395 research outputs found


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    Mitigating the impact of a time-dependent production process

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division; and, (S.M.) -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 61).Value-added processes that bear associated wait times occur frequently during production manufacturing and increase cycle time. Since the wait time is integral to the value created by the process, it can be difficult to reduce the cycle time impact. The use of adhesives and the impact of their associated cure times is an example of such a time-dependent process and one that appears frequently on products made at Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems (SAS). Using a typical Raytheon pod system (RPS) as a case study, this thesis examines various ways to mitigate the impact of these value-added associated wait times (VAAWT) on cycle time. Adhesives with long cure and/or set times are used extensively throughout the design of this RPS in both structural and non-structural applications. Now that the RPS is well into full-rate production, the cycle time impact of these adhesives' VAAWT has become a burden, accounting for over 60% of the cycle time on the three assemblies studied on during the case study. Both short-term and long-term solutions were developed as a result of this project, which enabled a 23% reduction in cycle time exclusive of changes in design.(cont.) Based upon the lessons learned during this case study, a set of guidelines is presented for application to other time-dependent processes and Raytheon products. This thesis also discusses some of the barriers encountered during the implementation of this project and suggestions for overcoming them. These guidelines and lessons have already been applied successfully to reducing the impact of adhesive cure times on a second SAS product line, resulting in a cycle time reduction of 80%.by Sara A. Dudnik.S.M

    Influence of the resonance characteristics of free-yaw small wind turbines on the performance

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    Variability of behavior within very short time periods is typical of a wind flow. Thus, the upwind horizontal axis wind turbine with passive yaw system represents a torsional oscillation system. The article aims to determine how the yaw oscillation impacts the wind turbine efficiency. Results of experimental study indicated that there are significant yaw angle fluctuations caused by a resonance phenomenon. Appearing of a resonant excitation leads to disproportional fluctuations of yaw angle about the mean value of 11.6° achieving the angle of 40°. Mathematical simulation of experimental wind turbine for conditions of observed phenomena showed a decrease of the efficiency at about 7 % achieving 47 % respectively

    Deposition of the stoichiometric coatings by reactive magnetron sputtering

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    The investigations of the reactive magnetron depositing of the stoichiometric coatings “metal-metalloid” were done. The dependences between sputtering parameters of a target and processes of plasmochemical formation on the surface of sample “metal-metalloid” and formations of coatings of the appropriate structure were investigated. Experimental data on stoichiometric coatings AlN, Al₂O₃, TiN, TiO₂ is given. Features of reactive magnetron deposition and investigation results for obtaining of coatings with pregiven properties in particular for providing stability and controllability of coating deposition processes in time.Исследованы стехиометрические покрытия “металл-металлоид”, полученные реактивным магнетронным методом осаждения. Определены зависимости между параметрами распыления мишени и процессом плазмохимического осаждения на поверхность образца “металл-металлоид” при формировании покрытий соответствующей структуры. Приведены экспериментальные данные о стехиометрических покрытиях AlN, Al₂O₃, TiN, TiO₂. Определены особенности реактивного магнетронного напыления и получены результаты исследований относительно формирования покрытий с заранее заданными свойствами, в частности, для обеспечения устойчивости и управляемости процессов нанесения покрытий во времени.Досліджені стехіометричні покриття “метал-металоїд”, які отримані реактивним магнетронним методом осадження. Визначено залежності між параметрами розпилення мішені й процесом плазмохімічного осадження на поверхню зразка “метал-металоїд” при формуванні покриттів відповідної структури. Наведено експериментальні дані про стехіометричні покриття AlN, Al₂O₃, TiN, TiO₂. Визначено особливості реактивного магнетронного напилювання та отримані результати досліджень щодо формування покриттів із заздалегідь заданими властивостями, зокрема, для забезпечення стійкості й керованості процесів нанесення покриттів у часі


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    The influence ofstrain muscular activity to forming of human psychophysiological states was studied.The results are showed that psychophysiological states in human with higher adaptation level to strain muscular activity are characterized of more determined organization of information processing system and system of heart rate regulation for concerning of human with simple adaptation level.Изучалось влияние напряженной мышечной деятельности на особенности формирования психофизиологических состояний человека. Выявлено, что психофизиологическое состояние у обследуемых с высоким уровнем адаптации к напряженной мышечной деятельности характеризуется наличием более детерминированного характера организации системы переработки информации и системы вегетативной регуляции ритма сердца по сравнению с лицами среднего уровня адаптивности.Вивчався вплив напруженої м'язової діяльності на особливості формування психофізіологічних станів людини. Виявлено, що психофізіологічний стан у досліджених з високим рівнем адаптації до напруженої м'язової діяльності характеризується наявністю більш детермінованого характеру організації системи переробки інформації і системи вегетативної регуляції ритму серця, порівняно з особами середнього рівня адаптивності

    Chaotic Observer-based Synchronization Under Information Constraints

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    Limit possibilities of observer-based synchronization systems under information constraints (limited information capacity of the coupling channel) are evaluated. We give theoretical analysis for multi-dimensional drive-response systems represented in the Lurie form (linear part plus nonlinearity depending only on measurable outputs). It is shown that the upper bound of the limit synchronization error (LSE) is proportional to the upper bound of the transmission error. As a consequence, the upper and lower bounds of LSE are proportional to the maximum rate of the coupling signal and inversely proportional to the information transmission rate (channel capacity). Optimality of the binary coding for coders with one-step memory is established. The results are applied to synchronization of two chaotic Chua systems coupled via a channel with limited capacity.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 27 reference

    Supervision in the Training of a Specialist in Working with Young People

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    В статье представлен анализ роли супервизии при подготовке специалиста по работе с молодежью. Рассматривается понятие супервизии, ее сущность и функционал, а также содержание деятельности супервизора. Делается вывод о супервизии как важном условии эффективности процесса формирования профессионально-личностных качеств специалиста по работе с молодежью.The article is an analysis of the role of supervision in the training of a specialist in working with young people. The concept of supervision, its essence and functionality, as well as the content of the supervisor’s activity are considered. The conclusion is made about supervision as an important condition for the effectiveness of the process of forming professional and personal qualities of a specialist in working with young people