38 research outputs found


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    Combining atmospheric ∂14CO2 data sets from different networks or laboratories requires secure knowledge on their compatibility. In the present study, we compare ∂14CO2 results from the Heidelberg low-level counting (LLC) laboratory to 12 international accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) laboratories using distributed aliquots of five pure CO2 samples. The averaged result of the LLC laboratory has a measurement bias of –0.3±0.5‰ with respect to the consensus value of the AMS laboratories for the investigated atmospheric ∂14C range of 9.6 to 40.4‰. Thus, the LLC measurements on average are not significantly different from the AMS laboratories, and the most likely measurement bias is smaller than the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) interlaboratory compatibility goal for ∂14CO2 of 0.5‰. The number of intercomparison samples was, however, too small to determine whether the measurement biases of the individual AMS laboratories fulfilled the WMO goal

    Findings from an in-depth annual tree-ring radiocarbon intercomparison

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    The radiocarbon (Âč⁎C) calibration curve so far contains annually resolved data only for a short period of time. With accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) matching the precision of decay counting, it is now possible to efficiently produce large datasets of annual resolution for calibration purposes using small amounts of wood. The radiocarbon intercomparison on single-year tree-ring samples presented here is the first to investigate specifically possible offsets between AMS laboratories at high precision. The results show that AMS laboratories are capable of measuring samples of Holocene age with an accuracy and precision that is comparable or even goes beyond what is possible with decay counting, even though they require a thousand times less wood. It also shows that not all AMS laboratories always produce results that are consistent with their stated uncertainties. The long-term benefits of studies of this kind are more accurate radiocarbon measurements with, in the future, better quantified uncertainties

    Dynamics of Radiocarbon in Soils

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    We present here a model of humus accumulation in recent soils. We have estimated the coefficients of mineralization of humus and humic acid for a typical Chemozem soil. We suggest a technique for calculating the renewal time of soil with specific activity higher than the modem standard and discuss the results for different soils.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202

    Problems in Radiocarbon Dating of Soils

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    We discuss our progress in three principal applications of 14C dating of recent and fossil soils: 1) new methods; 2) problems of interpreting 14C soil data (e.g.,14C age of soils, age of soils, duration of humus formation, rate of carbon cycling); and 3) 14C analysis of soil organic matter (OM) in pedology and paleogeography (e.g., soil genesis and evolution, humus formation and OM metamorphosis, geochronology and stratigraphy of Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments). We suggest exploring the above issues in the analysis of each 14C profile in conjunction with paleogeographical data, and by simulation of the carbon cycle in each type of profile.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202

    Estimating soil carbon turnover using radiocarbon data: a case study for European Russia

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    Turnover rates of soil carbon for 20 soil types typical for a 3.7 million km2 area of European Russia were estimated based on 14C data. The rates are corrected for bomb radiocarbon which strongly affects the topsoil 14C balance. The approach is applied for carbon stored in the organic and mineral layers of the upper 1 m of the soil profile. The turnover rates of carbon in the upper 20 cm are relatively high for forest soils (0.16–0.78% year−1), intermediate for tundra soils (0.25% year−1), and low for grassland soils (0.02–0.08% year−1) with the exception of southern Chernozems (0.32% year−1). In the soil layer of 20–100 cm depth, the turnover rates were much lower for all soil types (0.01–0.06% year−1) except for peat bog soils of the southern taiga (0.14% year−1). Combined with a map of soil type distribution and a dataset of several hundred soil carbon profiles, the method provides annual fluxes for the slowest components of soil carbon assuming that the latter is in equilibrium with climate and vegetation cover. The estimated carbon flux from the soil is highest for forest soils (12–147 gC/(m2 year)), intermediate for tundra soils (33 gC/(m2 year)), and lowest for grassland soils (1–26 gC/(m2 year)). The approach does not distinguish active and recalcitrant carbon fractions and this explains the low turnover rates in the top layer. Since changes in soil types will follow changes in climate and land cover, we suggest that pedogenesis is an important factor influencing the future dynamics of soil carbon fluxes. Up to now, both the effect of soil type changes and the clear evidence from 14C measurements that most soil organic carbon has a millennial time scale, are basically neglected in the global carbon cycle models used for projections of atmospheric CO2 in 21st century and beyond

    Deep-water rhodolith bed from central Brazilian continental shelf, Campos Basin: coralline algal and faunal taxonomic composition

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    Rhodolith beds are distributed from the north-eastern to the southeastern Brazilian continental shelf, constituting the largest extension of coralline algal de-posits in the world. Little is known about the deep rho-dolith beds within the Campos Basin: the largest oil pro-duction area in the country and a priority area for marine life conservation. This study illustrates a deep rhodolith bed covering about 15km2 of a 40km2-area in the Peregrino oil field sampled at 100-106m water depth. Coralline algae are the dominant components on the living rhodolith surfaces associated with subordinate bryozoans, cnidarids, brachiopods and porifers. In some inner parts of the coralline algal nodules, encrusting acervulinid fora-minifera are the main nodule contributors. Through accel-erator mass spectrometric analysis, radiocarbon age esti-mates show that the range in ages between the living outer rhodolith parts and within 3mm from it the rhodoliths is ca. 4,700 years. This suggests that a proportion of fossil rhodoliths had been recolonized after periods of burial and/or erosion. The present-day Peregrino rhodolith bed played a fundamental ecological role in the Brazilian con-tinental shelf’s benthic habitats for thousands of years