327 research outputs found


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    Akram Falahati 1,2, Yair Pincu1, & Hamid Arazi 2 1Department of Health and Exercise Sciences, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 2Department of Exercise Physiology, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the effects of exercise mode on cardiac damage in young men and to test the contribution of training status and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme insertion/deletion (ACE-I/D) polymorphism to exercise-associated cardiac damage. METHODS: We measured circulating levels of cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) and N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in 29 trained and 27 untrained soccer players before and after moderate-intensity continuous exercise (MICE) and high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) running tests. ACE-I/D polymorphism was evaluated from circulating leukocyte-derived DNA. RESULTS: Compared to untrained, trained soccer players had higher cTnI levels – independently of exercise mode (pre-exercise: 0.014±0.007 vs. 0.010±0.005 ng/mL; post HIIE: 0.031±0.008 vs. 0.0179±0.007 ng/mL and post MICE: 0.030±0.007 vs. 0.018±0.007 ng/mL in trained vs. untrained, respectively). No group differences were found in the NT-proBNP response to exercise. No within training-status group differences were found in cTnI levels across the three ACE-I/D polymorphism categories for trained (DD: 0.015±0.008 ng/mL; ID: 0.015±0.007 ng/mL; II: 0.014±0.008 ng/mL) and their untrained counterparts (DD: 0.010±0.004 ng/mL; ID: 0.011±0.004 ng/mL; II: 0.010±0.006 ng/mL). CONCLUSION: Training status but not exercise mode nor ACE-I/D polymorphism affected circulating markers of cardiac damage in young healthy men. Additionally, ACE genotype did not impacted biomarkers of cardiac damage in response to HIIE and MICE, suggesting that the ACE gene does not play a significant role in exercise-induced cardiac damage in young healthy men. Keywords: ACE gene; exercise; hs-cTnI; NT-proBNP; soccer; traine

    Comparative study on gonad development in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in fresh and brackish water in the Yazd Province

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    Rainbow trout (Oncorhylichus mikiss) weidting 200±5 grams were used in this study to compare their gonad development in fresh and brackish water in Yazd Province. The culture period lasted 140 days from October to March 2003 during which time the temperature 03.8+0.6), pH (8.18±0.12) and dissolved oxygen (6.2+0.11) of fresh and brackish water were kept nearly constant. The salinity of fresh and brackish water was 0.4 -0.5 and 14.3-14.7ppt respectively. The fish were fed common commercial trout food (Chineh GFT2) based on temperature and biomass. Histological studies indicated that the gonad development is accelerated in brackish water where the males mature two month eal her than those reared in freshwater. The gonadosomatic index (G51) also affirmed the gonad development (P<0.05)

    Analysis of the Rare BcDs,dl+lB_c \to D_{s,d}^{*} l^+ l^- Decays in QCD

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    The rare BcDs,dl+lB_c \to D_{s,d}^{*} l^+ l^- decays are investigated in the framework of the three point QCD sum rules approach. Considering the gluon condensate corrections to the correlation function, the form factors relevant to these transitions are calculated. The total decay width and branching ratio for these decays are also evaluated. The results for the branching ratios are in good agreement with the quark models.Comment: 20 Pages, 2 Figures and 5 Table

    Investigation of the Ds1D_{s1} structure via BcB_c to Ds1l+l/ννˉD_{s1} l^+l^-/\nu\bar\nu transitions in QCD

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    We investigate the structure of the Ds1(2460,2536)(JP=1+)D_{s1}(2460,2536) (J^P=1^+) mesons via analyzing the semileptonic BcDs1l+lB_{c}\to D_{s1}l^+l^-, l=τ,μ,el=\tau, \mu, e and BcDs1ννˉB_{c}\to D_{s1}\nu\bar{\nu} transitions in the framework of the three--point QCD sum rules. We consider the Ds1D_{s1} meson in two ways, the pure csˉ>|c\bar{s}> state and then as a mixture of two 3P1>|^3P_1> and 1P1>|^1P_1> states. Such type rare transitions take place at loop level by electroweak penguin and weak box diagrams in the standard model via the flavor changing neutral current transition of bsb \to s. The relevant form factors are calculated taking into account the gluon condensate contributions. These form factors are numerically obtained for csˉ>|c\bar s> case and plotted in terms of the unknown mixing angle θs\theta_s, when the Ds1D_{s1} meson are considered as mixture of two 3P1>|^3P_1> and 1P1>|^1P_1> states. The obtained results for the form factors are used to evaluate the decay rates and branching ratios. Any future experimental measurement on these form factors as well as decay rates and branching fractions and their comparison with the obtained results in the present work can give considerable information about the structure of this meson and the mixing angle θs\theta_s.Comment: 33 Pages, 11 Figures and 5 Table

    Double-Lepton Polarization Asymmetries in B_s \rar \phi \ell^+ \ell^- Decay in the Fourth-Generation Standard Model

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    In this paper, we investigate the effects of the fourth generation of quarks on the double-lepton polarization asymmetries in the B_s \rar \phi \ell^+ \ell^- decay. It is shown that these asymmetries in B_s \rar \phi \ell^+ \ell^- decay compared with those of B \rar K \ell^+ \ell^- decay are more sensitive to the fourth-generation parameters. We conclude that an efficient way to establish the existence of the fourth generation of quarks could be the study of these asymmetries in the B_s \rar \phi \ell^+ \ell^- decay.Comment: 25 pages and 7 figure

    Specific identification and antifungal susceptibility pattern of clinically important dermatophyte species isolated from patients with dermatophytosis in Tehran, Iran

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    Background: With regard to the increasing number of antifungal-resistant dermatophytes, the requirement for precise identification of causative agents of infections and antifungal susceptibility test is vital. Antifungal susceptibility testing of dermatophytes plays a pivotal role in managing dermatophytosis. The current study aimed at determining antifungal susceptibility profile of 161 important dermatophyte species isolated from Iranian patients. Methods: The current descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted on 508 clinically suspected samples of dermatophytosis collected and identified by conventional methods. All dermatophyte isolates were identified using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. The susceptibility of dermatophyte strains to two routine antider-matophyte agents (terbinafine and griseofulvin) was evaluated using micro-dilution method according to CLSI (the clinical and laboratory standards institute) M38-A2 guidelines. Trichophyton rubrum PTCC 5143 and Candida krusei ATCC 6258 were used as quality controls. Results: Among 161 dermatophyte isolates, T. interdigitale was reported as the most frequent species isolated from patients using PCR-RFLP and Microsporum ferruginum was the least isolated species. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of griseofulvin and terbinafine were ranged 0.0312-8 and 0.008-4 µg/mL, respectively. The most susceptible and resistant species to griseofulvin were T. interdigitale (MIC = 0.0312 µg/mL) and T. interdigitale/T. rubrum (MIC = 8 µg/mL), respectively. The results indicated that T. verrucosum (MIC = 0.008 µg/mL) was the most susceptible species to terbinafine, whereas T. interdigitale and T. rubrum were the most resistant species to it (MIC = 4 µg/mL). Conclusions: The obtained results assist clinicians to monitor the trend and be able to choose effective medications to treat patients with dermatophytosis, especially in countries such as Iran, where dermatophytosis is still a public health problem. © 2018, Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases

    Aspergillosis of central nervous system in patients with leukemia and stem cell transplantation: a systematic review of case reports

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    Background: Aspergillosis of Central Nervous System (CNS) is a highly lethal infection in patients with leukemia and Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT). Methods: Case reports of CNS aspergillosis in patients with leukemia and SCT published between 1990 and August 2020 were gathered using a structured search through PubMed/Medline. Results: Sixty-seven cases were identified over the searches of the PubMed bibliographic database and then, 59 cases were included in the final analysis. Europe had the largest share of cases at 57.6 (34 reports), followed by Americas and Asia. Affected patients were predominantly males (58.6) and the mean age of the patients was 36.1 years, while 62.7 of the patients were under the age of 50 years. The most common leukemia types include Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) at 43.4, 27.4, and 23.5, respectively. Furthermore, stem cell transplantation was reported in 11 cases. The overall mortality was 33; however, the attributable mortality rate of CNS aspergillosis was 24.5. Altered mental status, hemiparesis, cranial nerve palsies, and seizures were the clearest manifestations of infection and lung involvement reported in 57 of the patients. Histopathologic examination led to the diagnosis of infection in 57 of the patients followed by culture (23.7), galactomannan assay (8.5), and molecular method (3.3). Amphotericin B and voriconazole were the most frequently used drugs for infection treatment. Good results were not obtained in one-third of the patients treated by voriconazole. Finally, neurosurgical intervention was used for 23 patients (39). Conclusion: CNS aspergillosis is a rapidly progressive infection in leukemic patients. Thus, these patients should be followed up more carefully. Furthermore, management of induction chemotherapy, use of different diagnostic methods, and use of appropriate antifungal can lead to infection control. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Health needs assessment of workers in Kaveh industrial city

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    Background: Health needs assessment (HNA) is essential for allocation of limited resources to the most prioritized problems. HNA in work places has gained increasing importance. Kaveh industrial city is the largest and oldest industrial city in Iran, with a wide range of different industries, making it an exemplary industrial city in Iran. This study was done to conduct health needs assessment of workers in Kaveh industrial city. Methods: In this study, intensive HNA approach and qualitative method were used. In-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted to collect information related to health risk factors, and Delphi method was used to prioritize these risk factors. A total of 74 key informants participated in this study, which constituted more than 80 of the total related experts of Kaveh industrial city. Results: The main identified health challenge was inefficiency of the existing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) control and monitoring system. The most important physical health risk factors were smoking and obesity and the most prioritized psychosocial risk factors were stress and lack of appropriate management and organizational culture. Ergonomic issues and noise pollution were the prioritized work environmental factors and inappropriate placement of pollutant industries in the industrial city was the most prioritized bioenvironmental risk factor. Unsafe road to industrial zone and poor safety devices used by workers were the most prioritized occupational injuries risk factors. Conclusion: Addressing the identified health needs of workers in Kaveh industrial city is of high importance. Also, redefining the HSE control and monitoring system should be prioritized. © Iran University of Medical Sciences