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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the professionalism of Islamic religious education teachers in making evaluation instruments and follow-up on student learning outcomes at state first school 35 North Bengkulu. This research method is a qualitative method, and the research respondents are Islamic Religious Education Teachers, Principals, Subject Teachers and Students. The techniques used in data collection are interviews, observation and documentation. The research findings in this thesis are: (1) The ability of Islamic Religious Education teachers in making evaluation instruments for student learning outcomes at state first school 35 North Bengkulu, namely Islamic education teachers making evaluation instruments is in accordance with existing procedures starting from giving daily tasks to students. daily tests, mid-semester tests and from the daily morals of students so that Islamic education teachers can make evaluation instruments for student learning outcomes in accordance with student criteria and do not make it difficult for students in the evaluation process because students already understand the material presented by Islamic education teachers. And Islamic education teachers and other subject teachers are always the first example for students to always improve their morals every day and how to respect each other is always prioritized not only in the school environment but outside the school environment, students must also have good morals. (2) The ability of Islamic Religious Education teachers to follow up using an instrument for evaluating student learning outcomes at state first school 35 North Bengkulu, namely: Islamic education teachers always take follow-up actions from the evaluations given to students, first for students who have reached the KKM, they are freed from their duties. by Islamic education teachers. Second, students who have not reached the KKM will be given additional tasks by the Islamic education teacher such as remedial and enrichment for students who have not met the KKM or the target given by the Islamic education teacher which aims for the good of the students themselves are still given the opportunity to improve grades and to adjust with other students who have reached the KKM, so there is no gap or social jealousy between students. Keywords: Competence, Islamic Religious Education Teacher, InstrumentAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profesionalisme guru pendidikan agama islam dalam membuat instrumen evaluasi dan tindak lanjut hasil belajar siswa di SMP Negeri 35 Bengkulu Utara. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dan menjadi responden penelitian adalah Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, Kepala Sekolah, Guru Mata Pelajaran dan Siswa. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah: (1) Kemampuan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam membuat instrumen  evaluasi hasil belajar siswa di SMP Negeri 35 Bengkulu Utara, yaitu guru PAI membuat instrumen evaluasi sudah sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada mulai dari memberikan tugas- tugas harian untuk siswa, ulangan harian, ulangan tengah semester dan dari akhlak keseharian siswa sehingga dengan demikian guru PAI bisa membuat instrumen evaluasi hasil belajar siswa sesuai dengan kriteria- kriteria siswa dan tidak menyulitkan siswa dalam proses evaluasi sebab siswa sudah memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru PAI. Dan guru PAI maupuan guru mata pelajaran lain selalu menjadi contoh pertama bagi siswa untuk setiap harinya selalu memperbaiki akhlak mereka dan cara menghargai satu sama lain selalu lebih diutamakan bukan hanya didalam lingkungan sekolah melainkan diluar lingkungan sekolah siswa juga harus mempunyai akhlak yang baik. (2) Kemampuan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam menindak lanjuti  menggunakan instrumen  evaluasi hasil belajar siswa di SMP Negeri 35 Bengulu Utara, yaitu: guru PAI selalu mengambil tindak lanjut dari evaluasi yang diberikan kepada siswa, pertama bagi siswa yang sudah mencapai KKM dibebaskan dari tugas- tugas oleh guru PAI. Kedua bagi siswa yang belum mencapai KKM akan diberikan tugas- tugas tambahan oleh guru PAI seperti Remedial dan pengayaan bagi siswa yang belum memenuhi KKM atau target yag diberikan oleh guru PAI yang mana bertujuan untuk kebaikan siswa itu sendiri masih diberikan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki nilai dan untuk menyesuaikan dengan siswa yang lain yang sudah mencapai KKM, sehingga tidak terdapat kesenjangan atau kecemburuan sosial antar siswa. Kata Kunci: Kompetensi, Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, Instrumen

    Ipteks Pelaksanaan Sewa Barang Milik Negara pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang (Kpknl) Manado

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    The implementation of BMN Rental is the utilization of other parties within a certain period of time and receive cash rewards that can increase non-tax state revenue (PNBP). Based on the results of observations, it can be seen that the object of lease in the implementation of BMN leases in Manado KPKNL has covered all rental objects above, so Manado KPKNL expects reports from other work units and awareness of satker in reporting BMN after that KPKNL Manado takes investigative actions to the field , there are still many satker who complain about the high cost of rent. BMN leasing in Manado KPKNL is considered to be lacking, because there are still a lot of satker who have not fully understood the requirements for submitting the lease documents, so that when the lease application is submitted there are still many incomplete / incomplete requirements documents. Suggestions from penuis for KPKNL Manado are expected to be able to set a reasonable and affordable BMN rental price. Advice from the author is expected for each Satker to pay more attention to the requirements before applying for BMN rent

    Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Pyridazinones Containing the (2-Fluorophenyl) Piperazine Moiety as Selective MAO-B Inhibitors

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    Twelve pyridazinones (T1-T12) containing the (2-fluorophenyl) piperazine moiety were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for monoamine oxidase (MAO) -A and -B inhibitory activities. T6 was found to be the most potent MAO-B inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.013 ÂľM, followed by T3 (IC50 = 0.039 ÂľM). Inhibitory potency for MAO-B was more enhanced by meta bromo substitution (T6) than by para bromo substitution (T7). For para substitution, inhibitory potencies for MAO-B were as follows: -Cl (T3) > -N(CH3)2 (T12) > -OCH3 (T9) > Br (T7) > F (T5) > -CH3 (T11) > -H (T1). T6 and T3 efficiently inhibited MAO-A with IC50 values of 1.57 and 4.19 ÂľM and had the highest selectivity indices (SIs) for MAO-B (120.8 and 107.4, respectively). T3 and T6 were found to be reversible and competitive inhibitors of MAO-B with Ki values of 0.014 and 0.0071, respectively. Moreover, T6 was less toxic to healthy fibroblast cells (L929) than T3. Molecular docking simulations with MAO binding sites returned higher docking scores for T6 and T3 with MAO-B than with MAO-A. These results suggest that T3 and T6 are selective, reversible, and competitive inhibitors of MAO-B and should be considered lead candidates for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease

    Correlates of loneliness among university students

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    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate level of loneliness, essential needs during university education, and relationships between loneliness, essential needs, and characteristics of university students. A sample comprising 721 students participated in the study. The mean age was 21.58 (SD = 1.73) with a range from 18 to 25. The majority of the students were female (70.6%) and were living in students' dormitory (67.5%) with low (87.8%) income, away from their parents. Methods The UCLA-R loneliness scale and sociodemographic questionnaire which includes an open-ended question on essential needs during university education were administered. Pearson-Product-Moment correlations were used to explore the relationships between participants' loneliness, needs, and characteristics. Results It was found that 60.2% of the participants experienced loneliness. Economical support (81.6%), social interaction (46.9%) and psychosocial support (35%) were the essential needs during university education reported by the participants. The study findings indicate that there were significant relationships between the needs of economical support, social interaction, and loneliness level of university students. Results also show that there were significant relationships among romantic relationship, parents' status and loneliness. Participants' loneliness levels were relatively higher who had not any romantic relationship and were not from married families. Conclusion The findings of this study provided essential information, about Turkish university students, concerning: level of loneliness and relationships that exist among loneliness, needs and sociodemographic characteristics. The findings also suggest implications for psychosocial practice. Because of the mean of loneliness were found to be high (45.49 Âą 10.07), for this study, professionals need to pay attention to Turkish university students' psychosocial state, and need to empower them in establishing social relations

    Effect of Rare Earth Ions on the Properties of Composites Composed of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer and Layered Double Hydroxides

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    BACKGROUND: The study on the rare earth (RE)-doped layered double hydroxides (LDHs) has received considerable attention due to their potential applications in catalysts. However, the use of RE-doped LDHs as polymer halogen-free flame retardants was seldom investigated. Furthermore, the effect of rare earth elements on the hydrophobicity of LDHs materials and the compatibility of LDHs/polymer composite has seldom been reported. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The stearate sodium surface modified Ni-containing LDHs and RE-doped Ni-containing LDHs were rapidly synthesized by a coprecipitation method coupled with the microwave hydrothermal treatment. The influences of trace amounts of rare earth ions La, Ce and Nd on the amount of water molecules, the crystallinity, the morphology, the hydrophobicity of modified Ni-containing LDHs and the adsorption of modifier in the surface of LDHs were investigated by TGA, XRD, TEM, contact angle and IR, respectively. Moreover, the effects of the rare earth ions on the interfacial compatibility, the flame retardancy and the mechanical properties of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA)/LDHs composites were also explored in detail. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: S-Ni₀.₁MgAl-La displayed more uniform dispersion and better interfacial compatibility in EVA matrix compared with other LDHs. Furthermore, the S-Ni₀.₁MgAl-La/EVA composite showed the best fire retardancy and mechanical properties in all composites

    25 Years of IIF Time Series Forecasting: A Selective Review

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    The Turkish Version of the Family Sense of Coherence Scale-Short Form (FSOC-S): Initial Development and Validation

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    WOS: 000206554300006The purpose of this study is to investigate validity and reliability of Short Form of The Family Sense of Coherence Scale's which was developed originally 26 items by Antonovsky and Sourani (1988) and 12 items short form by Sagy (1998). The scale measures individuals' perception of Family Sense of Coherence and it can be applied to adolescents and adults. The sample was consisted of 328 female (58%) and 234 male (42%), totally 562 undergraduate students who attend Education Faculty, Cukurova University. After translating the FSOC into Turkish, exploratory factor analysis was performed on samples of undergraduate students. In addition item analyses, convergent, divergent scales validity and test-re test, Cronbach alpha coefficient reliability were examined. The results have shown that Short form of Turkish Family Sense of Coherence Scale has satisfactory reliability and validity
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