129 research outputs found
Flexible and Affordable Foreign Language Learning Environment based on Web 2.0 Technologies
Web technologies and educational platforms have greatly evolved over the past decade. One of the most significant factors contributing to education on the Internet has been the development of Web 2.0 technologies. These technologies, socially interactive in nature, have much to contribute to the area of Computer Assisted Language Leaning. Unfortunately, Web 2.0 technologies for the most part have been used in an ad hoc manner, permitting language learners acquire knowledge through interaction, but not through a more structured manner as these technologies were not developed to help lean languages as such. The goal of our work is to research and develop an environment, which employs Web 2.0 technology plus online language learning tools to provide a more integrated language learning environment. This paper will explore the technologies and provide information about how tools can be better integrated to provide a more productive working environment for language learners. A first working proof of concept based on our approach introduced is promising supporting modern language requirements and first findings and space for improvements are discussed
Неогегельянство Александра Кожева и его влияние на постмодернизм
The article discusses the main aspects of Alexandre Kojève's philosophy as well as the reception of his ideas in the philosophy of "Low materialism" (G. Bataille) and Postmodernism (M. Foucault, R. Barthes, B. Groys).The most important moments of Kojève's biography are noted and analyzed, especially his reinterpretation of Hegel’s dialectics, which had become one of the leading concepts of French philosophy of XX century. Moreover, there is a classification of the concepts of Hegelian dialectics, which Kojève uses as his Neohegelian language: Negative dialectics, Lord–bondsman dialectics, The End of History. Apart from this, there are some themes of Postmodern philosophy (The death of the subject) that are analyzed in comparative way with Kojève's ideas. The authors come to the conclusion that Kojève's innovative interpretation of "Phänomenologie des Geistes" had become one of the most important bases of Postmodernism.В статье рассматриваются основные аспекты философии А. Кожева, и рецепция его идей в философии «низкого материализма» (Ж. Батай) и постмодернизма (М. Фуко, Р. Барт, Б. Гройс). Отмечаются и анализируются некоторые моменты в биографии Кожева, в особенности, его увлечение Гегелем, трактовка которого впоследствии стала одной из ведущих концепций французской философской мысли. Анализируется классификация понятий гегелевской диалектики, являющейся инструментом и языком неогегельянства А. Кожева (негативная диалектика, диалектика раба и господина, конец истории), а также основные темы философии постмодернизма (смерть субъекта). Авторы приходят к выводу, что оригинальная трактовка А. Кожевом «Феноменологии духа» Гегеля стала одним из важнейших базисов философии постмодерна
Роль дисфункции эндотелия в формировании легочной гипертензии у больных бронхиальной астмой
The aim of this work was to investigate a role of endothelial dysfunction for development of pulmonary hypertension in young and middle-aged bronchial asthma (BA) patients. In total, 56 patients with mild and moderate persisting BA were examined. The endothelial function was assessed using nitrate levels in erythrocytes and plasma and L-arginin concentration in plasma. Endothelial dysfunction was more prominent in patients with moderate BA. Severity of endothelial dysfunction correlated to obstructive disorders. Plasma and erythrocytes nitrates and plasma L-arginin concentrations were lower in females than were in males and were lower in middle-aged patients compared to youngs. Endothelial dysfunction was more severe in patients with pulmonary hypertension than were patients with normal pulmonary artery pressure. Correlations were revealed between plasma level of nitrates and pulmonary artery pressure, plasma level of nitrates and the right ventricle size. Therefore, endothelial dysfunction could result in cardiovascular pathology in asthmatic patients.Целью работы явилась оценка роли эндотелиальной дисфункции (ЭД) в развитии легочной гипертензии (ЛГ) у больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) молодого и среднего возраста. Обследованы 56 больных c легкой и среднетяжелой персистирующей БА. Эндотелиальную функцию (ЭФ) оценивали по уровню нитратов (NO3-) в плазме, NO3- в эритроцитах и содержанию L-аргинина в плазме. Выявлено наличие ЭД у больных БА легкой и средней степени тяжести, более выраженные нарушения ЭФ отмечены у больных среднетяжелой БА. Расстройства ЭФ зависели от степени обструктивных нарушений функции внешнего дыхания. ЭД оказалась более выраженной у женщин по сравнению с мужчинами и у больных среднего возраста по сравнению с молодыми пациентами. У пациентов с ЛГ ЭД по всем исследуемым показателям была более выраженной, чем у больных с нормальным СДЛА. Выявлены корреляционные связи между показателями ЭФ и гемодинамики малого круга кровообращения (МКК). Таким образом, для больных БА характерно нарушение функциональной активности эндотелия, более выраженное при среднетяжелом течении заболевания, ведущее к вазоконстрикции в МКК и формированию ЛГ
Uterine papillary serous and clear cell carcinomas predict for poorer survival compared to grade 3 endometrioid corpus cancers
To compare the survival of women with uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) and clear cell carcinoma (CC) to those with grade 3 endometrioid uterine carcinoma (G3EC). Demographic, pathologic, treatment, and survival information were obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program from 1988 to 2001. Data were analysed using Kaplan–Meier and Cox proportional hazards regression methods. Of 4180 women, 1473 had UPSC, 391 had CC, and 2316 had G3EC cancers. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma and CC patients were older (median age: 70 years and 68 vs 66 years, respectively; P<0.0001) and more likely to be black compared to G3EC (15 and 12% vs 7%; P<0.0001). A higher proportion of UPSC and CC patients had stage III–IV disease compared to G3EC patients (52 and 36% vs 29%; P<0.0001). Uterine papillary serous carcinoma, CC and G3EC patients represent 10, 3, and 15% of endometrial cancers but account for 39, 8, and 27% of cancer deaths, respectively. The 5-year disease-specific survivals for women with UPSC, CC and G3EC were 55, 68, and 77%, respectively (P<0.0001). The survival differences between UPSC, CC and G3EC persist after controlling for stage I–II (74, 82, and 86%; P<0.0001) and stage III–IV disease (33, 40, and 54; P<0.0001). On multivariate analysis, more favourable histology (G3EC), younger age, and earlier stage were independent predictors of improved survival. Women with UPSC and CC of the uterus have a significantly poorer prognosis compared to those with G3EC. These findings should be considered in the counselling, treating and designing of future trials for these high-risk patients
Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay
Understanding the anatomy of the ankle ligaments is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Ankle ligament injury is the most frequent cause of acute ankle pain. Chronic ankle pain often finds its cause in laxity of one of the ankle ligaments. In this pictorial essay, the ligaments around the ankle are grouped, depending on their anatomic orientation, and each of the ankle ligaments is discussed in detail
Молекулярно-генетичні характеристики аденовірусів, як збудників гострих діарей у жителів півдня України
The etiological role of adenoviruses as causative agents of acute diarrhea in the southern region of Ukraine was studied.
Adenovirus DNA was detected in 10.61±1.05 % of clinical stool samples. Serotypes of two gene groups: C and F were identified
during genotyping and sequencing of genetic material of detected adenovirus isolates. Gene group F (HAdV41), proves their role
in the occurrence of this infectious pathology. HAdV41 isolates had a significant advantage 75.0±15.31 % and had a pronounced
genetic heterogeneity, showed similarities with serotypes circulating in previous years in different regions of the world: Sweden
(1978), Japan (2003, 2006), South Africa (2009–2014), Iraq (2016). The obtained results allowed to establish the geographical
origin of circulating adenoviruses, as well as to predict a further increase in the intensity of the epidemic process of adenoviral
infections in southern Ukraine.Вивчали етіологічну роль аденовірусів, як збудників гострі діареї у жителів південного регіону України. ДНК
аденовірусів виявлені в клінічних зразках стільця хворих у 10,61±1,05 % випадків. При генотипуванні та секвенуванні
генетичного матеріалу виявлених ізолятів ідентифіковано серотипи двох геногруп: С та F. У 25,0±11,69 % хворих на гостру
діарею у вигляді моноінфекції було виявлено аденовіруси геногрупи С: HAdV2 і HadV5, що поряд з серотипами геногрупи
F (HAdV41), доводить їх роль у виникненні даної інфекційної патології. Ізоляти HAdV41 зустрічались із суттєвою перевагою
75,0±15,31 % та мали виражену генетичну гетерогенність, виявляючи подібність з серотипами, що циркулювали у попередні
роки у різних регіонах світу: в Швеції (1978 р.), Японії (2003, 2006 рр.), Південній Африці (2009–2014 рр.), в Іраку (2016 р.).
Отримані результати дозволили встановити географічне походження циркулюючих аденовірусів, прогнозувати подальше
зростання інтенсивності епідемічного процесу аденовірусної інфекцій на півдні України
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