177 research outputs found

    Formation of instrumental executive skills of student-bachelors in music pedagogical education

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    The article actualizes the problem of forming instrumental performing skills for bachelor students of music and pedagogical education. The notion «instrumental performing skills» is formulated, stages of their formation are offered. The possibilities of introduction of modern computer tools in the educational process are consideredВ статье актуализируется проблема формирования инструментальных исполнительских навыков у студентов-бакалавров музыкально-педагогического образования. Формулируется понятие «инструментальные исполнительские навыки», предлагаются этапы их формирования. Рассматриваются возможности внедрения современных компьютерных средств в учебный процес

    The problem of performing skills’ formation of undergraduate students in the realities of the existing teaching methods

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    The article describes the main reasons for reducing the rate of performing skills’ development of undergraduate students within a modern education system. Possibilities of educational program’s reforming by applying the musical-computer technology as a part of a curriculum and teacher’s tool used to increase the level of student’s interest in a self-learning are concerned. The examples of the base used by the software to achieve the main objectives – good fundamental understanding of the subject and facilitation of the performance skills’ acquisition by increasing the personal interest of the student in this process are given. The author of the article does not aim to identify and list specific technological achievements which allow to accelerate the process of performing skills’ development, as well as to adapt them according to the current trends, since the technological possibilities are endless, but offers to evaluate and implement a fundamentally new approach in teachingВ статье раскрываются основные причины снижения скорости формирования исполнительских навыков у студентов-бакалавров в рамках современной системы образования. Рассматриваются возможности реформирования образовательной программы путем применения музыкально-компьютерных технологий, как составной части учебного плана и инструмента педагога, используемого для повышения уровня заинтересованности студента в самообучении. Приводятся примеры используемой программной базы для достижения основной задачи – качественного и глубокого понимания предмета и упрощения приобретения исполнительских навыков путем повышения личной заинтересованности студента в данном процессе. Автор статьи не ставит целью определить и перечислить конкретные технологические достижения, позволяющие ускорить процесс формирования исполнительских навыков, а также адаптировать их под современные тенденции, так как технологические возможности безграничны, но предлагает оценить и внедрить принципиально новый подход в обучени

    Nonadiabatic quantum control of a semiconductor charge qubit

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    We demonstrate multipulse quantum control of a single electron charge qubit. The qubit is manipulated by applying nonadiabatic voltage pulses to a surface depletion gate and readout is achieved using a quantum point contact charge sensor. We observe Ramsey fringes in the excited state occupation in response to a pi/2 - pi/2 pulse sequence and extract T2* ~ 60 ps away from the charge degeneracy point. Simulations suggest these results may be extended to implement a charge-echo by reducing the interdot tunnel coupling and pulse rise time, thereby increasing the nonadiabaticity of the pulses.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed


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    Proposed control scheme uses the principle of fast Fourier transform for the operational control of the frequency response of the filter. A simple method of obtaining the spectral distribution of conducted interference with the use of the budget of microcontrollers and analog-to-digital converters.Предложена схема управления, на основе преобразования Фурье для оперативного регулирования амплитудно-частотной характеристики фильтра. Представлен метод получения спектрального распределения кондуктивных помех с использованием распространенных микроконтроллеров и аналогово-цифровых преобразователей.Запропонована схема управління, на основі перетворення Фур'є для оперативного регулювання амплітудно-частотної характеристики фільтру. Представлений метод здобуття спектрального розподілу кондуктівних перешкод з використанням поширених мікроконтроллерів і аналогово-цифрових перетворювачів

    Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal as a Substrate for High Efficiency Biosensing

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    Photonic crystals offer great possibilities for the improvement of performance of different kinds of devices. Due to the ability to control the light propagation and to change optical properties via interaction with the media photonic crystals have been widely used to increase the sensitivity of biosensing in many experimental setups. Among them some of the most interesting for practical applications are one-dimensional porous silicon photonic crystals. They could be easily fabricated, have big surface area, high sorption abilities, and have been shown to be able to change the emission of embedded luminophores. In this study we have fabricatedand performed the comprehensive investigation of the properties of hybrid system consisting of the porous silicon one-dimensional photonic crystals embedded with semiconductor quantum dots as the luminophores. We have demonstrated the ability of these systems to enhance the photoluminescence of luminophores and serve as the substrate for the high efficient biosensing. Keywords: Porous silicon, microcavity, quantum dots, luminescence enhancemen

    Preparation of Freestanding Porous Silicon Photonic Crystals

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    Nowadays, the photonic crystals are of great interest and are widely used in photonics, biosensing, optoelectronics and other fields of research. The one-dimensional photonic crystals manufactured on the basis of porous silicon were proved to be the most suitable for applications due to their high sorption ability, large surface area, easiness of fabrication, and possibility to precisely control porosity and refractive index during electrochemical etching. However, the sensitivity of various kinds of gas and biological sensors as well as the performance of solar cells and other devices on the basis of porous silicon structures may be significantly increased by detaching the structures from the substrate. Here, we have developed and investigated the fabrication procedure of freestanding one-dimensional photonic crystals on the basis of porous silicon with the use of electropolishing method followed stabilization of freestanding porous silicon photonic structures through their oxidation. We have demonstrated that the developed and applied lift-off procedure does not violate the morphology and the photonic properties of the samples. Keywords: Porous silicon, photonic crystals, microcavity, thin films, freestanding photonic crystals

    Modeling and Optimization of the Porous Silicon Photonic Structures

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    Photonic crystals and optical devices based on them are of great interest nowadays and are widely used in photonics, optoelectronics, and biosensing. One of the most practically using materials to fabricate one-dimensional photonic crystal is porous silicon due to the simple fabrication process, high porosity and ability to select precisely the refractive index by controlling the porosity. It has already been shown as the suitable material to be used as an element of many photonic devices including gas sensors and biosensors. However, because of the complicated porous structure, and silicon oxidation, occurring at the atmosphere conditions, optical properties of porous silicon photonic structures need to be stabilized by preventive oxidation. In order to predict eventual optical properties of fabricated photonic structures an adequate modeling should be performed. In our study we have developed a calculation model based on the combination of effective media approximations and transfer matrix method, which could precisely predict the reflection, transmission of the porous silicon photonic structures taking into account the dispersion of the refractive index of silicon and silicon oxide, and the oxidation degree. We also used numerical finite-difference time-domain calculations in order to investigate the luminescent properties of the lumiphores embedded into the porous photonic structure. Keywords: Porous silicon, microcavity, transfer matrix, effective media, FDT

    Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg Interferometry of a Single Electron Charge Qubit

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    We perform Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometry on a single electron GaAs charge qubit by repeatedly driving the system through an avoided crossing. We observe coherent destruction of tunneling, where periodic driving with specific amplitudes inhibits current flow. We probe the quantum dot occupation using a charge sensor, observing oscillations in the qubit population resulting from the microwave driving. At a frequency of 9 GHz we observe excitation processes driven by the absorption of up to 17 photons. Simulations of the qubit occupancy are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    Nonsteady condensation and evaporation waves

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    We study motion of a phase transition front at a constant temperature between stable and metastable states in fluids with the universal Van der Waals equation of state (which is valid sufficiently close to the fluid's critical point). We focus on a case of relatively large metastability and low viscosity, when it can be shown analytically that no steadily moving phase-transition front exists. Numerically simulating a system of the one-dimensional Navier-Stokes and continuity equations, we find that, in this case, the nonsteady phase-transition front emits acoustic shocks in forward and backward directions. Through this mechanism, the front drops its velocity and eventually comes to a halt. The acoustic shock wave may shuttle, bouncing elastically from the system's edge and strongly inelastically from the phase transition front. Nonsteady rarefaction shock waves appear in the shuttle process, despite the fact that the model does not admit steady rarefaction waves propagating between stationary states. If the viscosity is below a certain threshold, an instability sets in, driving the system into a turbulent state. This work was supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science.Comment: revtex text file and four eps files with figures. Physical Review Letters, in pres

    Тематическая группа «Информационные технологии» в английском языке

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    The article deals with the national specificity of the English thematic group «Information technologies». The aim of the undertaken research was to describe and analyze the composition of the group. The components of this group were selected from the Dictionary of the information security terms. The research has shown that the English thematic group «Information technologies» comprises 519 lexical units, which were categorized according to the semantic criteria into six subgroups: 1) The names of people involved in the sphere of the information technologies (IT); 2) The names of the attributes of the IT; 3) The names of the attacks in the sphere of the IT; 4) The names of the documents connected with the IT; 5) The names of actions performed in the sphere of the IT; 6) The names of the IT characteristics. The group structure analysis has revealed 6 subgroups, 24 minigroups, 10 microgroups, thus 40 structural elements in total.В статье рассматривается национальная специфика тематической группы «Информационные технологии» в английском языке. Цель проведенного исследования – определить состав тематической группы «Информационные технологии» в английском языке и структурировать ее по семантическому критерию. Материалом исследования послужили субстантивные единицы, отобранные методом сплошной выборки из Словаря терминов по информационной безопасности. Анализ показал, что тематическая группа «Информационные технологии» в английском языке включает в себя 519 лексических единиц, которые подразделяются на 6 подгрупп: 1) Наименования лиц, специализирующихся в сфере информационных технологий (ИТ); 2) Наименования средств, применяемых в сфере ИТ; 3) Наименования видов атак на программное обеспечение; 4) Наименования документации, связанной с информационными технологиями; 5) Наименования действий, производимых в сфере ИТ; 6) Наименования свойств информационных технологий. Анализ структурной сложности выявил, что данная группа лексики состоит из 6 подгрупп, 24 минигрупп, 10 микрогрупп, итого – 40 структурных единиц