762 research outputs found

    Molecular double core-hole electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis

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    We explore the potential of double core hole electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis in terms of x-ray two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy (XTPPS). The creation of deep single and double core vacancies induces significant reorganization of valence electrons. The corresponding relaxation energies and the interatomic relaxation energies are evaluated by CASSCF calculations. We propose a method how to experimentally extract these quantities by the measurement of single and double core-hole ionization potentials (IPs and DIPs). The influence of the chemical environment on these DIPs is also discussed for states with two holes at the same atomic site and states with two holes at two different atomic sites. Electron density difference between the ground and double core-hole states clearly shows the relaxations accompanying the double core-hole ionization. The effect is also compared with the sensitivity of single core hole ionization potentials (IPs) arising in single core hole electron spectroscopy. We have demonstrated the method for a representative set of small molecules LiF, BeO, BF, CO, N2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CO2 and N2O. The scalar relativistic effect on IPs and on DIPs are briefly addressed.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures. To appear in J. Chem. Phys

    Foot kinematics in patients with two patterns of pathological plantar hyperkeratosis

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    Background: The Root paradigm of foot function continues to underpin the majority of clinical foot biomechanics practice and foot orthotic therapy. There are great number of assumptions in this popular paradigm, most of which have not been thoroughly tested. One component supposes that patterns of plantar pressure and associated hyperkeratosis lesions should be associated with distinct rearfoot, mid foot, first metatarsal and hallux kinematic patterns. Our aim was to investigate the extent to which this was true. Methods: Twenty-seven subjects with planter pathological hyperkeratosis were recruited into one of two groups. Group 1 displayed pathological plantar hyperkeratosis only under metatarsal heads 2, 3 and 4 (n = 14). Group 2 displayed pathological plantar hyperkeratosis only under the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads (n = 13). Foot kinematics were measured using reflective markers on the leg, heel, midfoot, first metatarsal and hallux. Results: The kinematic data failed to identify distinct differences between these two groups of subjects, however there were several subtle (generally <3°) differences in kinematic data between these groups. Group 1 displayed a less everted heel, a less abducted heel and a more plantarflexed heel compared to group 2, which is contrary to the Root paradigm. Conclusions: There was some evidence of small differences between planter pathological hyperkeratosis groups. Nevertheless, there was too much similarity between the kinematic data displayed in each group to classify them as distinct foot types as the current clinical paradigm proposes

    Impact of future tsunamis from the Java trench on household welfare: Merging geophysics and economics through catastrophe modelling

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    This paper presents the first end-to-end example of a risk model for loss of assets in households due to possible future tsunamis. There is a significant need for Government to assess the generic risk to buildings, and the concrete impact on the full range of assets of households, including the ones that are key to livelihoods such as agricultural land, fishing boats, livestock and equipment. Our approach relies on the Oasis Loss Modelling Framework to integrate hazard and risk. We first generate 25 representative events of tsunamigenic earthquakes off the Southern coast of Java, Indonesia. We then create a new vulnerability function based upon the Indonesian household survey STAR1 of how much assets have been reduced in each household after the 2004 tsunami. We run a multinomial logit regression to precisely allocate the probabilistic impacts to bins that correspond with levels of financial reduction in assets. We focus on the town of Cilacap for which we build loss exceedance curves, which represent the financial losses that may be exceeded at a range of future timelines, using future tsunami inundations over a surveyed layout and value of assets over the city. Our loss calculations show that losses increase sharply, especially for events with return periods beyond 250 years. These series of computations will allow more accurate investigations of impacts on livelihoods and thus will help design mitigation strategies as well as policies to minimize suffering from tsunamis.Lloyd's Tercentenary Research Foundation; Lighthill Risk Network; Alan Turing Institute project "Uncertainty Quantification of multi-scale and multiphysics computer models: applications to hazard and climate models", EPSRC EP/N510129/1; Royal Society, the United Kingdom CHL/R1/180173

    Studi Karakter Morfologi dan Fisiologi Varietas Padi Toleran Terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan Pada Sistem Sawah

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    Water stress is one of factors which causes low yield of lowland. This study aimed to identify and characterize morphology and physiology of drought tolerant rice varieties. Experiments which have conducted: (i) Investigation of rice varieties tolerance to drought stress at early vegetative stage in the laboratory (ii) morphology and physiology characters of rice varieties to drought stress in the paddy field and (iii) determining the character of root of  rice tolerant to drought stress. The experimental design used was split plot design with 3 (three) replications, with drought stress as the main plot and the variety as sub-plot. The result of screening test at the laboratory using PEG (Polyethylene Glycol) which could characterize which rice varieties could be considered as drought tolerant varieties. Results showed that periods of drought increasing the proline content at Ciherang (25.38 μmol) and IPB 3S varieties (22.08 μmol) at 13 WAT (Week After Transplanting). The variety that has the highest total sugar content in the flowering stage is Rokan (289.38 mg.g-1DW) followed by Menthik Wangi (230.53 mg.g1DW), while the lowest sugar content in harvest found in Jatiluhur (17.14 mg.g-1DW) followed by Way Apo Buru (46.99 mg.g-1DW). Jatiluhur, Way Apo Buru and IPB 3S varieties have drought tolerant based on the root characteristic. Ciherang, IPB 3S, Way Apo Buru and Jatiluhur varieties were drought tolerant and potential to be used in paddy field

    Association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and biomarkers of oxidative stress among patients hospitalised with acute myocardial infarction

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    Objective To determine whether exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with oxidative stress among patients hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Design An existing cohort study of 1,261 patients hospitalised for acute myocardial infarction.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Setting Nine acute hospitals in Scotland.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Participants Sixty never smokers who had been exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (admission serum cotinine ≥3.0 ng/mL) were compared with 60 never smokers who had not (admission serum cotinine ≤0.1 ng/mL).&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Intervention None.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Main outcome measures Three biomarkers of oxidative stress (protein carbonyl, malondialdehyde (MDA) and oxidised low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)) were measured on admission blood samples and adjusted for potential confounders.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results After adjusting for baseline differences in age, sex and socioeconomic status, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with serum concentrations of both protein carbonyl (beta coefficient 7.96, 95% CI 0.76, 15.17, p = 0.031) and MDA (beta coefficient 10.57, 95% CI 4.32, 16.81, p = 0.001) but not ox-LDL (beta coefficient 2.14, 95% CI −8.94, 13.21, p = 0.703).&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was associated with increased oxidative stress. Further studies are requires to explore the role of oxidative stress in the association between environmental tobacco smoke and myocardial infarction.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    The Mechanisms of Codon Reassignments in Mitochondrial Genetic Codes

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    Many cases of non-standard genetic codes are known in mitochondrial genomes. We carry out analysis of phylogeny and codon usage of organisms for which the complete mitochondrial genome is available, and we determine the most likely mechanism for codon reassignment in each case. Reassignment events can be classified according to the gain-loss framework. The gain represents the appearance of a new tRNA for the reassigned codon or the change of an existing tRNA such that it gains the ability to pair with the codon. The loss represents the deletion of a tRNA or the change in a tRNA so that it no longer translates the codon. One possible mechanism is Codon Disappearance, where the codon disappears from the genome prior to the gain and loss events. In the alternative mechanisms the codon does not disappear. In the Unassigned Codon mechanism, the loss occurs first, whereas in the Ambiguous Intermediate mechanism, the gain occurs first. Codon usage analysis gives clear evidence of cases where the codon disappeared at the point of the reassignment and also cases where it did not disappear. Codon disappearance is the probable explanation for stop to sense reassignments and a small number of reassignments of sense codons. However, the majority of sense to sense reassignments cannot be explained by codon disappearance. In the latter cases, by analysis of the presence or absence of tRNAs in the genome and of the changes in tRNA sequences, it is sometimes possible to distinguish between the Unassigned Codon and Ambiguous Intermediate mechanisms. We emphasize that not all reassignments follow the same scenario and that it is necessary to consider the details of each case carefully.Comment: 53 pages (45 pages, including 4 figures + 8 pages of supplementary information). To appear in J.Mol.Evo

    Failure to ubiquitinate c-Met Leads to Hyperactivation of mTOR Signaling in a Mouse Model of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common inherited disorder that is caused by mutations at two loci, polycystin 1 (PKD1) and polycystin 2 (PKD2). It is characterized by the formation of multiple cysts in the kidneys that can lead to chronic renal failure. Previous studies have suggested a role for hyperactivation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in cystogenesis, but the etiology of mTOR hyperactivation has not been fully elucidated. In this report we have shown that mTOR is hyperactivated. in Pkd1-null mouse cells due to failure of the HGF receptor c-Met to be properly ubiquitinated and subsequently degraded after stimulation by HGF. In Pkd1-null cells, Casitas B-lineage lymphoma (c-Cb1), an E3-ubiquitin ligase for c-Met, was sequestered in the Golgi apparatus with alpha(3)beta(1) integrin, resulting in the inability to ubiquitinate c-Met. Treatment of mouse Pkd1-null cystic kidneys in organ culture with a c-Met pharmacological inhibitor resulted in inhibition of mTOR activity and blocked cystogenesis in this mouse model of ADPKD. We therefore suggest that blockade of c-Met is a potential novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of ADPKD

    Right coronary wall cmr in the older asymptomatic advance cohort: positive remodeling and associations with type 2 diabetes and coronary calcium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coronary wall cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a promising noninvasive approach to assess subclinical atherosclerosis, but data are limited in subjects over 60 years old, who are at increased risk. The purpose of the study was to evaluate coronary wall CMR in an asymptomatic older cohort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cross-sectional images of the proximal right coronary artery (RCA) were acquired using spiral black-blood coronary CMR (0.7 mm resolution) in 223 older, community-based patients without a history of cardiovascular disease (age 60-72 years old, 38% female). Coronary measurements (total vessel area, lumen area, wall area, and wall thickness) had small intra- and inter-observer variabilities (r = 0.93~0.99, all p < 0.0001), though one-third of these older subjects had suboptimal image quality. Increased coronary wall thickness correlated with increased coronary vessel area (p < 0.0001), consistent with positive remodeling. On multivariate analysis, type 2 diabetes was the only risk factor associated with increased coronary wall area and thickness (p = 0.03 and p = 0.007, respectively). Coronary wall CMR measures were also associated with coronary calcification (p = 0.01-0.03).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Right coronary wall CMR in asymptomatic older subjects showed increased coronary atherosclerosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes as well as coronary calcification. Coronary wall CMR may contribute to the noninvasive assessment of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis in older, at-risk patient groups.</p

    Atomic diffraction from nanostructured optical potentials

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    We develop a versatile theoretical approach to the study of cold-atom diffractive scattering from light-field gratings by combining calculations of the optical near-field, generated by evanescent waves close to the surface of periodic nanostructured arrays, together with advanced atom wavepacket propagation on this optical potential.Comment: 8 figures, 10 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    South American Spider Mites: New Hosts and Localities

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    In order to contribute to taxonomic information on Tetranychid mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in South America, surveys were conducted in Brazil (15 States and the Federal District) and Uruguay (one Department); 550 samples of 120 plant species were collected. Tetranychid mite infestations were confirmed in 204 samples, and 22 species belonging to seven genera of the Bryobiinae and Tetranychinae subfamilies were identified on 58 different host plants. Thirty-six new plant hosts were found in Brazil, South America, and worldwide for the following species: Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor); Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar); Oligonychus anonae Paschoal; O. mangiferus (Rahman and Sapra); Tetranychus bastosi Tuttle, Baker and Sales; T. desertorum Banks, 1900, T. evansi Baker and Pritchard; T. ludeni Zacher; T. mexicanus (McGregor); T. neocaledonicus André; and T. urticae Koch. Four new localities in Brazil were reported for Eotetranychus tremae De Leon; O. anonae; Panonychus ulmi (Koch); and T. gloveri Baker and Pritchard