68 research outputs found

    Effect of Water Avoidance Stress on serum and urinary NGF levels in rats: diagnostic and therapeutic implications for BPS/IC patients

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    Nerve growth factor (NGF) is thought to play a key role in chronic pain felt by bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) patients by activating its high affinity receptor tropomyosin-related kinase subtype A (Trk A). Whether this pathway is also involved in the aggravation of pain sensation during stress events was here investigated. The levels of plasmatic NGF were increased in rats submitted to Water Avoidance Stress test (WAS), compared to controls. The administration of the alpha1A adrenoceptors blocker silodosin prevented the increase of plasmatic NGF. Urinary NGF levels were also moderately increased in animals submitted to WAS. WAS increased pain behaviour score, lowered abdominal mechanical pain threshold and increase voiding bladder reflex activity. These changes were prevented by the administration of TrkA antagonist GW441756. These findings prompt the use of plasmatic NGF as diagnosis tool for chronic visceral painful conditions and opens therapeutic opportunities for TrkA receptors antagonist/NGF sequestration.The statements and opinions presented here reflect the author’s view and neither IMI nor the European Union, EFPIA, or any Associated Partners are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No [777500]. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA. www.imi.europa.eu. www.imi-paincare.eu. This work was partially supported by PFD Research Foundation and ICA IC/PBS Research Grant

    A pantropical population genetics study on cashew crop: uncovering genetic diversity and agrobiodiversity hotspots

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    XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Unmet Needs for Studying Chronic Pelvic/Visceral Pain Using Animal Models

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    The different definitions of chronic pelvic/visceral pain used by international societies have changed over the years. These differences have a great impact on the way researchers study chronic pelvic/visceral pain. Recently, the role of systemic changes, including the role of the central nervous system, in the perpetuation and chronification of pelvic/visceral pain has gained weight. Consequently, researchers are using animal models that resemble those systemic changes rather than using models that are organ- or tissue-specific. In this review, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using bladder-centric and systemic models, enumerating some of the central nervous system changes and pain-related behaviors occurring in each model. We also present some drawbacks when using animal models and pain-related behavior tests and raise questions about possible, yet to be demonstrated, investigator-related bias. We also suggest new approaches to study chronic pelvic/visceral pain by refining existing animal models or using new ones.</jats:p

    TRPV1 enhances the afferent response to P2X receptor activation in the mouse urinary bladder

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    Both TRPV1 and P2X receptors present on bladder sensory nerve fibres have been implicated in mechanosensation during bladder filling. The aim of this study was to determine possible interactions between these receptors in modulating afferent nerve activity. In wildtype (TRPV1+/+) and TRPV1 knockout (TRPV1−/−) mice, bladder afferent nerve activity, intravesical pressure, and luminal ATP and acetylcholine levels were determined and also intracellular calcium responses of dissociated pelvic DRG neurones and primary mouse urothelial cells (PMUCs). Bladder afferent nerve responses to the purinergic agonist αβMethylene-ATP were depressed in TRPV1−/− mice (p ≤ 0.001) and also in TRPV1+/+ mice treated with the TRPV1-antagonist capsazepine (10 µM; p ≤ 0.001). These effects were independent of changes in bladder compliance or contractility. Responses of DRG neuron to αβMethylene-ATP (30 µM) were unchanged in the TRPV1−/− mice, but the proportion of responsive neurones was reduced (p ≤ 0.01). Although the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin (1 µM) did not evoke intracellular responses in PMUCs from TRPV1+/+ mice, luminal ATP levels were reduced in the TRPV1−/− mice (p ≤ 0.001) compared to wildtype. TRPV1 modulates P2X mediated afferent responses and provides a mechanistic basis for the decrease in sensory symptoms observed following resiniferatoxin and capsaicin treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms

    High Levels of Physical Activity May Promote a Reduction in Bone Mineral Density in Peritoneal Dialysis

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    Background and objectives: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients are expected to present lower levels of physical activity, unhealthy changes at the body composition level, and low levels of strength. Firstly, this study aimed to report the sex differences in physical activity, body composition and muscle strength and the relations among these variables. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between physical activity and biochemical parameters. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four patients (13 women and 21 men) participated in this study. Body composition was assessed by bioimpedance and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and maximum isokinetic unilateral strength, analytical parameters and physical activity levels were evaluated. Results: The men showed higher values for weight, height, lean body mass, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and total body water, while women showed higher values for the percentage of fat mass and hydration of lean body mass (p < 0.05). No differences between the sexes were found in different levels of physical activity; however, males registered significantly higher values for isokinetic strength variables except for knee extensor strength. BMD was positively related to sedentary activity and negatively related to moderate and vigorous activity (r = 0.383 and r = −0.404, respectively). Light physical activity was negatively correlated with albumin (r = −0.393) and total protein (r = −0.410) levels, while moderate/vigorous activity was positively correlated with urea distribution volume (r = 0.446) and creatinine clearance (r = 0.359) and negatively correlated with the triglyceride level (r = −0.455). Conclusions: PD patients with higher levels of physical activity present better results in terms of body composition and biochemical parameters. Additional studies should be conducted to clarify the relation between physical activity level and BMD

    Safety and Health at Work: Assessment tool- Bakery/Pastry Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Bread/Pastry Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and Health at Work - Assessment tool: Dairy Products

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    This manual aims to assist the Work Health and Safety Assessment Tool – Dairy Products user, in carrying out a simplified and easy-to-use occupational risk assessment with a view to adopting risk control solutions at workplaces. The design of this tool trie to provide an instrument capable of being used without internet access or specific software installation. In addition to its main purpose, this tool can also be used for workers consultation or training actions, provided as a complement of the other instruments developed within the scope of this project. The tool is organized in three distinct parts (see Figure 1): the first, where a checklist is filled out, from which a graphical overview is obtained, which will give the overview of the level of risk control (second part). This synthesis of results allows the user to immediately visualize the level of control of the main risks and in which will have to make major interventions. Finally, the third part appears, where a report is generated with solutions, particularized for each one of the risks in which the adoption of measures proves necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Setor dos Produtos Lácteos

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    Segundo do Decreto-Lei nº 68-A/2015, eficiência energética é o rácio entre o resultado em termos do desempenho e dos serviços, bens ou energia gerados e a energia utilizada para o efeito. Assim, a eficiência energética é uma oportunidade para o crescimento das empresas, contribuindo para a melhoria da sua competitividade e para a proteção do meio ambiente. O objetivo geral de melhoria da eficiência energética com base na redução do consumo de energia primária é estabelecido no Plano Nacional de Ação para a Eficiência Energética (PNAEE), apresentado pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 20/2013, a 10 de abril de 2013. O PNAEE foi estabelecido através da Diretiva nº 2006/32/CE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 5 de abril de 2006, que é relativa à eficiência na utilização final de energia e aos serviços energéticos. Esta Diretiva determinou que os Estados Membros adotassem, e procurassem atingir, até 2016, um objetivo global nacional indicativo de economia de energia de 9% através da promoção de serviços energéticos e da adoção de outras medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética. Deste modo, os Estados Membros comprometeram-se ainda a, até 2020, reduzir as emissões de gases com efeitos estufa em 20%, aumentar em igual percentagem a proporção de fontes de energia renováveis no cabaz energético da União Europeia (UE) e alcançar a meta de 20% estabelecida para a eficiência energética.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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