1,495 research outputs found

    The Biological Significance of Evolution in Autoimmune Phenomena

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    It is an inherent part of living to be in constant modification, which are due to answers resulting from environmental changes. The different systems make adaptations based on natural selection. With respect to the immune system of mammals, these changes have a lot to do with the interactions that occur continuously with other living species, especially microorganisms. The immune system is primarily designed to defend from germs and this response triggers inflammatory reactions which must be regulated in order not to generate damage to healthy tissue. The regulatory processes were added over time to prevent such damage. Through evolution the species have stored “an immunological experience,” which provides information that is important for developing effective responses in the future. The human species, which is at a high level of evolutionary immunological accumulation, have multiple immune defense strategies which, in turn, are highly regulated. Imbalances in these can result in autoimmunity

    The Biological Significance of Evolution in Autoimmune Phenomena

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    It is an inherent part of living to be in constant modification, which are due to answers resulting from environmental changes. The different systems make adaptations based on natural selection. With respect to the immune system of mammals, these changes have a lot to do with the interactions that occur continuously with other living species, especially microorganisms. The immune system is primarily designed to defend from germs and this response triggers inflammatory reactions which must be regulated in order not to generate damage to healthy tissue. The regulatory processes were added over time to prevent such damage. Through evolution the species have stored “an immunological experience,” which provides information that is important for developing effective responses in the future. The human species, which is at a high level of evolutionary immunological accumulation, have multiple immune defense strategies which, in turn, are highly regulated. Imbalances in these can result in autoimmunity

    Nitrogen metabolism and gene expression landscape in maritime pine

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    This work was supported by the ProCoGen grant (FP7-KBBE-2011-5) and by the MicroNUpE grant (BIO2015-73512-JIN).Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) is one the most important conifer species in the southwestern Mediterranean region because of its economic and environmental potential. For this reason, a work program in functional genomics has been developed in the frame of the ProCoGen project. One objective was to complete the knowledge about P. pinaster transcriptome with the tissue-specific localization of the gene expression of the low accumulated transcripts in sharper regions (Cañas et al. 2017). In order to reach these objectives total RNA was obtained from isolated tissues through laser capture microdissection (LCM). Due to the limiting amount from these extracts, the RNA samples were reverse-transcribed and the resultant cDNA amplified using our CRA+ protocol (Cañas et al. 2014). The obtained reads were assembled to improve the previous reference transcriptome. Reads were mapped against this transcriptome and the read accounts analyzed in order to found gene co-expression networks using the WGCNA software. These results have allowed us the characterization of nitrogen metabolism in maritime pine during the seedling stage stablishing relationships between the different components. This include the identification of new genes with low or very localized expression as occurred for the PpGS1c gene encoding a new cytosolic glutamine synthetase. From this starting point, we are developing a new project, MicroNUpE, to identify and study the genes involved in ammonium uptake and regulation in different root tissues that will be isolated through LCM. Cañas et al. (2017). Plant J, doi:10.1111/tpj.13617. Cañas et al. (2014). Tree Physiol, 34:1278-1288.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The reactor antineutrino anomaly and low energy threshold neutrino experiments

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    Short distance reactor antineutrino experiments measure an antineutrino spectrum a few percent lower than expected from theoretical predictions. In this work we study the potential of low energy threshold reactor experiments in the context of a light sterile neutrino signal. We discuss the perspectives of the recently detected coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in future reactor antineutrino experiments. We find that the expectations to improve the current constraints on the mixing with sterile neutrinos are promising. We also analyse the measurements of antineutrino scattering off electrons from short distance reactor experiments. In this case, the statistics is not competitive with inverse beta decay experiments, although future experiments might play a role when compare it with the Gallium anomaly.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, matches published versio

    Confined In (Patri)Architecture: How Gothic and Horror Literature Exposes Ongoing Violence and Oppression Against Women

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    This project focuses on the intersections of space, power, gender, religion, and the architecture of institutions that confine and repress women. I argue that these texts focus on how patriarchal and domestic ideologies lock women into gendered expectations through oppressive gender politics. Chapter one demonstrates how early gothic female writers used representations of physical structures, such as abbeys and castles, to expose the eighteenth-century woman’s experiences of abuse and confinement by repressive patriarchal and monarchal rule. This chapter connects themes and arguments within Sophia Lee’s The Recess (1783) and Ann Radcliffe’s A Sicilian Romance (1790) to reveal the metaphors that represent socio-political constructs designed to keep women submissive to religious and patriarchal control. Chapter two argues that Jac Jemc’s use of architectural metaphors in The Grip of It (2017) signifies the confining nature of gendered, domestic expectations and the institution of marriage. Marriage often reduces women’s roles to gendered roles and expectations and keeps women prisoner to their husbands through economic, social, professional, and societal expectations. Chapter three argues that William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist (1971) works to reinforce religious and domestic ideologies by portraying women as conduits of evil by promoting religious, conservative values. When women resist the confines of oppressive domestic ideologies, the patriarchal order retaliates by initiating an aggressive and violent retaliation against women. I conclude that these novels incorporate demons and claustrophobic spaces to articulate the horrors women often experience as prisoners of domestic ideologies and patriarchal power. I argue that this project broadens the understanding of how architecture and space work in gothic and horror novels to examine the public and private spaces that women and marginalized communities occupy and the socio-political ramifications that transpire when they defy the patriarchal order

    Analysis of NPF and NRT transporter families regarding the nitrate nutrition in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)

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    Nitrogen is an essential element for life and the main limiting nutrient for plant growth and development1. The main forms of inorganic nitrogen in soils are nitrate and ammonium, which relative abundances depend on environmental conditions such as temperature. In agricultural soils the most abundant nitrogen form is nitrate because the use of chemical fertilizers however in natural ecosystems nitrogen soil composition can be more complex. Conifers are tree gymnosperms with a wide distribution although their large forests dominate the boreal ecosystems where nitrification is limited and ammonium is the main nitrogen soil source2. In this context, conifers have an appreciable tolerance to ammonium. Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) is a conifer from the western Mediterranean region of high economic and ecological interest in Spain, France and Portugal. This pine is also a research model tree with different genomic resources such as a reference transcriptome and a gene expression atlas3. Taking advantage of these resources the members of the NPF and NRT transporter families involved in nitrate uptake and transport have been identified and analyzed in maritime pine4. Among the transporter families, the NRT3 one is expanded and composed by six members. The capacity of maritime pine to use nitrate or ammonium has been analyzed in seedlings. The development and growth responses to nitrate nutrition are comparable to ammonium supply. At molecular level, there are strong gene expressions for genes involved in nitrate uptake and assimilation such as Nitrate Reductase, Nitrite Reductase, Glutamine Synthetase 1a, three NRT3 genes and different NPF family members in the different organs. Since the NPF proteins can transport different metabolites, peptides and hormones, the NPF transporters involved in nitrate transport are being identified.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project was supported by the grant MicroNUpE, BIO2015-73512-JIN; MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE. JMVM was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (FPU17/03517) and FO by a grant from the Universidad de Málaga (Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil vía SNJG, UMAJI11, FEDER, FSE, Junta de Andalucía)