30 research outputs found

    Optimizarea tratamentului hepatitelor cronice la vârstnici

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    Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. The use of ozonoterapy in the complex treatment influenced considerably in the positive way the efficiency in the treatment of chronic hepatitis with minimal and moderate activity no matter of etiology. It is established the reduction of the intensity of the sindrom’s manifestation with confers the hepatoprotective activity of the ozone and as a result the enhancing of detoxification function of the liver.Scopul lucrării: studierea influenţării ozonului asupra indicilor clinici şi biochimici ai pacienţilor cu hepatite cronice de diversă etiologie cu activitate minimă şi moderată.Material şi metode. Au fost examinaţi 40 de pacienţi (21 bărbaţi şi 19 femei) cu vârsta medie de 62-78 de ani şi durata maladiei de 28-46 ani. Diagnosticul de hepatită cronică a fost stabilit în baza datelor clinice şi paraclinice. Toţi bolnavii au urmat tratament complex tradiţional, cu aplicarea ozonoterapiei. Simptomele clinice şi paraclinice au fost evaluate până şi după cura de tratament. La toţi bolnavii am observat majorarea indicilor АlAT de 3,5 ori şi АsAT de 2,5 ori. La 60% din pacienţii examinaţi s-au constatat simptome de colestază, cu creşterea indicilor bilirubinei generale de 1,8 ori, ai colesterolului – de 1,4 ori şi la 50% din pacienţii – creşterea indicilor fosfatazei alcaline de 2,3 ori. După administrarea tratamentului cu ozon, am determinat scăderea certă a indicilor AlAT şi tendinţa spre diminuare a indicilor AsAT până la cifrele ce întrec limita normei de 2 ori. Totodată, a fost înregistrată normalizarea indicilor bilirubinei generale şi ai colesterolului, tendinţa spre scădere a indicilor fosfatazei alcaline până la cifrele ce întrec limita normei de 1,6 ori. Dintre factorii etiologici ai hepatitelor cronice, în lotul de pacienţi s-au manifestat: factori criptogeni – 11 cazuri, etilism cronic – 13 cazuri, factori toxici – 6 cazuri şi viruşi hepatotropi – 10 cazuri. După ozonoterapie manifestările astenice, senzaţia de greutate şi durerile în hipocondrul drept, manifestările dispeptice s-au normalizat/au dispărut la majoritatea pacienţilor. Concluzii. La persoanele vârstnice ce suferă de hepatite cronice de diferită etiologie, cu activitate minimă şi moderată, ozonoterapia influenţează pozitiv rezultatele tratamentului complex tradiţional. Se constată scăderea certă a intensităţii manifestărilor sindroamelor citolitice şi colestatice, ceea ce confirmă activitatea hepatoprotectoare a ozonului şi, ca urmare, îmbunătăţirea funcţiei de detoxicare a ficatului

    Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000-2012

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    The derived models explained 62.4 % of the variability of male suicidal rates. Economic variables alone explained 26.9 % and climate variables 37.6 %. For females, the respective figures were 41.7, 11.5 and 28.1 %. Male suicides correlated with high unemployment rate in the frame of high growth rate and high inflation and low GDP per capita, while female suicides correlated negatively with inflation. Both male and female suicides correlated with low temperature. Data from 29 European countries covering the years 2000-2012 and concerning male and female standardized suicidal rates (according to WHO), economic variables (according World Bank) and climate variables were gathered. The statistical analysis included cluster and principal component analysis and categorical regression. It is well known that suicidal rates vary considerably among European countries and the reasons for this are unknown, although several theories have been proposed. The effect of economic variables has been extensively studied but not that of climate. The current study reports that the climatic effect (cold climate) is stronger than the economic one, but both are present. It seems that in Europe suicidality follows the climate/temperature cline which interestingly is not from south to north but from south to north-east. This raises concerns that climate change could lead to an increase in suicide rates. The current study is essentially the first successful attempt to explain the differences across countries in Europe; however, it is an observational analysis based on aggregate data and thus there is a lack of control for confounders. RESULTS METHODS BACKGROUND DISCUSSIO

    Operationalization of importance-performance analysis with nine categories and tested for green practices and financial evaluation

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    The Importance-Performance Analysis is a widely used diagnostic tool in many fields of economic activity, such as: transport, health, construction, public food industry, finance, banking, sustainable activities, etc. Despite its use for over 40 years in many economic and social fields, this tool has some important drawbacks that affect the accuracy of managerial decisions. Over time, many variants for improving the standard Importance-performance matrix have been proposed. The aim of our research is to propose a method to solve one of the biggest problems of the standard Importance-Performance Analysis, respectively a method of boosting confidence in the positioning of attributes in the matrix. We use a mathematical method, inspired by classification theory tools, to apply the nine categories division of attributes in the importance-performance plane. Moreover, we introduce a level of confidence in a nine categories Importance-performance matrix, which helps the practitioners to prioritize a decision on attributes, according to the resources, managerial plan, competition, etc. We test and discuss the effectiveness of the new method on two studies: on the green practices in educational restaurant operations and on the financial performance evaluation. First published online 06 October 202

    Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000–2012

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    BACKGROUND: It is well known that suicidal rates vary considerably among European countries and the reasons for this are unknown, although several theories have been proposed. The effect of economic variables has been extensively studied but not that of climate. METHODS: Data from 29 European countries covering the years 2000-2012 and concerning male and female standardized suicidal rates (according to WHO), economic variables (according World Bank) and climate variables were gathered. The statistical analysis included cluster and principal component analysis and categorical regression. RESULTS: The derived models explained 62.4 % of the variability of male suicidal rates. Economic variables alone explained 26.9 % and climate variables 37.6 %. For females, the respective figures were 41.7, 11.5 and 28.1 %. Male suicides correlated with high unemployment rate in the frame of high growth rate and high inflation and low GDP per capita, while female suicides correlated negatively with inflation. Both male and female suicides correlated with low temperature. DISCUSSION: The current study reports that the climatic effect (cold climate) is stronger than the economic one, but both are present. It seems that in Europe suicidality follows the climate/temperature cline which interestingly is not from south to north but from south to north-east. This raises concerns that climate change could lead to an increase in suicide rates. The current study is essentially the first successful attempt to explain the differences across countries in Europe; however, it is an observational analysis based on aggregate data and thus there is a lack of control for confounders