688 research outputs found

    Radiation Hardness tests with neutron flux on different Silicon photomultiplier devices

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    Radiation hardness is an important requirement for solid state readout devices operating in high radiation environments common in particle physics experiments. The MEGII experiment, at PSI, Switzerland, investigates the forbidden decay μ+→e+γ\mu^+ \to \mathrm{e}^+ \gamma. Exploiting the most intense muon beam of the world. A significant flux of non-thermal neutrons (kinetic energy Ek≥0.5 MeVE_k\geq 0.5 ~MeV) is present in the experimental hall produced along the beamline and in the hall itself. We present the effects of neutron fluxes comparable to the MEGII expected doses on several Silicon PhotoMulitpliers (SiPMs). The tested models are: AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P50 (used in MEGII experiment), AdvanSiD ASD-NUV3S-P40, AdvanSiD ASD-RGB3S-P40, Hamamatsu and Excelitas C30742-33-050-X. The neutron source is the thermal Sub-critical Multiplication complex (SM1) moderated with water, located at the University of Pavia (Italy). We report the change of SiPMs most important electric parameters: dark current, dark pulse frequency, gain, direct bias resistance, as a function of the integrated neutron fluency.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings from Instrumentation for colliding Beam Physics (INSTR-17) 27-02-2017/03-03-2017 Novosibirsk (R


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    This thesis analyses the political and institutional development of the populus of the Umbrian city-states in connection with the municipal documentary activity in the second half of the thirteenth century. The aim of the research was to identify the initiatives explicitly promoted by the populus in the field of production and documentation management. Umbria was chosen as field of study because of its historical and geographical context, characterized by a particularly high density of small and medium city-states and a remarkably rich municipal documentation. This research has focused in particular on the city-states of Assisi, Gubbio, Orvieto, Perugia, Spoleto and Todi, all presenting different characteristics, such as territorial extension, incisiveness of popular regimes, relevance in historiography field. In this area municipal records directly related to an offitium of the populus\u2019 institutional bodies have been identified and analysed. The gradual affirmation of the populus in the Umbrian city-states government as well as the many documentary initiatives specifically commissioned by popular magistrates are characterized by the extreme variety of the solutions adopted both in the institutional field and in the municipal documentation management. Finally re-writing of certain acts, operated by the offitium capitanei populi, seems to indicate a direct interference and a control of the capitaneus in preforming certain tasks by other municipal offitiales

    Karyology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Passiflora L. (Pasifloraseae).

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    The chromosomes of 31 species of Pas- siflora, distributed throughout the subgenera As- trophea, Calopathanthus, Distephana, Dysosmia, Passiflora, Plectostemma and Tacsonia were ana1- ysed. Three different karyotypes were observed: 2n = 12, 24, 36; 2n = 18, 72 and 2n = 20. The karyotype of these species was a1most always constituted of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes with variable karyotype symmetry. In the group with x = 6, represented by the subgenus Plectostemma, six diploid species with 2n = 12, one tetraploid with 2n = 24 (P. suberosa) and an intraspecific polyploid with 2n = 12, 36 (P. misera) were analysed. P. pentagona (subgenus Astrophea) may also be included in this karyolog- ical group since it presents 2n = 24 and may be of polyploid origin, with x = 6. The interphase nuclei in this group were areticulate, except those of P. morifolia and P. pentagona with semi-reticulate characteristics. Two small terminal heterochroma- tic blocks, positive for chromomycin A3, were identified in the largest chromosome pair of P. capsularis and P. rubra, species very closely related, while P. tricuspis displayed four chromo- somes with proximal blocks. In the group with x = 9, represented mainly by subgenus Passiflora, 20 species with 2n = 18 and one with 2n = 72 were studied. They presented chromosomes larger than those species with x = 6 and interphase nuclei of semi-reticulate type, except for P. mixta with areticulate nuclei. Four terminal CMA + block: were observed in P. edulis, six blocks in P. caerulel and P. racemosa, while five blocks were observed ir the single P. amethystina plant analysed. P. foetid\{ (subgenus Dysosmia), the only species witt 2n = 20, exhibited six chromosomes with CMA + blocks and interphase nuclei of the areticulate type The meiotic analysis of representatives of the three groups (P. foetida, P. suberosa, P. cincinnata and P. racemosa) always presented regular pairing and regular chromosome segregation, except in P.jilekil where a tetravalent was observed. The analysis of the chromosome variation within the genus and the family suggests that the base number of Passiflora may be xi = 6 or XI = 12, whereas X2 = 9 is only an important secondary base number

    Estimating mass-wasting processes in active earth slides – earth flows with time-series of High-Resolution DEMs from photogrammetry and airborne LiDAR

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    Abstract. This paper deals with the use of time-series of High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models (HR DEMs) obtained from photogrammetry and airborne LiDAR coupled with aerial photos, to analyse the magnitude of recently reactivated large scale earth slides – earth flows located in the northern Apennines of Italy. The landslides underwent complete reactivation between 2001 and 2006, causing civil protection emergencies. With the final aim to support hazard assessment and the planning of mitigation measures, high-resolution DEMs are used to identify, quantify and visualize depletion and accumulation in the slope resulting from the reactivation of the mass movements. This information allows to quantify mass wasting, i.e. the amount of landslide material that is wasted during reactivation events due to stream erosion along the slope and at its bottom, resulting in sediment discharge into the local fluvial system, and to assess the total volumetric magnitude of the events. By quantifying and visualising elevation changes at the slope scale, results are also a valuable support for the comprehension of geomorphological processes acting behind the evolution of the analysed landslides

    Reproductive parameters of "Nero di Parma" sows reared outdoor and indoor

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    AbstractThe swine genetic type "Nero di Parma" has been obtained after a preservation programme of a local breed suitable for outdoor rearing systems in Parma province. Actually, 480 females and 35 males are registered by Italian Swine Breeders Association and are reared in 28 herds of Parma province. The study involved the analysis of the reproductive performance of 120 sows from 19 boars, born between 1999 and 2005, during 211 parities from 2002 to 2006. For each parity, the boar, the age of the sow, the length of the farrowing interval, and the litter size (number of born alive, stillborn and weaned piglets) were recorded. Two rearing systems of the farrowing sows (from the final phase of gestation to the end of lactation) were considered: indoor (sows closed off in individual stalls or farrowing cages) and outdoor (sows in individual huts inside the paddocks, with straw bedding); dry sows in both systems had access on pasture with forage and concentrate integration. Data concerning sows performance we..

    Electro-clinical and neurodevelopmental outcome in six children with early diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis complex and role of the genetic background

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    Background: Seizures in individuals affected by tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) commonly develop in the first year of life, are often preceded by a progressive deterioration of the electroencephalogram (EEG), and likely influence developmental outcome. Although early diagnosis of TSC has offered a tremendous opportunity to monitor affected patients before seizure onset, reports of the neurological manifestations of TSC in infants before seizure onset are still scarce. Here we describe early EEG activity, clinical and genetic data and developmental assessment in a group of TSC infants, with the aim of identifying possible prognostic factors for neurodevelopmental outcome. Methods: We report on six infants diagnosed with TSC pre-or perinatally, who underwent serial Video-EEG recordings during the first two years of life. EEGs were classified based on distribution and intensity of interictal epileptiform discharges, and Vigabatrin was introduced in case of ictal discharges. Psychomotor development, cognitive functioning and behavioral problems were assessed through standardized scales. Molecular testing included analysis for point mutations and deletions/duplications in TSC1 and TSC2. Results: EEG abnormalities appeared at a mean age of 4 months. Four of the six patients developed seizures. EEG abnormalities preceded the onset of clinical seizures in all of them. The two individuals with good seizure control showed normal development, while the other two exhibited psychomotor delays. The patients who did not develop seizures had normal development. A pathogenic variant in the TSC2 gene was detected in all patients but one. The one without a mutation identified did not develop seizures and showed normal neurodevelopment. Of note, the two patients presenting with the worst outcome (that is, poor seizure control and intellectual/behavioral disability) both carried pathogenic variants in the GAP domain of TSC2. Conclusion: Our report supports the importance of EEG monitoring before seizure onset in patients with TSC, and the correlation between prompt seizure control and positive neurodevelopmental outcome, regardless of seizure type. Our results also indicate a possible role of the genetic background in influencing the outcome

    Acquisizione di rumore sismico nell'Appennino Reggiano Modenese 11-15 aprile 2006

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    Tra l’11 e il 15 aprile 2006 è stata condotta una campagna di acquisizione di rumore sismico in alcuni siti in frana dell’Appennino Settentrionale. Lo scopo dell’esperimento è quello di stimare gli effetti di sito su corpi franosi tipici dell’Appennino Modenese e Reggiano, nonché di studiare il comportamento delle frane quando sono soggette ad eventi sismici. Le registrazioni di rumore sono state effettuate con stazioni equipaggiate con sensori a corto periodo a tre componenti. Per la stima dell’amplificazione locale è stata scelta una serie di siti caratterizzati da litologie diverse. Inoltre, in siti omogenei e ben studiati dal punto di vista strutturale, sono state effettuate delle misure di rumore in configurazione di array per la stima di un modello di velocità superficiale, allo scopo di confrontare i risultati sperimentali con le funzioni di trasferimento teoriche. La durata delle registrazione non è stata inferiore ad un’ora per ogni sito. Le misure sono state effettuate sulle frane di Ca’ Lita (MO), Cavola (RE) e La Lezza Nuova (RE). Tutte e tre sono frane da colata, caratterizzate dalla presenza in superficie di strati di argille, e sono state studiate dal punto di vista strutturale, tra l’altro attraverso pozzi di sondaggio ed esperimenti di sismica attiva

    Copper transformation, speciation, and detoxification in anoxic and suboxic freshwater sediments

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    The complex chemistry of copper (Cu) in freshwater sediments at low concentrations is not well understood. We evaluated the transformation processes of Cu added to freshwater sediments under suboxic and anoxic conditions. Freshwater sediments from three sources in Michigan with different characteristics (Spring Creek, River Raisin, and Maple Lake) were spiked with 30 or 60 mg kg-1 Cu and incubated under a nitrogen atmosphere. After 28-d, each treatment subset was amended with organic matter (OM) to promote anoxic conditions and evaluate its effects on Cu speciation. OM addition triggered a shift from suboxic to anoxic conditions, and sequential extractions showed that Cu accordingly shifted from acid-soluble to oxidizable fractions. Extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy revealed that Cu sulfides dominated all anoxic samples except for Spring Creek 30 mg kgxfffd; 1, where Cu(I) was predominantly complexed to thiol groups of OM. Covellite and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) were the predominant Cu species in nearly all anoxic samples, as determined by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Copper reduction also occurred under suboxic conditions: for two of three sediments, around 80% had been reduced to Cu(I), while the remaining 20% persisted as Cu(II) complexed to OM. However, in the third coarsest (i.e., Spring Creek), around 50% of the Cu had been reduced, forming Cu(I)-OM complexes, while the remainder was Cu(II)-OM complexes. Toxicity tests showed that survival of H. azteca and D. magna were significantly lower in suboxic treatments. Anoxic sediments triggered a near-complete transformation of Cu to sulfide minerals, reducing its toxicity
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