429 research outputs found

    Advancing qualitative rare disease research methodology: a comparison of virtual and in-person focus group formats

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    Background: Rare disease research is hampered in part by the fact that patients are geographically dispersed. Rare disease patient communities are recognized for their use of the internet to learn about their condition and find peer-to-peer support. As such, web-based technologies offer promise for overcoming geographic barriers in rare disease research for many. Qualitative focus groups (FGs) are a widely used methodology used to understand patients and parents/families ‘lived experience’ and unmet needs is important to improve care for rare diseases. It is unclear if web-enabled (virtual) FGs are comparable to traditional in-person approaches. We conducted in-person (n = 3) and virtual (n = 3) FGs with rare disease patients to determine if virtual FGs produce similar results in-person FGs. Results: Three in-person (n = 33 participants) and three virtual (n = 25 participants) FGs were conducted examining attitudes and beliefs regarding genetic testing and family communication of risk. Participants included 30 males, 18 females, and 10 parents/guardians. Two independent investigators identified excerpts (meaningful sections of text) and coded themes/sub-themes using a codebook. Inter-coder agreement across identified excerpts (n = 530) in both FG formats was 844/875 (96.5%). Two additional investigators reviewed coded excerpts and did not identify additional themes/sub-themes—supporting data saturation across FG formats. Virtual FGs accounted for 303/530 (57.2%) of total excerpts and 957/1721 (55.7%) of all identified themes/sub-themes. Formats were similar in terms of overall number of excerpts (101 ± 7.8 vs. 75.7 ± 18.8, p = 0.26) and themes/sub-themes (319 ± 6.1 vs. 254.7 ± 103.6, p = 0.34) between virtual and in-person FGs. However, virtual FGs had significantly more coded excerpts specifically relating to sensitive/intimate topics including ‘attitudes and beliefs’ (n = 320 vs. n = 235, p < 0.001), ‘information and support’ (n = 184 vs. n = 99, p < 0.001), and ‘family communication’ (n = 208 vs. n = 114, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Virtual FGs yielded similar numbers of coded excerpts compared to traditional in-person FGs. Virtual FGs appear to support the relative anonymity of participants, resulting in richer discussion of highly sensitive, intimate topics. Findings support the validity and methodologic rigor of using web-enabled technologies for conducting FGs in rare diseases

    Assessment of the cortisol awakening response: expert consensus guidelines

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    The cortisol awakening response (CAR), the marked increase in cortisol secretion over the first 30–45 min after morning awakening, has been related to a wide range of psychosocial, physical and mental health parameters, making it a key variable for psychoneuroendocrinological research. The CAR is typically assessed from self-collection of saliva samples within the domestic setting. While this confers ecological validity, it lacks direct researcher oversight which can be problematic as the validity of CAR measurement critically relies on participants closely following a timed sampling schedule, beginning with the moment of awakening. Researchers assessing the CAR thus need to take important steps to maximize and monitor saliva sampling accuracy as well as consider a range of other relevant methodological factors. To promote best practice of future research in this field, the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology initiated an expert panel charged with (i) summarizing relevant evidence and collective experience on methodological factors affecting CAR assessment and (ii) formulating clear consensus guidelines for future research. The present report summarizes the results of this undertaking. Consensus guidelines are presented on central aspects of CAR assessment, including objective control of sampling accuracy/adherence, participant instructions, covariate accounting, sampling protocols, quantification strategies as well as reporting and interpreting of CAR data. Meeting these methodological standards in future research will create more powerful research designs, thus yielding more reliable and reproducible results and helping to further advance understanding in this evolving field of research

    Communication in Diagnostic Radiology

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    Communication in the diagnostic radiology department in regard to the current work load has been discussed with certain recommendations being made to increase efficiency. The need for improvement in communication equipment and techniques is necessitated by problems facing diagnostic radiology today.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73519/1/j.1440-1673.1972.tb01316.x.pd

    Gastrin-induced miR-222 promotes gastric tumor development by suppressing p27kip1

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    Background and aims Elevated circulating concentrations of the hormone gastrin contribute to the development of gastric adenocarcinoma and types-1 and 2 gastric neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate proteins which in turn influence various biological processes. We hypothesised that gastrin induces the expression of specific gastric miRNAs within CCK2 receptor (CCK2R) expressing cells and that these mediate functionally important actions of gastrin.Results Gastrin increased miR-222 expression in AGSGR cells, with maximum changes observed at 10 nM G17 for 24 h. Signalling occurred via CCK2R and the PKC and PI3K pathways. miR-222 expression was increased in the serum and gastric corpus mucosa of hypergastrinemic INS-GAS mice and hypergastrinemic patients with autoimmune atrophic gastritis and type 1 gastric NETs; it decreased in patients following treatment with the CCK2R antagonist netazepide (YF476). Gastrin-induced miR-222 overexpression resulted in reduced expression and cytoplasmic mislocalisation of p27kip1, which in turn caused actin remodelling and increased migration in AGSGR cells. Materials and methods miRNA PCR arrays were used to identify changes in miRNA expression following G17 treatment of human gastric adenocarcinoma cells stably transfected with CCK2R (AGSGR). miR-222 was further investigated using primer assays and samples from hypergastrinemic mice and humans. Chemically synthesised mimics and inhibitors were used to assess cellular phenotypical changes associated with miR-222 dysregulation.Conclusions These data indicate a novel mechanism contributing to gastrin-associated gastric tumor development. miR-222 may also be a promising biomarker for monitoring gastrin induced premalignant changes in the stomach

    Transcriptomic identification of starfish neuropeptide precursors yields new insights into neuropeptide evolution

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    Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.This work was supported by a PhD studentship funded by QMUL and awarded to D.C.S. and a Leverhulme Trust grant (RPG- 2013-351) awarded to M.R.E. Sequencing of the A. rubens neural transcriptome was funded by an EPSRC grant (EP/J501360/1

    Salience versus magnitude in the measurement of the cortisol awakening response

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    Pulsatile ultradian secretion of cortisol, rarely studied in salivary data, has functional importance in hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis regulation. The first daily ultradian episode, the cortisol awakening response (CAR), was examined in healthy adults, in 5-min secretion rates of salivary cortisol from electronically monitored awakening time to 1.25 h. Aggregated rates revealed a cubic trend, with wave-length of almost exactly 1 h, as predicted from known ultradian periodicity. Peak secretion rate occurred 20-min post-awakening. Peak (20-min) to trough (59-min) amplitude (PTA) expressed a salient signal shape. Rates rose steeply to and from peak, and major secretion was packaged into a few 5-min intervals, inconsistent with normal or uniform distribution of 5-min rates, but consistent with known pulsatile cortisol delivery. Null hypotheses asserting normal or uniform distributions were rejected. Maximal rates overwhelmingly occurred before and minimal rates after 30-mins, with degree of extremity at each polarity significantly positively correlated. To demonstrate utility and reliability of PTA estimation in a clinically relevant domain, re- analyses of a previously published study were conducted. Data from only three saliva samples were used, given importance of cost considerations for many CAR researchers. Difference between mean rates before and after 30-min yielded a simple salience index, highly correlated with PTA derived from full 5-min interval data. CAR salience performed significantly better than traditional AUCi magnitude in discriminating control cases (higher inferred amplitude) and cases with Seasonal Affective Disorder (lower inferred amplitude). Evidence suggested that low AUCi may be more sensitive in identifying within-subject changes (e.g. more depressed mood in winter among SAD cases) and low CAR salience better at revealing enduring between-subjects associations (e.g. underlying disorder vulnerability). Since both PTA salience and AUCi magnitude can be analysed and compared using exactly the same data from the same commonly used saliva sampling points, further research is warranted into the importance of individual differences in patterns of cortisol delivery, not just how much is delivered

    Gastrin-induced miR-222 promotes gastric tumor development by suppressing p27kip1

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    Background and Aims: Elevated circulating concentrations of the hormone gastrin contribute to the development of gastric adenocarcinoma and types-1 and 2 gastric neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate proteins which in turn influence various biological processes. We hypothesised that gastrin induces the expression of specific gastric miRNAs within CCK2 receptor (CCK2R) expressing cells and that these mediate functionally important actions of gastrin. Results: Gastrin increased miR-222 expression in AGSGR cells, with maximum changes observed at 10 nM G17 for 24 h. Signalling occurred via CCK2R and the PKC and PI3K pathways. miR-222 expression was increased in the serum and gastric corpus mucosa of hypergastrinemic INS-GAS mice and hypergastrinemic patients with autoimmune atrophic gastritis and type 1 gastric NETs; it decreased in patients following treatment with the CCK2R antagonist netazepide (YF476). Gastrin-induced miR-222 overexpression resulted in reduced expression and cytoplasmic mislocalisation of p27kip1, which in turn caused actin remodelling and increased migration in AGSGR cells. Materials and Methods: miRNA PCR arrays were used to identify changes in miRNA expression following G17 treatment of human gastric adenocarcinoma cells stably transfected with CCK2R (AGSGR). miR-222 was further investigated using primer assays and samples from hypergastrinemic mice and humans. Chemically synthesised mimics and inhibitors were used to assess cellular phenotypical changes associated with miR-222 dysregulation. Conclusions: These data indicate a novel mechanism contributing to gastrin-associated gastric tumor development. miR-222 may also be a promising biomarker for monitoring gastrin induced premalignant changes in the stomach

    Ambulatory assessment of psychophysiological stress among police officers: A proof-of-concept study.

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    Occupational stress has been widely recognized as a global challenge and has received increased attention by the academic community. Ambulatory Assessment methodologies, combining psychophysiological measures of stress, offer a promising avenue for future prevention and/or rehabilitation stress research. Considering that policing is well known for being a particularly stressful occupation, Emergency Responders Officers (EROs) stress levels were investigated. Particularly, this study analyzed: (i) physiological stress data obtained during shifts and compared these data with baseline levels (days off), as well as (ii) with normative values for healthy populations; (iii) stress symptoms differences from beginning to end of shift; (iv) stress events and events intensity and (v) the acceptability and feasibility of this proof-of-concept study in a highly stressful occupation. A Geo-location event system was used to help retrospective accounts of psychological stress, combined with electrocardiogram (ECG) data and mobile self-reports, that include stress symptoms, event types and event intensity. Results suggest that EROs experience high levels of stress (both on-duty and off duty) when compared to healthy populations. Stress symptoms increase from the beginning to end of the shift. However, the mean events intensity was very low. It can be concluded that stress may not always be diagnosed when using merely self-reports. These findings highlight the importance of combining both self-report and physiological stress measures in occupational health contexts. Finally, results confirm the acceptability and feasibility of the multi-method used. Key implications for policy makers and applied practitioners in the area of occupational health and future research directions are discussed
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