165 research outputs found

    Cyst s of pineal gland in retinoblastoma: what link with disease and treatments ?

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    OBJECTIVES. Retinoblastoma (Rb) represents the most frequent intraocular paediatric tumor, with an average incidence of 1:14'000 to 1:34'000 births. In 2006 we were first to report on pineal cysts that appeared to be more common in children with hereditary bilateral Rb. The aim of our study was to review in a larger patient cohort the occurrence of pineal cysts and to study the link with disease characteristics and treatments received. METHODS AND PATIENTS. Observational retrospective study of clinical and radiological data of 103 patients treated for Rb who had undergone a cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) between 2006 and 2013 and had a follow-up. Clinical records were reviewed for sex, age at diagnosis, hereditary pattern of disease, tumor laterality, stage according to the International Classification of Retinoblastoma, age at first MRI, treatments received, date of first and last treatment and last follow-up, response to treatment, long-term outcome, time interval from diagnosis of Rb to the diagnosis of a pineal cyst, and genetic data if known. Radiological reports and brain images were reviewed for each patient with pineal cyst to record its size and change over time. RESULTS. Of 103 patients with Rb 56 had unilateral and 47 bilateral disease. Ninety-five were sporadic Rb while 8 were familial. Forty-nine MRIs out of 103 (47.6%) presented a pineal cyst and were reviewed by a neuroradiologist to verify aspect and the size of the pineal gland. Occurrence of cysts was more frequent in bilateral disease, sporadic disease, in presence of a documented genetic mutation and in group D or E, but without statistically significance. No impact of treatment on the occurrence of cysts could be demonstrated. At 1 year of follow-up, cysts had higher growth in bilateral Rb and those with documented genetic mutation, but without statistical significance. None of the other parameters showed significant impact on growth. CONCLUSIONS. We found a high incidence of pineal cysts in Rb patients, but could not demonstrate a significant relationship to the hereditary subgroup or genetic mutation. The evolution was benign without malignant transformation in absence of atypical radiological signs. The higher incidence however compared to a healthy paediatric population clearly indicates that pineal cysts are part of the disease-related midline brain abnormalities

    Host proteostasis modulates influenza evolution

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    Predicting and constraining RNA virus evolution require understanding the molecular factors that define the mutational landscape accessible to these pathogens. RNA viruses typically have high mutation rates, resulting in frequent production of protein variants with compromised biophysical properties. Their evolution is necessarily constrained by the consequent challenge to protein folding and function. We hypothesized that host proteostasis mechanisms may be significant determinants of the fitness of viral protein variants, serving as a critical force shaping viral evolution. Here, we test that hypothesis by propagating influenza in host cells displaying chemically-controlled, divergent proteostasis environments. We find that both the nature of selection on the influenza genome and the accessibility of specific mutational trajectories are significantly impacted by host proteostasis. These findings provide new insights into features of host-pathogen interactions that shape viral evolution, and into the potential design of host proteostasis-targeted antiviral therapeutics that are refractory to resistance.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award 1DP2GM119162)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30-ES002109

    Development of hybrid immunity during a period of high incidence of Omicron infections.

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    Seroprevalence and the proportion of people with neutralizing activity (functional immunity) against SARS-CoV-2 variants were high in early 2022. In this prospective, population- based, multi-region cohort study, we assessed the development of functional and hybrid immunity (induced by vaccination and infection) in the general population during this period of high incidence of infections with Omicron variants. We randomly selected and assessed individuals aged ≄16 years from the general population in southern (n = 739) and north-eastern (n = 964) Switzerland in March 2022. We assessed them again in June/July 2022, supplemented with a random sample from western (n = 850) Switzerland. We measured SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG antibodies and SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies against three variants (ancestral strain, Delta, Omicron). Seroprevalence remained stable from March 2022 (97.6%, n = 1894) to June/July 2022 (98.4%, n = 2553). In June/July, the percentage of individuals with neutralizing capacity against ancestral strain was 94.2%, against Delta 90.8% and against Omicron 84.9%, and 50.6% developed hybrid immunity. Individuals with hybrid immunity had highest median levels of anti-spike IgG antibodies titres [4518 World Health Organization units per millilitre (WHO U/mL)] compared with those with only vaccine- (4304 WHO U/mL) or infection- (269 WHO U/mL) induced immunity, and highest neutralization capacity against ancestral strain (hybrid: 99.8%, vaccinated: 98%, infected: 47.5%), Delta (hybrid: 99%, vaccinated: 92.2%, infected: 38.7%) and Omicron (hybrid: 96.4%, vaccinated: 79.5%, infected: 47.5%). This first study on functional and hybrid immunity in the Swiss general population after Omicron waves showed that SARS-CoV-2 has become endemic. The high levels of antibodies and neutralization support the emerging recommendations of some countries where booster vaccinations are still strongly recommended for vulnerable persons but less so for the general population

    The mating-specific Gα interacts with a kinesin-14 and regulates pheromone-induced nuclear migration in budding yeast

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    As a budding yeast cell elongates toward its mating partner, cytoplasmic microtubules connect the nucleus to the cell cortex at the growth tip. The Kar3 kinesin-like motor protein is then thought to stimulate plus-end depolymerization of these microtubules, thus drawing the nucleus closer to the site where cell fusion and karyogamy will occur. Here, we show that pheromone stimulates a microtubule-independent interaction between Kar3 and the mating-specific Gα protein Gpa1 and that Gpa1 affects both microtubule orientation and cortical contact. The membrane localization of Gpa1 was found to polarize early in the mating response, at about the same time that the microtubules begin to attach to the incipient growth site. In the absence of Gpa1, microtubules lose contact with the cortex upon shrinking and Kar3 is improperly localized, suggesting that Gpa1 is a cortical anchor for Kar3. We infer that Gpa1 serves as a positional determinant for Kar3-bound microtubule plus ends during mating. © 2009 by The American Society for Cell Biology

    Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Household Members and Other Close Contacts of COVID-19 Cases: A Serologic Study in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.

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    Research on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission within households and other close settings using serological testing is scarce. We invited coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases diagnosed between February 27 and April 1, 2020, in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, to participate, along with household members and other close contacts. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G antibodies were measured using a Luminex immunoassay. We estimated factors associated with serological status using generalized estimating equations. Overall, 219 cases, 302 household members, and 69 other close contacts participated between May 4 and June 27, 2020. More than half of household members (57.2%; 95% CI, 49.7%-64.3%) had developed a serologic response to SARS-CoV-2, while 19.0% (95% CI, 10.0%-33.2%) of other close contacts were seropositive. After adjusting for individual and household characteristics, infection risk was higher in household members aged ≄65 years than in younger adults (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 3.63; 95% CI, 1.05-12.60) and in those not strictly adhering to simple hygiene rules like hand washing (aOR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.02-3.17). The risk was lower when more than 5 people outside home were met during semiconfinement, compared with none (aOR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.16-0.74). Individual risk of household members to be seropositive was lower in large households (22% less per each additional person). During semiconfinement, household members of a COVID-19 case were at very high risk of getting infected, 3 times more than close contacts outside home. This highlights the need to provide clear messages on protective measures applicable at home. For elderly couples, who were especially at risk, providing external support for daily basic activities is essential

    Hormonal Signal Amplification Mediates Environmental Conditions during Development and Controls an Irreversible Commitment to Adulthood

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    Many animals can choose between different developmental fates to maximize fitness. Despite the complexity of environmental cues and life history, different developmental fates are executed in a robust fashion. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans serves as a powerful model to examine this phenomenon because it can adopt one of two developmental fates (adulthood or diapause) depending on environmental conditions. The steroid hormone dafachronic acid (DA) directs development to adulthood by regulating the transcriptional activity of the nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12. The known role of DA suggests that it may be the molecular mediator of environmental condition effects on the developmental fate decision, although the mechanism is yet unknown. We used a combination of physiological and molecular biology techniques to demonstrate that commitment to reproductive adult development occurs when DA levels, produced in the neuroendocrine XXX cells, exceed a threshold. Furthermore, imaging and cell ablation experiments demonstrate that the XXX cells act as a source of DA, which, upon commitment to adult development, is amplified and propagated in the epidermis in a DAF-12 dependent manner. This positive feedback loop increases DA levels and drives adult programs in the gonad and epidermis, thus conferring the irreversibility of the decision. We show that the positive feedback loop canalizes development by ensuring that sufficient amounts of DA are dispersed throughout the body and serves as a robust fate-locking mechanism to enforce an organism-wide binary decision, despite noisy and complex environmental cues. These mechanisms are not only relevant to C. elegans but may be extended to other hormonal-based decision-making mechanisms in insects and mammals

    Braveheart, a Long Noncoding RNA Required for Cardiovascular Lineage Commitment

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are often expressed in a development-specific manner, yet little is known about their roles in lineage commitment. Here, we identified Braveheart (Bvht), a heart-associated lncRNA in mouse. Using multiple embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation strategies, we show that Bvht is required for progression of nascent mesoderm toward a cardiac fate. We find that Bvht is necessary for activation of a core cardiovascular gene network and functions upstream of mesoderm posterior 1 (MesP1), a master regulator of a common multipotent cardiovascular progenitor. We also show that Bvht interacts with SUZ12, a component of polycomb-repressive complex 2 (PRC2), during cardiomyocyte differentiation, suggesting that Bvht mediates epigenetic regulation of cardiac commitment. Finally, we demonstrate a role for Bvht in maintaining cardiac fate in neonatal cardiomyocytes. Together, our work provides evidence for a long noncoding RNA with critical roles in the establishment of the cardiovascular lineage during mammalian development.Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (DRG 2032-09)Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (DFS 04-12)European Molecular Biology Organization (Long-term Fellowship)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Bench to Bassinet Program (U01HL098179)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Bench to Bassinet Program (U01HL098188)Smith Family FoundationPew Charitable Trusts. Program in the Biomedical Science

    Protein Pattern Formation

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    Protein pattern formation is essential for the spatial organization of many intracellular processes like cell division, flagellum positioning, and chemotaxis. A prominent example of intracellular patterns are the oscillatory pole-to-pole oscillations of Min proteins in \textit{E. coli} whose biological function is to ensure precise cell division. Cell polarization, a prerequisite for processes such as stem cell differentiation and cell polarity in yeast, is also mediated by a diffusion-reaction process. More generally, these functional modules of cells serve as model systems for self-organization, one of the core principles of life. Under which conditions spatio-temporal patterns emerge, and how these patterns are regulated by biochemical and geometrical factors are major aspects of current research. Here we review recent theoretical and experimental advances in the field of intracellular pattern formation, focusing on general design principles and fundamental physical mechanisms.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, review articl

    Genomic mapping of phosphorothioates reveals partial modification of short consensus sequences

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    Bacterial phosphorothioate (PT) DNA modifications are incorporated by Dnd proteins A-E and often function with DndF-H as a restriction-modification (R-M) system, as in Escherichia coli B7A. However, bacteria such as Vibrio cyclitrophicus FF75 lack dndF-H, which points to other PT functions. Here we report two novel, orthogonal technologies to map PTs across the genomes of B7A and FF75 with >90% agreement: single molecule, real-time sequencing and deep sequencing of iodine-induced cleavage at PT (ICDS). In B7A, we detect PT on both strands of G[subscript ps]AAC/G[subscript ps]TTC motifs, but with only 12% of 40,701 possible sites modified. In contrast, PT in FF75 occurs as a single-strand modification at C[subscript ps]CA, again with only 14% of 160,541 sites modified. Single-molecule analysis indicates that modification could be partial at any particular genomic site even with active restriction by DndF-H, with direct interaction of modification proteins with GAAC/GTTC sites demonstrated with oligonucleotides. These results point to highly unusual target selection by PT-modification proteins and rule out known R-M mechanisms.National Natural Science Foundation (China)Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (973 and 863 Programs)Shanghai Municipal Council of Science and Technology. Shanghai Pujiang ProgramNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CHE-1019990)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (ES002109)Singapore. National Research Foundation (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology

    Estimation of genetic parameters for feed efficiency traits using random regression models in dairy cattle.

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    Feed efficiency has become an increasingly important research topic in recent years. As feed costs rise and the environmental impacts of agriculture become more apparent, improving the efficiency with which dairy cows convert feed to milk is increasingly important. However, feed intake is expensive to measure accurately on large populations, making the inclusion of this trait in breeding programs difficult. Understanding how the genetic parameters of feed efficiency and traits related to feed efficiency vary throughout the lactation period is valuable to gain understanding into the genetic nature of feed efficiency. This study used 121,226 dry matter intake (DMI) records, 120,500 energy corrected milk (ECM) records, and 98,975 metabolic body weight (MBW) records, collected on 7,440 first lactation Holstein cows from 6 countries (Canada, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and United States of America), from January 2003 to February 2022. Genetic parameters were estimated using a multiple-trait random regression model with a fourth order Legendre polynomial for all traits. Weekly phenotypes for DMI were re-parameterized using linear regressions of DMI on ECM and MBW, creating a measure of feed efficiency that was genetically corrected for ECM and MBW, referred to as genomic residual feed intake (gRFI). Heritability (SE) estimates varied from 0.15 (0.03) to 0.29 (0.02) for DMI, 0.24 (0.01) to 0.29 (0.03) for ECM, 0.55 (0.03) to 0.83 (0.05) for MBW, and 0.12 (0.03) to 0.22 (0.06) for gRFI. In general, heritability estimates were lower in the first stage of lactation compared with the later stages of lactation. Additive genetic correlations between weeks of lactation varied, with stronger correlations between weeks of lactation that were close together. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the change in genetic parameters across the first lactation, providing insight into potential selection strategies to include feed efficiency in breeding programs
