4,284 research outputs found

    Efficient Analysis for the Design Refinement of Large Multilayered Printed Reflectarrays

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    In this paper, we present an efficient numerical technique for the analysis of a reflectarray and its design refinement by the characterization of the “actual” influence of each radiating element when embedded in the antenna structure. The method makes use of the MLayAIM, a fast full-wave formulation suitable for the analysis of electrically large multilayered printed arrays which have one or more planar metallizations and vertical conductors. The low numerical complexity of the analysis method allows the development of a recursive procedure that, starting from the equivalent currents relevant to each cell of the reflectarray when this is immersed in the actual antenna layout, calculates the real phase-shift introduced by each radiating element and corrects its dimensions to better fit the antenna requirements

    Education and Work in movements for different economies: new envisaged scenarios and grass-roots political practices

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    Lo studio che presentiamo approfondisce il dibattito sulle dimensioni educative dei movimenti delle “economie diverse” (Reti di Economia Solidale, Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale, Movimento della decrescita, ecc.). Queste realtà hanno sviluppato delle proprie pratiche e valori promuovendo nuovi stili di vita e nuovi modelli di lavoro. Questi movimenti rappresentano contesti informali per l’educazione degli adulti e ambienti di sviluppo per l’autoeducazione alla cittadinanza e all’impegno politico. Essi testimoniano la creazione di pratiche che mostrano una passione per l’apprendimento, la partecipazione, la giustizia e la responsabilità, operando una critica al modello neoliberista. Questo studio ha impiegato la metodologia qualitativa basandosi su Casi studio e Grounded Theory. I risultati mostrano che i lavoratori (in transizione) delle realtà di economie diverse stanno sperimentando nuove modalità educative e di lavoro in cui gruppi e singoli sono coinvolti in processi di auto-educazione.We present a study that pertains to the discussion about the educational dimensions of different economies (Solidarity Economy Networks, Solidarity Purchasing Groups, the Degrowth movement, etc.). These organisations have developed their own practices and values that have given rise to new ways of living and new models of work. In terms of adult education, we ask under which conditions these informal contexts can be environments for self-education in citizenship and political engagement. Within these contexts, against a backdrop characterised by the rejection of the prevailing neo-liberal model, new practices have arisen that demonstrate an enthusiasm for learning, participation, justice and responsibility. This study employed a qualitative methodology based on Case Studies and Grounded Theory. The results reveal that workers (in transition) in different economies are experiencing new types of education and work in which the group involved, and the processes of self-education in question, all have a pivotal role to play

    SCINTILLA A European project for the development of scintillation detectors and new technologies for nuclear security

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    Europe monitors transits using radiation detectors to prevent illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. The SCINTILLA project aims to develop a toolbox of innovative technologies designed to address different usage cases. This article will review the scope, approach, results of the first benchmark campaign and future plans of the SCINTILLA project.Comment: To appear on the Proceedings of the 13th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications, Villa Olmo (Como, Italy), 23--27 October, 2013, to be published by World Scientific (Singapore

    Local anaesthesia efficacy as postoperative analgesia for open shoulder instability surgery. a prospective randomised controlled study

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    Background and objectives: The aim of present study was to evaluate for the first time, the clinical effect of local anaesthetic infiltration as postoperative analgesia in open shoulder surgery for anterior-inferior instability. The comparison of the local infiltration and interscalenic brachial plexus block to a control group test the local anaesthetic efficacy in this surgery. Methods: 78 patients scheduled for open shoulder surgery were enrolled and randomly assigned to one of three groups: local infiltration anaesthesia (LIA), interscalenic brachial plexus block (IBPB) and control (C). All patients received standardized general anaesthesia and all injections were performed with the same dose and volume of anaesthetic. The number boluses delivered by a PCA pump applied at the end of surgery and the visual analogue score (VAS) at 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after intervention were recorded. A patient satisfaction score was also assessed. Results: Mean bolus consumption of the rescue analgesic, compared to C, was significantly less both in the LIA and IBPB groups (P<0.05). The IBPB group showed VAS scores that were significantly better than C group at all time points (P<0.05). The VAS scores for LIA group were clinically comparable to IBPB, and only at the 2 and 6 hours, postoperative time points there were no significant differences found in respect to the C group. IBPB and LIA showed comparable patient satisfaction scores. Conclusion: The local anaesthetic infiltration as postoperative analgesia appears to be a clinically valid alternative, statistically comparable to IBPB, with no clinical meaningful adverse effects


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    The long months of social distance to which the pandemic has forced us have certainly accelerated the idea that the remediation of the concept of distance in a digital horizon can open up new spaces of negotiation for many social and cultural practices in the future. But it has also, dramatically, highlighted the limits and risks contained in the very idea that the experience of the meta-universe can really do without the mediation of physical reality and human direct intervention. The reflections and design experience proposed here therefore aim to reflect on the role that the new technologies and traditional professionals are playing in relation with the phygital cultural experience. The idea of the contemporary museum is indagated, questioning, however, the quality of the 'relationship' between the work of art and the user and the ways in which design can respond creatively to the demand for cultural consumption by activating new processes of attribution of meaning

    Modified BMIA/CAG method for the electromagnetic analysis of large-scale problems of random rough surface scattering

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    An efficient technique based on two-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and linear interpolation is presented for the evaluation of the scattering by a rough terrain surface which is of interest in remote-sensing applications characterized by a very large correlation length. Such technique, where introduced in a BMIA/CAG method, can reduce the computation time appreciably


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    Abstract. This study is aimed at identifying adaptive design strategies applied to the particular contexts of the Abruzzo Region during the post-earthquake reconstruction. The area affected by the calamitous event present material and immaterial issues to be interpreted and managed according to integrated and interdisciplinary intervention methods. In this context, the Reconstruction Plans (PdR) provide the guidelines for a coherent territorial development, proposing design solutions that call for sustainability and resilience. The village of Navelli, which 10 years after the earthquake is still in a serious state of damage and abandonment, is identified in the 2013 PdR as an area to be converted into an archaeological park. The Plan prescribes by specifications on the basis of identifying values of the area whilst inspections carried out reveal a stratified, vast and remarkably heterogeneous building fabric both as regards to the level of damage and the values to be protected. From the analyzes carried out, the case study provides the opportunity for an ad hoc design methodology, identified by specific interventions that are at the same time inter-dependent and included in a complex project. The work highlights how the overall design of a public space can find an easier resolution in the integration of adaptive and reversible technologies, coherent with the sustainable development suggested by the PdR

    Enabling QM-accurate simulation of dislocation motion in γ−Ni and α−Fe using a hybrid multiscale approach

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    We present an extension of the ‘learn on the fly’ method to the study of the motion of dislocations in metallic systems, developed with the aim of producing information-efficient force models that can be systematically validated against reference QM calculations. Nye tensor analysis is used to dynamically track the quantum region centered at the core of a dislocation, thus enabling quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations. The technique is used to study the motion of screw dislocations in Ni-Al systems, relevant to plastic deformation in Ni-based alloys, at a variety of temperature/strain conditions. These simulations reveal only a moderate spacing ( ∌ 5 Å ) between Shockley partial dislocations, at variance with the predictions of traditional molecular dynamics (MD) simulation using interatomic potentials, which yields a much larger spacing in the high stress regime. The discrepancy can be rationalized in terms of the elastic properties of an hcp crystal, which influence the behavior of the stacking fault region between Shockley partial dislocations. The transferability of this technique to more challenging systems is addressed, focusing on the expected accuracy of such calculations. The bcc α − Fe phase is a prime example, as its magnetic properties at the open surfaces make it particularly challenging for embedding-based QM/MM techniques. Our tests reveal that high accuracy can still be obtained at the core of a dislocation, albeit at a significant computational cost for fully converged results. However, we find this cost can be reduced by using a machine learning approach to progressively reduce the rate of expensive QM calculations required during the dynamical simulations, as the size of the QM database increases

    Custodiar la tierra y la sinton\ueda con lo viviente: los territorios de las mujeres

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    Il saggio partendo da una prospettiva ecofemminista racconta il protagonismo delle donne nella guerra del Gas (come bene comune) in Bolivia. Mette poi in luce l'intimo legame che unisce le donne e la custodia del territorio inteso come Madre Terra verso la quale esercitare una giustizia cosmica e un patto di solidariet\ue0
