513 research outputs found

    The role of farmed fish in the diets of the resource-poor in Egypt.

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    The Egyptian aquaculture industry provides more than 100,000 full-time or part-time jobs and produces the country’s least-expensive farmed animal protein. Thus, aquaculture plays an important role in both sustaining livelihoods and improving the diet quality and nutritional health of Egyptians, including a significant proportion of the 25.5% who are resource-poor. Recognizing this dual role, WorldFish has promoted sustainable growth in Egyptian aquaculture for more than 20 years. Through its work, WorldFish has identified a lack of quality data about fish consumption preferences and practices. Eager to fill this knowledge gap, WorldFish partnered with the Environment and Development Group (EDG) to study consumption of fish, red meat and poultry among the resource-poor in Egypt. This study aimed to characterize current consumer preferences for and consumption patterns of animal-source foods, comparing red meat, poultry and fish. The resulting data is meant to contribute to a better understanding of what drives demand for fish among the resource-poor in Egypt, allowing value chain actors to more successfully market their products to this segment of the population

    Bio-herbicidal potential of the essential oils from different Rosmarinus Officinalis L. chemotypes in laboratory assays

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    The current study aimed to assess the allelopathic effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oils (EOs) to define the potent effect against weed species, by exploring distinct chemotypes and their main compounds. The EOs from eight accessions were characterized. Their components were identified by gas chromatography, and four chemotypes were defined; C1 (α-pinene), C2 (camphor), C3 (α-pinene/1,8-cineole), and C4 (α-pinene/1,8-cineole/camphor). Four concentrations of the EOs (400, 800, 1200, and 2400 μL/L) and the main compounds of each chemotype were tested in a laboratory assay against Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Lolium perenne L. in pre-and post-germination. The results showed that the EOs significantly affected all the tested parameters (germination, early growth, and physiological and histological parameters of the weeds under study) in a dose, chemotype, and species dependent manner. A. retroflexus was more sensitive than L. perenne at germination level being significantly inhibited at the lowest dose of all the chemotypes. The latter all exhibited significant effects but with a higher potency of C2 (camphor chemotype) and C3 (α-pinene/1,8-cineole chemotype), as well qualitative differences in the induced damage. Our results thus increase knowledge about the role of the monoterpene composition in bioherbicidal effect, which can help in the development of EO based bio-herbicides


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    The present study was carried out in the desert valley (wadi) Abu Salam (63 Km.) east of Berber city, RiverNileState, and in the nursery of the Faculty of Agriculture, NileValleyUniversity. The autecology and biology of major desert specie, Handal (Citrullus coloynthsis), were studied. The study area (Wadi Abu Salam) was divided into three sections; upper, middle and lower. The soil was classified as sodic soil and contained a high percentage of clay in the upper section, equal percentage of clay and sand in the middle section and high percentage of sand in the lower section. The distribution of Handal plant in the wadi area was investigated. In the first season, it was only detected in the middle section (0.60-0.72 plants/m2). In the second season, the plant was distributed in the three sections of the wadi (1.46-1.66 plants/m2 for the upper section, 0.27-0.49 plants/m2 for the middle section and 0.3-0.4 plants/m2 for the lower sections).The rate of photosynthesis increased during the first stage of growth to reach its maximum (2.2-2.34 gm/day) during the 8th week from the start of germination, then started to decline till it reached its minimum rate (0.10-0.12 gm/day) at the maturity stage in both seasons. Plant roots growth started at a low rate, then, increased with plant development and became equal after 7 weeks from germination. After that, it decreased until it reached its lowest rate at the stage of maturity

    Performing the Egyptian revolution : origins of collective restraint action in the Midan

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    This research was supported by a Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland grant.In January/February 2011, the world watched with admiration the Egyptian revolution that toppled President Housni Mubarak. The demonstration in Midan al-Tahrir (Liberation Square in central Cairo), which was the nucleus of the revolution, highlighted a largely spontaneous, civil and peaceful political performance. However, this performance was temporary, contradicting subsequent bloody conflicts in post-revolutionary Egypt. This article examines the socio-political origins of the Midan performance. It argues that the demonstrators exercised collective restraint, which was temporary but necessary, in order to topple Mubarak. Building on Norbert Elias’ civilising process theory and social movements literature, it is argued that the origins of this performance are found in a collective knowledge of regime strategy and narrative, Egyptian socio-political values and existing repertoires of contention. Drawing on primary sources and semi-structured interviews, the article contends that the demonstrators exercised collective restraint to reframe regime narrative and draw public support for the revolution.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Impacts of the Cairo Metro

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    The Cairo Metro the first in Africa and the Middle East is a two-line system, heavily-used. Data from the operator and a direct passenger survey are used to illustrate patterns of use and draw policy implications for other systems. While current revenue exceeds operating costs, cross-subsidies may exist between different passenger groups as a result of highly-discounted student season tickets. A fare increase in 1996 is used to estimate short-run elasticity of demand with respect to price, approximately 0.2, a similar figure to other metro systems. Substantial use is made of motorised feeder modes, notably shared taxis (paratransit minibuses). The high level of use occurs despite a substantial premium over other public transport fares, and lack of integrated ticketing. A likely explanation is that the fares are reasonable compared with incomes, and that the price differential is offset for many users by the time savings vis a vis congested traffic conditions.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Oxidation–reduction potential and sperm DNA fragmentation, and their associations with sperm morphological anomalies amongst fertile and infertile men

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    Objective: To assess seminal oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) and sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in male infertility and their relationships with sperm morphology in fertile and infertile men. Patients and methods: Prospective case-control study comparing the findings of infertile men (n = 1168) to those of men with confirmed fertility (n = 100) regarding demographics and semen characteristics (conventional and advanced semen tests). Spearman rank correlation assessed the correlation between ORP, SDF, and different morphological indices. Means of ORP and SDF were assessed in variable levels of normal sperm morphology amongst all participants. Results: Infertile patients had a significantly lower mean sperm count (32.7 vs 58.7 × 10 6 sperm/mL), total motility (50.1% vs 60.4%), and normal morphology (5.7% vs 9.9%). Conversely, infertile patients had significantly higher mean head defects (54% vs 48%), and higher ORP and SDF values than fertile controls. ORP and SDF showed significant positive correlations and significant negative correlations with sperm head defects and normal morphology in infertile patients, respectively. ORP and SDF were significantly inversely associated with the level of normal sperm morphology. Using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, ORP and SDF threshold values of 1.73 mV/10 6 sperm/mL and 25.5%, respectively, were associated with 76% and 56% sensitivity and 72% and 72.2% specificity, respectively, in differentiating <4% from ≥4% normal morphology. Conclusion: A direct inverse relationship exists between seminal ORP and SDF with various levels of normal sperm morphology. Using ORP and SDF measures in conjunction with standard semen morphology analysis could validate the result of the fertility status of patients. © 2017 Arab Association of UrologyScopu

    Impacts of microcystins on morphological and physiological parameters of agricultural plants: a review

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    Cyanobacteria are a group of photosynthetic prokaryotes that pose a great concern in the aquatic environments related to contamination and poisoning of wild life and humans. Some species of cyanobacteria produce potent toxins such as microcystins (MCs), which are extremely aggressive to several organisms, including animals and humans. In order to protect human health and prevent human exposure to this type of organisms and toxins, regulatory limits for MCs in drinking water have been established in most countries. In this regard, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed 1 µg MCs/L as the highest acceptable concentration in drinking water. However, regulatory limits were not defined in waters used in other applications/activities, constituting a potential threat to the environment and to human health. Indeed, water contaminated with MCs or other cyanotoxins is recurrently used in agriculture and for crop and food production. Several deleterious effects of MCs including a decrease in growth, tissue necrosis, inhibition of photosynthesis and metabolic changes have been reported in plants leading to the impairment of crop productivity and economic loss. Studies have also revealed significant accumulation of MCs in edible tissues and plant organs, which raise concerns related to food safety. This work aims to systematize and analyze the information generated by previous scientific studies, namely on the phytotoxicity and the impact of MCs especially on growth, photosynthesis and productivity of agricultural plants. Morphological and physiological parameters of agronomic interest are overviewed in detail in this work, with the aim to evaluate the putative impact of MCs under field conditions. Finally, concentration-dependent effects are highlighted, as these can assist in future guidelines for irrigation waters and establish regulatory limits for MCsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laser induced elastooptics in novel Bi2O3, and Pr2O3 doped tellurite rich glasses

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    We have studied the laser stimulated effects in 70TeO2-10ZnO-10WO3-5TiO2-5Na2O (mol%) glasses doped with 1…5 mol%. of Bi2O3, and Pr2O3, respectively. The photoinduced processes were performed using two coherent beams of 532 nm doubled frequency Nd: YAG pulsed laser at angles varying within 28 to 26 degree. The low-power 532 nm beam has served as a probing one for detection of photoinduced changes. The crucial dependence on the Pr3+ and Bi dopants was observed. This one allows using these compounds for the laser operated optical devices