4,115 research outputs found

    A study of community attitudes toward music education in the public schools of selected communities in Missouri

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    Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of Kansas, Music Education, 1953

    Input-output relations for a 3-port grating coupled Fabry-Perot cavity

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    We analyze an optical 3-port reflection grating by means of a scattering matrix formalism. Amplitude and phase relations between the 3 ports, i.e. the 3 orders of diffraction are derived. Such a grating can be used as an all-reflective, low-loss coupler to Fabry-Perot cavities. We derive the input output relations of a 3-port grating coupled cavity and find distinct properties not present in 2-port coupled cavities. The cavity relations further reveal that the 3-port coupler can be designed such that the additional cavity port interferes destructively. In this case the all-reflective, low-loss, single-ended Fabry-Perot cavity becomes equivalent to a standard transmissive, 2-port coupled cavity

    Three-port beam splitters-combiners for interferometer applications

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    We derive generic phase and amplitude coupling relations for beam splitters-combiners that couple a single port with three output ports or input ports, respectively. We apply the coupling relations to a reflection grating that serves as a coupler to a single-ended Fabry-Perot ring cavity. In the impedance-matched case such an interferometer can act as an all-reflective ring mode cleaner. It is further shown that in the highly undercoupled case almost complete separation of carrier power and phase signal from a cavity strain can be achieved

    Diffractive Optics for Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    All-reflective interferometry based on nano-structured diffraction gratings offers new possibilities for gravitational wave detection. We investigate an all-reflective Fabry-Perot interferometer concept in 2nd order Littrow mount. The input-output relations for such a resonator are derived treating the grating coupler by means of a scattering matrix formalism. A low loss dielectric reflection grating has been designed and manufactured to test the properties of such a grating cavity

    High reflectivity grating waveguide coatings for 1064nm

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    We propose thin single-layer grating waveguide structures to be used as high-reflectivity, but low thermal noise, alternative to conventional coatings for gravitational wave detector test mass mirrors. Grating waveguide (GWG) coatings can show a reflectivity of up to 100% with an overall thickness of less than a wavelength. We theoretically investigate GWG coatings for 1064nm based on tantala (Ta2O5) on a Silica substrate focussing on broad spectral response and low thickness

    Demonstration of 3-port grating phase relations

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    We experimentally demonstrate the phase relations of 3-port gratings by investigating 3-port coupled Fabry-Perot cavities. Two different gratings which have the same 1st order diffraction efficiency but differ substantially in their 2nd order diffraction efficiency have been designed and manufactured. Using the gratings as couplers to Fabry-Perot cavities we could validate the results of an earlier theoretical description of the phases at a three port grating

    Respuestas de los sami a la pobreza en los paĂ­ses nĂłrdicos

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    Diskursanalys hjÀlper oss att reflektera över verkligheten och det som ses som sjÀlvklart och logiskt i den, mÀnniskor bÄde pÄverkar och pÄverkas av diskursen eftersom ingen helt kan stÀlla sig utanför den. Media Àr en av de instanser som pÄverkar mÀnniskors tankar och förestÀllningar om verkligheten i samhÀllet. Syftet med denna artikel Àr att utifrÄn ett diskursanalytiskt sÀtt granska vad svensk dagspress skriver om metadonbehandling, hur socialkategorisering och avvikelse skapas i dagspress samt vilka som ges utrymme att uttrycka sig. Studiens resultat visar att diskursen om metadonbehandling frÀmst utgörs av en vetenskaplignivÄ dÀr behandlingen anses kunna rÀdda mÀnniskors liv och hjÀlpa dem till en tillvaro dÀr heroinanvÀndning inte ingÄr. Olika synsÀtt pÄverkar uppfattningen om i vilken form och i hur stor utstrÀckning metadonbehandling skall fÄ förekomma. De mÀnniskor som anvÀnder droger blir i dagspress bÀrare av stereotypa begrepp och skapas som avvikelser i diskursen. De som har makten att uttrycka sig i dagspressen Àr frÀmst vÀlutbildade mÀn och de som fÄr minst möjlighet till att uttrycka sig Àr de mÀnniskor som Àr i behov utav metadonbehandling

    Effects of interaction on an adiabatic quantum electron pump

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    We study the effects of inter-electron interactions on the charge pumped through an adiabatic quantum electron pump. The pumping is through a system of barriers, whose heights are deformed adiabatically. (Weak) interaction effects are introduced through a renormalisation group flow of the scattering matrices and the pumped charge is shown to {\it always} approach a quantised value at low temperatures or long length scales. The maximum value of the pumped charge is set by the number of barriers and is given by Qmax=nb−1Q_{\rm max} = n_b -1. The correlation between the transmission and the charge pumped is studied by seeing how much of the transmission is enclosed by the pumping contour. The (integer) value of the pumped charge at low temperatures is determined by the number of transmission maxima enclosed by the pumping contour. The dissipation at finite temperatures leading to the non-quantised values of the pumped charge scales as a power law with the temperature (Q−Qint∝T2αQ-Q_{\rm int} \propto T^{2\alpha}), or with the system size (Q−Qint∝Ls−2αQ-Q_{\rm int} \propto L_s^{-2\alpha}), where α\alpha is a measure of the interactions and vanishes at T=0 (Ls=∞)T=0 ~(L_s=\infty). For a double barrier system, our result agrees with the quantisation of pumped charge seen in Luttinger liquids.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, better quality figures available on request from author
