245 research outputs found

    Penyempurnaan Kecerdasan Emosional Dalam Pendidikan Islam Untuk Anak Remaja Melalui Kegiatan Spiritualitas (Didikan Shubuh)

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    Menurut Cooper dan Sawaf (1999), kecerdasan emosi adalah kemampuan merasakan,memahami dan secara efektif menerapkan daya dan kepekaan emosi sebagai sumber energy, informasi, koreksi dan pengaruh yang manusiawi. Pendidikan Islam sangat tepat dalam memengaruhi emosional para remaja kearah yang lebih baik dan bisa mengendalikan apa yang akan dipikirkan , diucapkan , dan lalu diperbuat. Hal ini dilakukan demi kebaikan remaja sehingga mereka tidak terjerumus ke hal yang bathil. Dengan kegiatan seperti Majlis Remaja Islam, pelaksanaan kegiatan didikan subuh , remaja lebih terarah dalam kesehariannya, bermanfaat bagi lingkungan masyarakat, keluarga, dan diri pribadi mereka. Ilmu yang didapat seperti pengayaan makna dalam Al-Quran dan Hadist ,kegiatan kesenian seperti syair dan berbagai musyawarah yang dilakukan untuk kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan lainnya. Spiritualitas bagi para remaja dibutuhkan agar dapat membentengi diri dari tindakan maksiat dan lebih kurang meminimalisir segala bentuk penyimpangan yang ada di kehidupan mereka sehari-hari karena pemikiran dunia ini hanya sementara dan akhirat kekal untuk selamanya menjadi moto bagi kita untuk hidup secara seimbang dan tidak melalaikan dan melebihkan diantara keduanya

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Petani Berbasis Partisipasi (Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Burung Hantu Tyto Alba sebagai Pemangsa Hama di Desa Tlogoweru Kecamatan Guntur Kabupaten Demak)

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    Abstract. Empowering communities is an attempt to enhance the dignity of the community who are unable to escape from the trap of poverty and underdevelopment. The success of the community building definable as well from the community participation and the role of government related. Tyto Alba Program in Tlogoweru Village is one of the government's efforts in Tlogoweru Village of empowering communities who have not been able to overcome the problem of crop failures due to a very tough mouse pest control.The research method used is the qualitative approach and the techniques of data collection through interviews and documents. Informants in this research are The Head of Tlogoweru Village, Tlogoweru Village Secretary, Chairman of The Tyto Alba Developer Team, and the community of Tlogoweru Village.The research results showed that community empowerment of farmers in Tlogoweru Village through Tyto Alba Program has successfully overcome the crop failures as well as making community could develop other business. Empowerment implemented through Empowerment of Human Development, Empowerment of Institutional Development, Empowerment of Business, and Empowerment of Environment.The recommendations could be made to The Government of Tlogoweru Village was able to manage The Quarantine Place Of Tyto Alba better as well as the development of physical infrastructure to support Tlogoweru Tourist Village

    A Bitter Taste Receptor as a Novel Molecular Target on Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) execute diverse and complex functions in cancer progression. While reprogramming the crosstalk between CAFs and cancer epithelial cells is a promising avenue to evade the adverse effects of stromal depletion, drugs are limited by their suboptimal pharmacokinetics and off-target effects. Thus, there is a need to elucidate CAF-selective cell surface markers that can improve drug delivery and efficacy. Here, functional proteomic pulldown with mass spectrometry was used to identify taste receptor type 2 member 9 (TAS2R9) as a CAF target. TAS2R9 target characterization included binding assays, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and database mining. Liposomes conjugated to a TAS2R9-specific peptide were generated, characterized, and compared to naked liposomes in a murine pancreatic xenograft model. Proof-of-concept drug delivery experiments demonstrate that TAS2R9-targeted liposomes bind with high specificity to TAS2R9 recombinant protein and exhibit stromal colocalization in a pancreatic cancer xenograft model. Furthermore, the delivery of a CXCR2 inhibitor by TAS2R9-targeted liposomes significantly reduced cancer cell proliferation and constrained tumor growth through the inhibition of the CXCL-CXCR2 axis. Taken together, TAS2R9 is a novel cell-surface CAF-selective target that can be leveraged to facilitate small-molecule drug delivery to CAFs, paving the way for new stromal therapies

    The Maternal Personhood of Cattle and Plants at a Hindu Center in the United States

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    Religious experiences with sacred nonhuman natural beings considered to be “persons” remain only vaguely understood. This essay provides a measure of clarification by engendering a dialogue between psychoanalytic self psychology on one side and, on the other, religious experiences of cattle and Tulsi plants as holy mothers at a Hindu cattle sanctuary in the United States. Ethnographic data from the Hindu center uncover experiences of sacred maternal natural beings that are tensive, liminal, and colored with affective themes of nurturance, respect, and intimacy, much like psychoanalytic maternal selfobjects. Devotees protect cattle and ritually venerate plants because these actions facilitate a limited experiential grounding of religiosity on what is perhaps the most fundamental of all relationships, the relationship with the mother, within a theological worldview that somewhat embraces nonhuman natural beings in both doctrine and practice

    Metabolic Effects of n-3 PUFA as Phospholipids Are Superior to Triglycerides in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet: Possible Role of Endocannabinoids

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    Background n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and can ameliorate many of obesity-associated disorders. We hypothesised that the latter effect will be more pronounced when DHA/EPA is supplemented as phospholipids rather than as triglycerides. Methodology/Principal Findings In a ‘prevention study’, C57BL/6J mice were fed for 9 weeks on either a corn oil-based high-fat obesogenic diet (cHF; lipids ~35% wt/wt), or cHF-based diets in which corn oil was partially replaced by DHA/EPA, admixed either as phospholipids or triglycerides from marine fish. The reversal of obesity was studied in mice subjected to the preceding cHF-feeding for 4 months. DHA/EPA administered as phospholipids prevented glucose intolerance and tended to reduce obesity better than triglycerides. Lipemia and hepatosteatosis were suppressed more in response to dietary phospholipids, in correlation with better bioavailability of DHA and EPA, and a higher DHA accumulation in the liver, white adipose tissue (WAT), and muscle phospholipids. In dietary obese mice, both DHA/EPA concentrates prevented a further weight gain, reduced plasma lipid levels to a similar extent, and tended to improve glucose tolerance. Importantly, only the phospholipid form reduced plasma insulin and adipocyte hypertrophy, while being more effective in reducing hepatic steatosis and low-grade inflammation of WAT. These beneficial effects were correlated with changes of endocannabinoid metabolome in WAT, where phospholipids reduced 2-arachidonoylglycerol, and were more effective in increasing anti-inflammatory lipids such as N-docosahexaenoylethanolamine. Conclusions/Significance Compared with triglycerides, dietary DHA/EPA administered as phospholipids are superior in preserving a healthy metabolic profile under obesogenic conditions, possibly reflecting better bioavalability and improved modulation of the endocannabinoid system activity in WA