13,573 research outputs found

    Anomalous globular clusters: insights from neutron capture elements abundances

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    Thanks to the large amount of spectroscopic and photometric data assembled in the last couple of decades, the assumption that all globular clusters (GCs) contain a simple mono-metallic stellar population has been modified. Besides the common variations in the elements created/destroyed in the H-burning processes, spreads and/or multi-modalities in heavier elements have been detected in a few objects. Among the most remarkable chemical inhomogeneity in these anomalous objects is the internal variation in the neutron-capture (n-capture) elements, that can provide some information about the material from which stars were born. I report a summary of the chemical pattern observed in GCs where variations in n-capture have been detected, and the connection between these chemical features and the distribution of stars along the color-magnitude diagrams in the context of the lively debate on multiple stellar populations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fugures, proceedings of the meeting "Reading the book of globular clusters with the lens of stellar evolution", Rome, Nov. 26-28, 2012, to be published in Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italian

    Horizontal-branch morphology and multiple stellar populations in the anomalous globular cluster M22

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    M22 is an anomalous globular cluster that hosts two groups of stars with different metallicity and s-element abundance. The star-to-star light-element variations in both groups, with the presence of individual Na-O and C-N anticorrelations, demonstrates that this Milky-Way satellite has experienced a complex star-formation history. We have analysed FLAMES/UVES spectra for seven stars covering a small color interval, on the reddest horizontal-branch (HB) portion of this cluster and investigated possible relations between the chemical composition of a star and its location along the HB. Our chemical abundance analysis takes into account effects introduced by deviations from the local-thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE effects), that are significant for the measured spectral lines in the atmospheric parameters range spanned by our stars. We find that all the analysed stars are barium-poor and sodium-poor, thus supporting the idea that the position of a star along the HB is strictly related to the chemical composition, and that the HB-morphology is influenced by the presence of different stellar populations.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Chemical composition of stellar populations in Omega Centauri

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    We derive abundances of Fe, Na, O, and s-elements from GIRAFFE@VLT spectra for more than 200 red giant stars in the Milky Way satellite Omega Centauri. Our preliminary results are that: (i) we confirm that Omega Centauri exibiths large star-to-star metallicity variations (∼\sim 1.4 dex); (ii) the metallicity distribution reveals the presence of at least five stellar populations with different [Fe/H]; (iii) a clear Na-O anticorrelation is clearly observed for the metal-poor and metal-intermediate populations while apparently the anticorrelation disappears for the most metal-rich populations. Interestingly the Na level grows with iron.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symp. 268 "Light elements in the Universe" (C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, C. Chiappini, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press

    Constraints on the slope of the dark halo mass function by microlensing observables

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    We investigate the dark halo lens mass function (MF) for a wide class of spheroidal non singular isothermal models comparing observed and observable microlensing quantities for MACHO observations towards LMC and taking into account the detection efficiency. We evaluate the microlensing observable quantities, i.e. observable optical depth, number of events and mean duration, for models with homogenous power - law MF changing the upper and lower mass limits and the flattening of the dark halo. By applying the simple technique of the inverse problem method we are then able to get some interesting constraints on the slope α\alpha of the MF and on the dark halo mass fraction f made out by MACHOs consistently with previous results.Comment: 10 LaTex pages, 2 postscript figures, accepted on 21/5/2001 for pubblication on A&A; title changed, completely revised version : a new definition of observable optical depth is used and all the MACHO results from 5.7 years of observations are used to constrain the slope of the dark halo mass functio

    The oxygen vs. sodium (anti)correlation(s) in omega Cen

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    Recent exam of large samples of omega Cen giants shows that it shares with mono-metallic globular clusters the presence of the sodium versus oxygen anticorrelation, within each subset of stars with iron content in the range -1.9<~[Fe/H]<~-1.3. These findings suggest that, while the second generation formation history in omega Cen is more complex than that of mono-metallic clusters, it shares some key steps with those simpler cluster. In addition, the giants in the range -1.3<[Fe/H]<~-0.7 show a direct O--Na correlation, at moderately low O, but Na up to 20 times solar. These peculiar Na abundances are not shared by stars in other environments often assumed to undergo a similar chemical evolution, such as in the field of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. These O and Na abundances match well the yields of the massive asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) in the same range of metallicity, suggesting that the stars at [Fe/H]>-1.3 in omega Cen are likely to have formed directly from the pure ejecta of massive AGBs of the same metallicities. This is possible if the massive AGBs of [Fe/H]>-1.3 in the progenitor system evolve when all the pristine gas surrounding the cluster has been exhausted by the previous star formation events, or the proto--cluster interaction with the Galaxy caused the loss of a significant fraction of its mass, or of its dark matter halo, and the supernova ejecta have been able to clear the gas out of the system. The absence of dilution in the metal richer populations lends further support to a scenario of the formation of second generation stars in cooling flows from massive AGB progenitors. We suggest that the entire formation of omega Cen took place in a few 10^8yr, and discuss the problem of a prompt formation of s--process elements.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Charge and Magnetic Flux Correlations in Chern-Simons Theory with Fermions

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    Charge and magnetic flux bearing operators are introduced in Chern-Simons theory both in its pure form and when it is coupled to fermions. The magnetic flux creation operator turns out to be the Wilson line. The euclidean correlation functions of these operators are shown to be local and are evaluated exactly in the pure case and through an expansion in the inverse fermion mass whenever these are present. Physical states only occur in the presence of fermions and consist of composite charge-magnetic flux carrying states which are in general anyonic. The large distance behavior of the correlation functions indicates the condensation of charge and magnetic flux.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    Inhomogeneous mechanical losses in micro-oscillators with high reflectivity coating

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    We characterize the mechanical quality factor of micro-oscillators covered by a highly reflective coating. We test an approach to the reduction of mechanical losses, that consists in limiting the size of the coated area to reduce the strain and the consequent energy loss in this highly dissipative component. Moreover, a mechanical isolation stage is incorporated in the device. The results are discussed on the basis of an analysis of homogeneous and non-homogeneous losses in the device and validated by a set of Finite-Element models. The contributions of thermoelastic dissipation and coating losses are separated and the measured quality factors are found in agreement with the calculated values, while the absence of unmodeled losses confirms that the isolation element integrated in the device efficiently uncouples the dynamics of the mirror from the support system. Also the resonant frequencies evaluated by Finite-Element models are in good agreement with the experimental data, and allow the estimation of the Young modulus of the coating. The models that we have developed and validated are important for the design of oscillating micro-mirrors with high quality factor and, consequently, low thermal noise. Such devices are useful in general for high sensitivity sensors, and in particular for experiments of quantum opto-mechanics

    Detection of weak stochastic force in a parametrically stabilized micro opto-mechanical system

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    Measuring a weak force is an important task for micro-mechanical systems, both when using devices as sensitive detectors and, particularly, in experiments of quantum mechanics. The optimal strategy for resolving a weak stochastic signal force on a huge background (typically given by thermal noise) is a crucial and debated topic, and the stability of the mechanical resonance is a further, related critical issue. We introduce and analyze the parametric control of the optical spring, that allows to stabilize the resonance and provides a phase reference for the oscillator motion, yet conserving a free evolution in one quadrature of the phase space. We also study quantitatively the characteristics of our micro opto-mechanical system as detector of stochastic force for short measurement times (for quick, high resolution monitoring) as well as for the longer term observations that optimize the sensitivity. We compare a simple, naive strategy based on the evaluation of the variance of the displacement (that is a widely used technique) with an optimal Wiener-Kolmogorov data analysis. We show that, thanks to the parametric stabilization of the effective susceptibility, we can more efficiently implement Wiener filtering, and we investigate how this strategy improves the performance of our system. We finally demonstrate the possibility to resolve stochastic force variations well below 1% of the thermal noise

    Different stellar rotation in the two main sequences of the young globular cluster NGC1818: first direct spectroscopic evidence

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of main sequence (MS) stars in the young globular cluster NGC1818 (age~40 Myrs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Our photometric survey on Magellanic Clouds clusters has revealed that NGC1818, similarly to the other young objects with age 600 Myrs, displays not only an extended MS Turn-Off (eMSTO), as observed in intermediate-age clusters (age~1-2 Gyrs), but also a split MS. The most straightforward interpretation of the double MS is the presence of two stellar populations: a sequence of slowly-rotating stars lying on the blue-MS and a sequence of fast rotators, with rotation close to the breaking speed, defining a red-MS. We report the first direct spectroscopic measurements of projected rotational velocities vsini for the double MS, eMSTO and Be stars of a young cluster. The analysis of line profiles includes non-LTE effects, required for correctly deriving v sini values. Our results suggest that: (i) the mean rotation for blue- and red-MS stars is vsini=71\pm10 km/s (sigma=37 km/s) and vsini=202\pm23 km/s (sigma=91 km/s), respectively; (ii) eMSTO stars have different vsini, which are generally lower than those inferred for red-MS stars, and (iii) as expected, Be stars display the highest vsini values. This analyis supports the idea that distinct rotational velocities play an important role in the appearence of multiple stellar populations in the color-magnitude diagrams of young clusters, and poses new constraints to the current scenarios.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ (11/07/2018

    An ultra-low dissipation micro-oscillator for quantum opto-mechanics

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    Generating non-classical states of light by opto-mechanical coupling depends critically on the mechanical and optical properties of micro-oscillators and on the minimization of thermal noise. We present an oscillating micro-mirror with a mechanical quality factor Q = 2.6x10^6 at cryogenic temperature and a Finesse of 65000, obtained thanks to an innovative approach to the design and the control of mechanical dissipation. Already at 4 K with an input laser power of 2 mW, the radiation-pressure quantum fluctuations become the main noise source, overcoming thermal noise. This feature makes our devices particularly suitable for the production of pondero-motive squeezing.Comment: 21 pages including Supplementary Informatio
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