to-face interview, consisting of closed- and open-ended questions about demographic characteristics, nutritional status, and habits with two or more choices as possible responses. Bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed with a MetriScan® Densitometer (Alara Inc., Ca, USA). Results: Seven hundred twenty-four women were included in the study. The mean age was 57.6 ± 9.6 years, and mean age at natural menopause was 46.4 ± 5.6 years. Of the participants, 51% were illiterate. According to WHO classification; 42.5% were normal in terms of BMD, 27.2% had osteopenia, and 30.2% had OP. Women with high education levels had better T-scores (p = 0.019). Increase in BMI also had a positive effect on T-scores (p 65 years were excluded]. Conclusion: OP was determined in 1/3 of the women. Advanced age (> 65) and being illiterate were negative factors, while high education levels, being overweight, and being treated with HT had a positive effects on BMD. Habitual tea drinking also may have a positive effect on BMD. However, tea drinking was not found to be a statistically significant factor in the present study. © Hogrefe & Huber Publishers