44 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan Ny H.G Dengan Perilaku Kekerasan Di Ruang Isolasi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Naimata Kupang

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    Perilaku kekerasan adalah suatu bentuk perilaku yang bertujuan untuk melukai seseorang secara fisik maupun psikologis. Berdasarkan defenisi tersebut maka perilaku kekerasan dapat dilakukan secara verbal, diarahkan pada diri sendiri, orang lain, dan lingkungan. Tujuaan dari pembuatan Asuhan Keperawatan ini yaitu Peserta Ujian Akhir Program mampu mengaplikasikan asuhan keperawatan Ny. H.G dengan gangguan perilaku kekerasan melalui pendekatan proses keperawatan. Terdapat 3 masalah pada kasus tersebut diantaranya sebagai berikut : Perilaku kekerasan, Ganguan persepsi sensori : halusinasi, Resiko mencederai (diri sendiri, orang lain, lingkungan)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecepatan putaran mesin pencacah terhadap kualitas hasil cacahan dan menentukan kecepatan putaran mesin dengan hasil cacahan yang berkualitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ekperimental untuk menganalisis ragam pengaruh perlakuan  terhadap pengaruh perbedaan kecepatan  putaran mesin. Dengan  metode ini  dapat menganalisis dan diketahui perlakuan terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas kerja tertinggi terdapat pada RPM 3400 sebesar 13,11 gr/menit yang berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan lainnya. Kapasitas kerja alat terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan C dengan nilai rata rata sebesar 5,43 gram/menit. Hasil uji jarak berganda duncan terhadap keseragaman hasil cacahan menunjukkan bahwa pada pada kecepatan putaran 3400 rpm menghasilkan ukuran cacahan terbaik dengan ukuran 2 cm paling besar yaitu sebanyak 5,43 gram, yang berbeda nyata dengan kecepatan putaran mesin lainnya

    Pemulihan Psikososial Anak dengan Metode Games dan Outbond pada Pascagempa

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    Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk memulihkan psikososial anak yang kena dampak gempa. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di dusun Kakol Karang Bangket. Dalam pelaksanaan pemulihan tersebut ada beberapa kegiatan yang sangat menarik. Pemulihanpsikologi pada anak sangat penting, karena psikologi anak tidak akan terlarut lama dalam kecemasan dan ketakutan. Sehinggga lebih lanjut, akan mempengaruhi gangguan pada jiwanya. Pemulihan psikososial anak dapat dengan trik sebagai berikut; 1) Meyakinkan pada anak masih ada orang yangmencintai. Anak diberi pengarahan nasihat masih banyak orang yang menyayangi. Anak diajarkan untuk berdoa. 2) Membuat anak tersenyum dengan melakukan kegiatan yang menyenakan misalnya dengan bermain, mendongeng atau pengajian, 3) Tidak perlu menanyangkan hal-hal yang membuat anak trauma lagi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim prodi pendidikan geografi (dosen dn Mahasiswa), sangat membantu memulihkan keceriaan anak-anak desa Kakol Karang Bengket. Selama ada gempa desa tersebut belum tersentuh adanya bantuan, jadi anak-anak disana masih merasa cemas dan takut. Dengan adanya tim kami, metode yang dipakai bisa membuat anak ceria lagi. Pertama anakmendengarkan cerita yang lucu-lucu, sehingga tawa mereka terdengar. Kedua peserta diajak kelapangan untuk main game/permainan. Peserta yang menang-berani untuk tampil akan diberi hadiah. Hal ini membuat mereka senang, karena merasa mendapatkan penghargaan. Masyarakat Desa Kakol Karang Bengket sangat berterima kasih anak-anaknya bisa kembali ceria dan gembira. Masyarakat tersebut mengharapkan kehadiran kami setiap hari atau seminggu sekali, sehingga anak-anak anak semangat lagi beraktivitas belajar

    Use of a mobile application for Ebola contact tracing and monitoring in northern Sierra Leone: a proof-of-concept study.

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    BACKGROUND: The 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was the largest Ebola epidemic to date. Contact tracing was a core surveillance activity. Challenges with paper-based contact tracing systems include incomplete identification of contacts, delays in communication and response, loss of contact lists, inadequate data collection and transcription errors. The aim of this study was to design and evaluate an electronic system for tracing contacts of Ebola cases in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone, and to compare this with the existing paper-based system. The electronic system featured data capture using a smartphone application, linked to an alert system to notify the District Ebola Response Centre of symptomatic contacts. METHODS: The intervention was a customised three-tier smartphone application developed using Dimagi's CommCare platform known as the Ebola Contact Tracing application (ECT app). Eligible study participants were all 26 Contact Tracing Coordinators (CTCs) and 86 Contact Tracers (CTs) working in the 11 Chiefdoms of Port Loko District during the study period (April-August 2015). Case detection was from 13th April to 17th July 2015. The CTCs and their CTs were provided with smartphones installed with the ECT app which was used to conduct contact tracing activities. Completeness and timeliness of contact tracing using the app were compared with data from April 13th-June 7th 2015, when the standard paper-based system was used. RESULTS: For 25 laboratory-confirmed cases for whom paper-based contact tracing was conducted, data for only 39% of 408 contacts were returned to the District, and data were often incomplete. For 16 cases for whom app-based contact tracing was conducted, 63% of 556 contacts were recorded as having been visited on the app, and the median recorded duration from case confirmation to first contact visit was 70 h. CONCLUSION: There were considerable challenges to conducting high-quality contact tracing in this setting using either the paper-based or the app-based system. However, the study demonstrated that it was possible to implement mobile health (mHealth) in this emergency setting. The app had the benefits of improved data completeness, storage and accuracy, but the challenges of using an app in this setting and epidemic context were substantial

    Load carrying capacity of a heterogeneous surface bearing

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    It has been shown before that liquids can slip at a solid boundary, which prompted the idea that parallel-surfaces bearings can be achieved just by alternating slip and non-slip regions in the direction of fluid flow. The amount of slip at the wall depends on the surface tension at the liquid–solid interface, which in turn depends on the chemical state of the surface and its roughness. In the present study a heterogeneous surface was obtained by coating half of a circular glass disc with a coating repellant to glycerol. A rotating glass disc was placed at a known/calibrated distance and the gap was filled with glycerol. With the mobile surface moving from the direction of slip to non-slip region it can be theoretically shown that a pressure build up can be achieved. The pressure gradient in the two regions is constant, similar to that in a Rayleigh step bearing, with the maximum pressure at the separation line. The heterogeneous disc was placed on a holder supported by a load cell thus the force generated by this pressure increase can be measured accurately. Tests were carried out at different sliding speeds and gaps and the load carried was measured and subsequently compared with theoretical calculations. This allowed the slip coefficient to be evaluated

    J. Cell Sci.

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    Assembly of muscle sarcomeres is a complex dynamic process and involves a large number of proteins. A growing number of these have regulatory functions and are transiently present in the myofibril. We show here that the novel tubulin-associated RING/B-box protein MURF2 associates transiently with microtubules, myosin and titin during sarcomere assembly. During sarcomere assembly, MURF2 first associates with microtubules at the exclusion of tyrosinated tubulin. Then, MURF2-labelled microtubules associate transiently with sarcomeric myosin and later with A-band titin when non-striated myofibrils differentiate into mature sarcomeres. Finally, MURF2 labelled microtubules disappear from the sarcomere after the incorporation of myosin filaments and the elongation of titin. This suggests that the incorporation of myosin into nascent sarcomeres and the elongation of titin require an active, microtubule-dependent transport process and that MURF2- associated microtubules play a role in the alignment and extension of nascent sarcomeres. MURF2 is expressed in at least four isoforms, of which a 27 kDa isoform is cardiac specific. A C-terminal isoform is generated by alternative reading frame use, a novelty in muscle proteins. In mature cardiac sarcomeres, endogenous MURF2 can associate with the M-band, and is translocated to the nucleus. MURF2 can therefore act as a transient adaptor between microtubules, titin and nascent myosin filaments, as well as being involved in signalling from the sarcomere to the nucleus