553 research outputs found

    Planning in Decentralized POMDPs with Predictive Policy Representations

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    We discuss the problem of policy representation in stochastic and partially observable systems, and address the case where the policy is a hidden parameter of the planning problem. We propose an adaptation of the Predictive State Representations (PSRs) to this problem by introducing tests (sequences of actions and observations) on policies. The new model, called the Predictive Policy Representations (PPRs), is potentially more compact than the other representations, such as decision trees or Finite-State Controllers (FSCs). In this paper, we show how PPRs can be used to improve the performances of a point-based algorithm for DEC-POMDP

    Investigation Of Nanoscale Dielectric Polarization And Refractive Indices Of BaTiO3 Surfaces And Ultrathin Films

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    The surface and interface effects on the dielectric polarization and refractive indices of BaTiO3 single crystals and BaTiO3 ultrathin films on SrTiO3 single crystal substrates are investigated theoretically by using a microscopic model based on the orbital approximation in correlation with the dipole-dipole interaction. The spontaneous polarization of BaTiO3 single crystals is drastically reduced near the c-surface. For BaTiO3/SrTiO3 films, the spontaneous polarization is reduced in the film as its thickness decreases. However, an electronic polarization appears within the SrTiO3 substrate in the neighborhood of the interface. This polarization, which vanishes far away from the interface into the SrTiO3 bulk, is induced by the polarization of the BaTiO3 film. Furthermore, we find the refractive index either for BaTiO3 single crystals or for BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3 substrates to be strongly reduced for light polarized perpendicular to the surface.The surface and interface effects on the dielectric polarization and refractive indices of BaTiO3 single crystals and BaTiO3 ultrathin films on SrTiO3 single crystal substrates are investigated theoretically by using a microscopic model based on the orbital approximation in correlation with the dipole-dipole interaction. The spontaneous polarization of BaTiO3 single crystals is drastically reduced near the c-surface. For BaTiO3/SrTiO3 films, the spontaneous polarization is reduced in the film as its thickness decreases. However, an electronic polarization appears within the SrTiO3 substrate in the neighborhood of the interface. This polarization, which vanishes far away from the interface into the SrTiO3 bulk, is induced by the polarization of the BaTiO3 film. Furthermore, we find the refractive index either for BaTiO3 single crystals or for BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3 substrates to be strongly reduced for light polarized perpendicular to the surface

    A demand-driven approach for a multi-agent system in Supply Chain Management

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    This paper presents the architecture of a multi-agent decision support system for Supply Chain Management (SCM) which has been designed to compete in the TAC SCM game. The behaviour of the system is demand-driven and the agents plan, predict, and react dynamically to changes in the market. The main strength of the system lies in the ability of the Demand agent to predict customer winning bid prices - the highest prices the agent can offer customers and still obtain their orders. This paper investigates the effect of the ability to predict customer order prices on the overall performance of the system. Four strategies are proposed and compared for predicting such prices. The experimental results reveal which strategies are better and show that there is a correlation between the accuracy of the models' predictions and the overall system performance: the more accurate the prediction of customer order prices, the higher the profit. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    First-principles study of the electrooptic effect in ferroelectric oxides

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    We present a method to compute the electrooptic tensor from first principles, explicitly taking into account the electronic, ionic and piezoelectric contributions. It allows us to study the non-linear optic behavior of three ferroelectric ABO_3 compounds : LiNbO_3, BaTiO_3 and PbTiO_3. Our calculations reveal the dominant contribution of the soft mode to the electrooptic coefficients in LiNbO_3 and BaTiO_3 and identify the coupling between the electric field and the polar atomic displacements along the B-O chains as the origin of the large electrooptic response in these compounds.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let


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    The k-(BEDT-TTF)X superconducting salts, [where BEDT-TTF is bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene, abbreviated as ET, and X is a monovalent anion like Cu[N(CN) ]Br 2 , and for either Cu[N(CN) ]Cl 2 or ( )2 Cu NCN and so on], exhibit interestinmagnetic and superconducting phase transitions [1]. They are quasi-two-dimensional and the interplane coupling is very weak. The basic structural unit is a dimer consisting of two BEDTTTF molecules stacked on top of one another. This layered structure leads to highly anisotropic electronic properties. These organic superconductors have similar characteristic superconducting properties including the intrinsic Josephson Effect and the mixed-state properties. This similarity suggests the existence of the vortex phase transition in the organic layered superconductors as observed in HTSC. Because the temperature scale is much lower in organic materials, the thermal fluctuation is expected to be small compared to HTSC. Thus, the comparison between the high-Tc and organic superconductors can give important clues as to the nature of vortex phase transitions. Besides these anomalies around 50 K, unusual time dependencies in magnetic and transport properties have been reported for both deuterated and hydrogenated k-Br near 80 K. For - H - Br 8 k , the superconducting properties have been found to depend on the thermal history, in particular on how fast the sample had been cooled through 80 K. As mentioned above, the ground state of - D - Br 8 k is strongly sample-dependent: both superconducting as well as non-superconducting crystals are found. Furthermore, superconducting as well as insulating (possibly antiferromagnetic) phases in separated volume parts of the same sample have been reported. Their relative volume fraction was found to depend on the cooling rate Vc employed at around 80 K[2-3-4]: in fast cooled samples, a strong decrease of the diamagnetic signal has been observed, which has been interpreted as indicating a suppression of the superconducting in favour of the magnetic phase

    Abordagem dos pedículos glissonianos no manejo do trauma hepático

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    AIM:  To investigate a different approach in liver trauma, that preserves as much  liver parenchyma aspossible, exposing only the injured area to ischemia and reperfusion. MATHERIAL AND METHODS:Medline and pubMed search from 1980 to 2010 about the glissonian approach , including, liver, surgery,trauma, portal vein and hepatic artery as key-words .RESULTS: The glissonian approach is feasible, nottechnically demanding, and the key for the success is the knowledge of the anatomical landmarks  in theliver surface, to facilitate the surgeon to obtain a fast control of the injured area without compromising theliver flow to the non traumatic area.  CONCLUSION: The glissonian approach represents another toolthat can be performed in liver trauma setting to minimize complications related to the non-anatomicalremoval of parenchyma and blinded-ligaturesOBJETIVO: Investigar uma abordagem diferente no manejo do trauma hepático, que consiga preservaro máximo possível o parênquima do órgão, expondo apenas a área lesada à isquemia e posteriorreperfusão. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa de artigos publicados nas bases de dados MedLine e pubMedno período de 1980 a 2010, sobre a abordagem dos pedículos glissonianos, e usando como palavrasde busca: fígado, cirurgia, trauma, veia porta e artéria hepática. RESULTADOS: A abordagem dos pedículosglissonianos é viável, não demanda de técnica cirúrgica elaborada, e a chave para o sucesso é ter umconhecimento anatômico do órgão, incluindo pontos importantes em sua superfície para que o cirurgião consiga obter o controle rápido de toda a área lesada sem comprometer o fluxo sanguíneo para asáreas sadias.  CONCLUSÃO: A abordagem glissoniana representa uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada com segurança no cenário de um trauma hepático, para minimizar as complicações relacionadasa ressecção não anatômica do parênquima e ligaduras realizadas às cegas

    A study of sorghum production potential in the semi-arid tropic of Brazil.

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    The paper presents the application of a computerized agroclimatic system to the study ofsorghum production potential in the semi-arid tropic of Brazil. After a brief description of the system, the results obtainae for a sample of counties are discussed. In particular, the paper illustrates the use of clustering techniques in connection to agroclimatic zoning. The use of the system in relation to complementary irrigaton studies is also stressed.bitstream/item/179497/1/FL-06852.pd

    Vortex phase transition and superconducting properties of organic quasi-two-dimensional k-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Cu[N(CN) 2 ]Br

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    International audienceWe report investigations of the low temperature dc susceptibility and the magnetization on the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br near 80K and the effect of disorder on the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The shielding effect (S) and the critical current density Jc were studied (with H parallel to the c axis of the crystal). Jc can be estimated by analysis of magnetic hysteresis measurement using the Bean model. For each temperature value, we observed two regimes in the critical current density Jc(H). This result implies that there exists a first-order phase transition in the vortex system in this organic superconductor. Our results show that the magnetic properties of these compounds depend strongly on the cooling rate. The structural transformation which occurs at the vicinity of 80K very strongly influences the physics of vortex lattice and the associated magnetic behavior
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