130 research outputs found

    Solution conformation of the major adduct between the carcinogen (+)-anti-benzo[ɑ]pyrene diol epoxide and DNA

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    We have synthesized, separated, and purified ≈10 mg of a deoxyundecanucleotide duplex containing a single centrally positioned covalent adduct between (+)-anti-benzo[a]pyrene (BP) diol epoxide and the exocyclic amino group of guanosine. Excellent proton NMR spectra are observed for the (+)-trans-anti-BP diol epoxide-N^2-dG adduct positioned opposite dC and flanked by G.C pairs in the d[C1-C2-A3-T4-C5-(BP)G6-C7-T8-A9-C10-C11].d[12- G13-T14-A15-G16-C17-G18-A19-T20-G 21-G22] duplex +ADdesignated (BP)G.C 11-mer+BD. We have determined the solution structure centered about the BP covalent adduct site in the (BP)G.C 11-mer duplex by incorporating intramolecular and intermolecular proton-proton distance bounds deduced from the NMR data sets as constraints in energy minimization computations. The BP ring is positioned in the minor groove and directed toward the 5' end of the modified strand. One face of the BP ring of (BP)G6 is stacked over the G18 and A19 sugar-phosphate backbone on the partner strand and the other face is exposed to solvent. A minimally perturbed B-DNA helix is observed for the d[T4-C5-(BP)G6-C7-T8].d[A15-G16-C17-G18-A19] segment centered about the adduct site with Watson-Crick alignment for both the (BP)G6.C17 pair and flanking G.C pairs. A widening of the minor groove at the adduct site is detected that accommodates the BP ring whose long axis makes an angle of ≈45° with the average direction of the DNA helix axis. Our study holds future promise for the characterization of other steroisomerically pure adducts of BP diol epoxides with DNA to elucidate the molecular basis of structure-activity relationships associated with the stereoisomer-dependent spectrum of mutational and carcinogenic activities

    Structure and mechanism of human DNA polymerase η

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    The variant form of the human syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum (XPV) is caused by a deficiency in DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta), a DNA polymerase that enables replication through ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers. Here we report high-resolution crystal structures of human Pol eta at four consecutive steps during DNA synthesis through cis-syn cyclobutane thymine dimers. Pol eta acts like a 'molecular splint' to stabilize damaged DNA in a normal B-form conformation. An enlarged active site accommodates the thymine dimer with excellent stereochemistry for two-metal ion catalysis. Two residues conserved among Pol eta orthologues form specific hydrogen bonds with the lesion and the incoming nucleotide to assist translesion synthesis. On the basis of the structures, eight Pol eta missense mutations causing XPV can be rationalized as undermining the molecular splint or perturbing the active-site alignment. The structures also provide an insight into the role of Pol eta in replicating through D loop and DNA fragile sites

    Exocyclic amino groups of flanking guanines govern sequence-dependent adduct conformations and local structural distortions for minor groove-aligned benzo[a]pyrenyl-guanine lesions in a GG mutation hotspot context

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    The environmental carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is metabolized to reactive diol epoxides that bind to cellular DNA by predominantly forming N(2)-guanine adducts (G*). Mutation hotspots for these adducts are frequently found in 5′- ··· GG ··· dinucleotide sequences, but their origins are poorly understood. Here we used high resolution NMR and molecular dynamics simulations to investigate differences in G* adduct conformations in 5′- ··· CG*GC ··· and 5′- ··· CGG* C··· sequence contexts in otherwise identical 12-mer duplexes. The BP rings are positioned 5′ along the modified strand in the minor groove in both cases. However, subtle orientational differences cause strong distinctions in structural distortions of the DNA duplexes, because the exocyclic amino groups of flanking guanines on both strands compete for space with the BP rings in the minor groove, acting as guideposts for placement of the BP. In the 5′- ··· CGG* C ··· case, the 5′-flanking G · C base pair is severely untwisted, concomitant with a bend deduced from electrophoretic mobility. In the 5′- ··· CG*GC ··· context, there is no untwisting, but there is significant destabilization of the 5′-flanking Watson–Crick base pair. The minor groove width opens near the lesion in both cases, but more for 5′- ··· CGG*C···. Differential sequence-dependent removal rates of this lesion result and may contribute to the mutation hotspot phenomenon

    Dclk1 Defines Quiescent Pancreatic Progenitors that Promote Injury-Induced Regeneration and Tumorigenesis

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    The existence of adult pancreatic progenitor cells has been debated. While some favor the concept of facultative progenitors involved in homeostasis and repair, neither a location nor markers for such cells have been defined. Using genetic lineage tracing, we show that Doublecortin-like kinase-1 (Dclk1) labels a rare population of long-lived, quiescent pancreatic cells. In vitro, Dclk1+ cells proliferate readily and sustain pancreatic organoid growth. In vivo, Dclk1+ cells are necessary for pancreatic regeneration following injury and chronic inflammation. Accordingly, their loss has detrimental effects after cerulein-induced pancreatitis. Expression of mutant Kras in Dclk1+ cells does not affect their quiescence or longevity. However, experimental pancreatitis converts Kras mutant Dclk1+ cells into potent cancer-initiating cells. As a potential effector of Kras, Dclk1 contributes functionally to the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer. Taken together, these observations indicate that Dclk1 marks quiescent pancreatic progenitors that are candidates for the origin of pancreatic cancer

    Need for recovery amongst emergency physicians in the UK and Ireland: A cross-sectional survey

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the need for recovery (NFR) among emergency physicians and to identify demographic and occupational characteristics associated with higher NFR scores. DESIGN: Cross-sectional electronic survey. SETTING: Emergency departments (EDs) (n=112) in the UK and Ireland. PARTICIPANTS: Emergency physicians, defined as any registered physician working principally within the ED, responding between June and July 2019. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: NFR Scale, an 11-item self-administered questionnaire that assesses how work demands affect intershift recovery. RESULTS: The median NFR Score for all 4247 eligible, consented participants with a valid NFR Score was 70.0 (95% CI: 65.5 to 74.5), with an IQR of 45.5-90.0. A linear regression model indicated statistically significant associations between gender, health conditions, type of ED, clinical grade, access to annual and study leave, and time spent working out-of-hours. Groups including male physicians, consultants, general practitioners (GPs) within the ED, those working in paediatric EDs and those with no long-term health condition or disability had a lower NFR Score. After adjusting for these characteristics, the NFR Score increased by 3.7 (95% CI: 0.3 to 7.1) and 6.43 (95% CI: 2.0 to 10.8) for those with difficulty accessing annual and study leave, respectively. Increased percentage of out-of-hours work increased NFR Score almost linearly: 26%-50% out-of-hours work=5.7 (95% CI: 3.1 to 8.4); 51%-75% out-of-hours work=10.3 (95% CI: 7.6 to 13.0); 76%-100% out-of-hours work=14.5 (95% CI: 11.0 to 17.9). CONCLUSION: Higher NFR scores were observed among emergency physicians than reported in any other profession or population to date. While out-of-hours working is unavoidable, the linear relationship observed suggests that any reduction may result in NFR improvement. Evidence-based strategies to improve well-being such as proportional out-of-hours working and improved access to annual and study leave should be carefully considered and implemented where feasible