567 research outputs found

    Discrimination Towards Moslem AS Depicted In Kabir Khan\u27s New York Movie

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    Keywords: stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, Moslem in America, theSeptember 11th tragedyThe September 11th is a historical and social tragedy affect Moslem in America. The tragedy triggers stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination towards Moslem by American. The film entitled New York directed by Kabir Khan, points out the discrimination towards Moslem post the September 11th tragedy.The research employs sociological approach in order to investigate and provide insights into how American behavior toward Moslem after the September 11thtragedy. The research approach directs the discussion to use scientific method to establish parameters that help make sure results of the research are objective and accurate and applying discrimination theory that allows two steps followed to interpret and analyze the data: stereotypes and prejudice.The discussion of the study reveals that the September 11th tragedy triggers stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination toward Moslem by other Americans. Furthermore, Kabir Khan\u27s New York shows most of unfair treatments are brought from the reality on the field into this film. However, Kabir Khan also adds dramatic effects to each of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination scenesto emphasize the effort to diminish stereotypes and generalization toward religion.Moreover, it is suggested for the next researchers to conduct a study on the same film using other approaches. For example, Psychological approach, whichperspective can be used to analyze the psychological condition of the Moslemcharacter through War on Terror and discrimination. It seems that the September 11th tragedy, psychologically has caused dramatic changes toward several characters such as Sameer and Zilgai

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Anak Pelaku Pencabulan Yang Melanggar Pasal 76 Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Anak Di Wilayah Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi

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    Penerapan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pencabulan tidak hanya terhadap orang dewasa saja, tetapi juga diterapkan terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana pencabulan. Pengertian tentang anak dapat ditemukan dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak (disingkat UUPA). Pasal 1 angka 1 UUPA memberikan pengertian atas anak sebagai seseorang yang belum berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun, termasuk yang masih berada dalam kandungan. Pencabulan kepada anak oleh anak dapat dijerat dengan Pasal 76 D dan E UU No.35 tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Anak yang belum berusia 12 tahun dan melakukan tindak pencabulan tidak dapat dikenai pertanggungjawaban pidana. Anak yang telah berusia 12 tahun tetapi belum berusia 14 tahun tidak dapat dijatuhi sanksi pidana apabila mereka melakukan pencabulan, hanya dapat dikenai tindakan. Pertanggungjawaban apapun yang diterapkan kepada anak yang melakukan pencabulan harus memperhatikan harkat dan martabat anak serta memperhatikan kepentingan terbaik anak. Jangan sampai stigma atau label akibat pertanggungjawaban pidana yang dibebankan kepada anak merusak masa depannya

    Analysis of Radiation Exposure Level on Linen and Other Objects in Patient Rooms at Nuclear Medicine Installation

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    Analysis of radiation contamination levels has been carried out using an Atomtex surveymeter in the patient rooms after thyroid cancer ablation therapy, in the Nuclear Medicine Installation, Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital. This study aims to measure the level of radiation exposure based on the rate of radiation exposure and radiation contamination of objects in the patient rooms after ablation therapy, and to find out how long linen can be washed since the first measurement. Data collection was carried out once a week, on the same weekday, for five weeks for objects in the patient rooms by using the surveymeter at a fixed distances from the objects’ surfaces. Radiation contamination measurements for linen items were carried out for 3 d by aiming the surveymeter to container containing linen items from certain distances. Based on this study, the level of radiation exposure obtained is categorized as low because the value range is below 10 μSv/h. The radiation contamination for some objects are categorized as low-level exposure because the value is less than 3.7 Bq/cm2. Other objects tend to be in the moderate-level category because the value is more than 3.7 Bq/cm2 and less than 37 Bq/cm2. The values obtained refer to the standard issued by BATAN. It can be concluded that the patient rooms in the Nuclear Medicine Installation of Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital are safe

    An Analysis of Student in Writing Recount Text at Ninth Grade Students PKBM Nurul Islam Telagasari

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage and to determine the types of errors made by students in writing recount text. Expecially to identify an error students make in using verb in recount text. The method used in this research is qualitative. The qualitative design used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this study were 20 students of class 1X PKBM Nurul Islam and all students were taken as samples. Data collection was done by giving tests and interviews with students. The errors were classified into Surface Taxonomi, From the results of this study, it can be seen those verb frequent error made by class X1 PKBM Nurul Islam students with a percentage of 100%. The total omission errors were 19 error or 9,5%, additional errors 5 or 2,5%, 156 misinformation errors or 78% and misordering errors were found 20 or 10%, the total formatting errors were 200 errors or 100%

    A Proposed Model of Metamaterial Complementary Split- Ring Resonator to Reduce Microstrip Array Antenna Dimension

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    This study aims to develop a model of complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) metamaterial structure to reduce microstrip array antenna dimensions. The smaller antenna dimensions are needed in communication system applications such as cellular devices and IoT sensors. It is necessary to miniaturize the antenna size to provide compatible antenna size with the development of wireless communication systems. This study was developed by designing the CSRR model on the microstrip array antenna at 2300 MHz LTE frequency band and using FR-4 Epoxy substrate material. The simulation and measurement results show the microstrip array antenna with the addition of CSRR structure that has 31% smaller dimension compared to without using CSRR structure. The radiation performances with the addition of CSRR structure also shows a significant improvement of bandwidth and return loss with a slight decrease in gain. This study proves that the addition of CSRR structure is one of the solution to miniaturization of microstrip antenna.     Keywords: CSRR metamaterial, antenna dimension, radiation performance

    English Teachers’ Strategies in English Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the English teacher's strategy in teaching English on the students' ability to receive English material during online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMPN 31 Bekasi. The writer uses quantitative data to collect the data collected by using the English teacher strategy questionnaire. The population of this study were students in grades 8 and 9 as many as 83 students, while the sample size was taken as many as 45 students. The data analysis tools used are normality test, simple regression analysis, simple correlation analysis, Coefficient of deterprestasiion and Hypothesis Testing with t Test. The regression equation is obtained Y= 0.373 + 0.626 X. The equation shows that the coefficient value for the online learning strategy of English teachers during Covid-19 (X) in this study had a negative effect on student learning outcomes (Y) at SMPN 31 Bekasi. The correlation between the English teachers’ strategies on students' understanding during online learning was obtained r = 0.949, means the relationship between English teachers’ strategies on students' understanding during online learning at SMPN 31 Bekasi is very strong. While the results of the coefficient of determination ( r2 ) = 89.9%, this means that the variable English teachers’ strategies variables can affect students' understanding of material at SMPN 31 Bekasi is 89.9% while other variables affect students' material understanding by 10.1%. Hypothesis testing results obtained tcount = 19.833 and the value of ttable = 1.684. Because the value of tcount > ttable is shown, H0 is rejected while Ha is accepted. This means that the English teachers’ strategies in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has a significant influence on students' understanding of material during online learning at SMPN 31 Bekasi
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