992 research outputs found

    Algoritmos para la detección de aceite de avellana en aceite de oliva

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    7 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables.[EN] The fraudulent addition of hazelnut oil to olive oil can be only detected in high proportions (20-25%) using the A-stigmastenol and the difference between triacylglycerols of equivalent carbon number 42, determined experimentally by HPLC and calculated theoretically from the fatty acid composition (AECN42). A new method lies on a sequential comparison of the values of several algorithms with a database built with data obtained from genuine virgin olive oils. The algorithms are: LLLexp en función de %L; (LLL/OLLn)exp - (LLL/OLLn)teor, vs AECN44 and (ECN441LLL), vs %L; being: LLLnexpO LLnexpa nd ECN44ew the percentage of triacylglycerols determined by HPLC, LLLth, OLLnthWr and EcN44th,, the percentage of those calculated theoretically from the fatty acid wmposition; AECN44 the difference between the experimental and theoretica~v alue of ECN44; and finally %L the percentage of linoleic acid. The database has been built considering the values obtained from olive oils of diierent fatty acid composition and from admixtures between them. The method allows the detection of low percentages of hazelnut oil in olive oii ( 5%).[ES] La adición fraudulenta de aceite de avellana en aceite de oliva puede ser detectada sólo en altas proporciones (20–25 %), usando el D7-estigmastenol y la diferencia entre los triglicéridos con número de carbono equivalente igual a 42, determinados experimentalmente por HPLC y teóricamente a partir de la composición de ácidos grasos (DECN42). Se propone un nuevo método que consiste en la comparación de los valores de varios algoritmos con una base de datos de valores experimentales obtenidos de aceites de oliva virgen genuinos. Estos algoritmos son: LLLexp en función de %L; (LLL/OLLn)exp - (LLL/OLLn)teor en función de DECN44 y (ECN44/LLL)exp en función de %L; siendo LLLexp, OLLnexp, y ECN44exp los porcentajes de los triglicéridos obtenidos por HPLC; LLLteor , OLLnteor, y ECN44teor los porcentajes de éstos calculados teóricamente a partir de la composición de ácidos grasos; DECN44 la diferencia entre el valor experimental y teórico del ECN44; y finalmente %L el porcentaje de ácido linoleico. La base de datos se ha recopilado considerando los valores obtenidos de aceites de oliva de diferentes composiciones de ácidos grasos y mezclas entre ellos. El método permite la detección de pequeños porcentajes (5 %) de aceites de avellana en aceites de oliva.We thank to Ministry of Agriculture for the financia1 support (INIA CA098-005).Peer reviewe

    Ship-borne aerosol profiling with lidar over the Atlantic Ocean: from pure marine conditions to complex dust–smoke mixtures

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    The multi-wavelength Raman lidar PollyXT has been regularly operated aboard the research vessel Polarstern on expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean from north to south and vice versa. The lidar measurements of the RV Polarstern cruises PS95 from Bremerhaven, Germany, to Cape Town, Republic of South Africa (November 2015), and PS98 from Punta Arenas, Chile, to Bremerhaven, Germany (April/May 2016), are presented and analysed in detail. The latest set-up of PollyXT allows improved coverage of the marine boundary layer (MBL) due to an additional near-range receiver.Three case studies provide an overview of the aerosol detected over the Atlantic Ocean. In the first case, marine conditions were observed near South Africa on the autumn cruise PS95. Values of optical properties (depolarisation ratios close to zero, lidar ratios of 23 sr at 355 and 532 nm) within the MBL indicate pure marine aerosol. A layer of dried marine aerosol, indicated by an increase of the particle depolarisation ratio to about 10 % at 355 nm (9 % at 532 nm) and thus confirming the non-sphericity of these particles, could be detected on top of the MBL. On the same cruise, an almost pure Saharan dust plume was observed near the Canary Islands, presented in the second case. The third case deals with several layers of Saharan dust partly mixed with biomass-burning smoke measured on PS98 near the Cabo Verde islands. While the MBL was partly mixed with dust in the pure Saharan dust case, an almost marine MBL was observed in the third case.A statistical analysis showed latitudinal differences in the optical properties within the MBL, caused by the down-mixing of dust in the tropics and anthropogenic influences in the northern latitudes, whereas the optical properties of the MBL in the Southern Hemisphere correlate with typical marine values. The particle depolarisation ratio of dried marine layers ranged between 4 and 9 % at 532 nm.Night measurements from PS95 and PS98 were used to illustrate the potential of aerosol classification using lidar ratio, particle depolarisation ratio at 355 and 532 nm, and Ångström exponent. Lidar ratio and particle depolarisation ratio have been found to be the main indicator for particle type, whereas the Ångström exponent is rather variable.</p

    Magnetization of Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta} micrometer thin ring and its depinning line

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    We demonstrate a geometrical effect on the depinning line (DL) of the flux line lattice of the Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+δ_{8+\delta} high-Tc_c superconductor (HTSC) micrometer ring. The DL shifts to notably lower temperatures in comparison to bulk crystals and thin flakes of the same sample. The shift is attributed to a decrease in the overall pinning potential due to a double size effect, namely: a) the ring thickness 1 μ\sim 1~\mum being smaller than the pinning correlation length, and b) the increase in the effective London penetration depth of the vortices (Pearl vortices). The large shift of the DL to lower temperatures may influence the suitability of this HTSC for applications in microstrip antennas and THz emitters.Comment: Reviewed, AAM. 13 pages, 10 figure

    Dehydro­leucodin: a guaiane-type sesquiterpene lactone

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    Dehydro­leucodin [systematic name: (1S,6S,2R)-9,13-dimeth­yl-5-methyl­ene-3-oxatricyclo­[,6]trideca-9,12-diene-4,11-dione], C15H16O3, is a guanolide isolated from Artemisia douglasiana. The fused-ring system contains a seven-membered ring that adopts a chair conformation, a fused planar cyclo­pentenone ring and a five-membered lactone ring fused in envelope conformation. The absolute structure determined by X-ray analysis agrees with that previously assigned to this compound by NMR studies [Bohlmann & Zdero (1972 ▶). Tetra­hedron Lett. 13, 621–624] and also with that of leucodine, a closely related guaianolide [Martinez et al. (1988 ▶). J. Nat. Prod. 51, 221–228]

    Instability and network effects in innovative markets

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    We consider a network of interacting agents and we model the process of choice on the adoption of a given innovative product by means of statistical-mechanics tools. The modelization allows us to focus on the effects of direct interactions among agents in establishing the success or failure of the product itself. Mimicking real systems, the whole population is divided into two sub-communities called, respectively, Innovators and Followers, where the former are assumed to display more influence power. We study in detail and via numerical simulations on a random graph two different scenarios: no-feedback interaction, where innovators are cohesive and not sensitively affected by the remaining population, and feedback interaction, where the influence of followers on innovators is non negligible. The outcomes are markedly different: in the former case, which corresponds to the creation of a niche in the market, Innovators are able to drive and polarize the whole market. In the latter case the behavior of the market cannot be definitely predicted and become unstable. In both cases we highlight the emergence of collective phenomena and we show how the final outcome, in terms of the number of buyers, is affected by the concentration of innovators and by the interaction strengths among agents.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. 7th workshop on "Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance" - MDEF2012 (COST Action IS1104), Urbino (2012

    Fragile entanglement statistics

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    If X and Y are independent, Y and Z are independent, and so are X and Z, one might be tempted to conclude that X, Y, and Z are independent. But it has long been known in classical probability theory that, intuitive as it may seem, this is not true in general. In quantum mechanics one can ask whether analogous statistics can emerge for configurations of particles in certain types of entan- gled states. The explicit construction of such states, along with the specifi- cation of suitable sets of observables that have the purported statistical properties, is not entirely straightforward. We show that an example of such a configuration arises in the case of an N-particle GHZ state, and we are able to identify a family of observables with the property that the associated mea- surement outcomes are independent for any choice of 2, 3, 1⁄4, N - 1 of the particles, even though the measurement outcomes for all N particles are not independent. Although such states are highly entangled, the entanglement turns out to be ‘fragile’, i.e. the associated density matrix has the property that if one traces out the freedom associated with even a single particle, the resulting reduced density matrix is separable

    Thiarubrine A, a bioactive constituent of Aspilia (Asteraceae) consumed by wild chimpanzees

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    Two African species of Aspilia (Asteraceae), which are used medicinally by man and which are eaten by wild chimpanzees in an unusual manner, were found to contain the potent antibiotic thiarubrine A as a major leaf phytochemical. Its presence in leaf material strengthens the view that the feeding behavior of wild chimpanzees is related to special physiological or pharmacological effects on the animals.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42789/1/18_2005_Article_BF02004537.pd

    RNA-seq discovery, functional characterization, and comparison of sesquiterpene synthases from Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum habrochaites trichomes

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    Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum habrochaites (f. typicum) accession PI127826 emit a variety of sesquiterpenes. To identify terpene synthases involved in the production of these volatile sesquiterpenes, we used massive parallel pyrosequencing (RNA-seq) to obtain the transcriptome of the stem trichomes from these plants. This approach resulted initially in the discovery of six sesquiterpene synthase cDNAs from S. lycopersicum and five from S. habrochaites. Searches of other databases and the S. lycopersicum genome resulted in the discovery of two additional sesquiterpene synthases expressed in trichomes. The sesquiterpene synthases from S. lycopersicum and S. habrochaites have high levels of protein identity. Several of them appeared to encode for non-functional proteins. Functional recombinant proteins produced germacrenes, β-caryophyllene/α-humulene, viridiflorene and valencene from (E,E)-farnesyl diphosphate. However, the activities of these enzymes do not completely explain the differences in sesquiterpene production between the two tomato plants. RT-qPCR confirmed high levels of expression of most of the S. lycopersicum sesquiterpene synthases in stem trichomes. In addition, one sesquiterpene synthase was induced by jasmonic acid, while another appeared to be slightly repressed by the treatment. Our data provide a foundation to study the evolution of terpene synthases in cultivated and wild tomato

    Detection and characterization of birch pollen in the atmosphere using a multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar and Hirst-type pollen sampler in Finland

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    We present the results of birch pollen characterization using lidar and in situ measurements based on a 11 d pollination period from 5 to 15 May 2016 at the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) station in Vehmasmäki (Kuopio; 62∘44′ N, 27∘33′ E), Finland. The ground-based multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar PollyXT performed continuous measurements at this rural forest site and has been combined with a Hirst-type volumetric air sampler, which measured the pollen type and concentration at roof level (4 m). The period was separated into two parts due to different atmospheric conditions and detected pollen types. During the first period, high concentrations of birch pollen were measured with a maximum 2 h average pollen concentration of 3700 grains m−3. Other pollen types represented less than 3 % of the total pollen count. In observed pollen layers, the mean particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm was 10±6 % during the intense birch pollination period. Mean lidar ratios were found to be 45±7 and 55±16 sr at 355 and 532 nm, respectively. During the second period, birch pollen was still dominant, but a significant contribution of spruce pollen was observed as well. Spruce pollen grains are highly nonspherical, leading to a larger mean depolarization ratio of 26±7 % for the birch–spruce pollen mixture. Furthermore, higher lidar ratios were observed during this period with mean values of 60±3 and 62±10 sr at 355 and 532 nm, respectively. The presented study shows the potential of the particle depolarization ratio to track pollen grains in the atmosphere.</p

    Optical characterization of pure pollen types using a multi-wavelength Raman polarization lidar

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    We present a novel algorithm for characterizing the optical properties of pure pollen particles, based on the depolarization ratio values obtained in lidar measurements. The algorithm was first tested and validated through a sim-ulator and then applied to the lidar observations during a 4-month pollen campaign from May to August 2016 at the Eu-ropean Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) station in Kuopio (62 • 44 N, 27 • 33 E), in Eastern Finland. With a Burkard sampler, 20 types of pollen were observed and identified from concurrent measurements, with birch (Be-tula), pine (Pinus), spruce (Picea), and nettle (Urtica) pollen being the most abundant, contributing more than 90 % of the total pollen load, regarding number concentrations. Mean values of lidar-derived optical properties in the pollen layer were retrieved for four intense pollination periods (IPPs). Li-dar ratios at both 355 and 532 nm ranged from 55 to 70 sr for all pollen types, without significant wavelength dependence. An enhanced depolarization ratio was found when there were pollen grains in the atmosphere, and an even higher depo-larization ratio (with mean values of 0.25 or 0.14) was observed with the presence of the more non-spherical spruce or pine pollen. Under the assumption that the backscatter-related Ångström exponent between 355 and 532 nm should be zero for pure pollen, the depolarization ratio of pure pollen particles at 532 nm was assessed, resulting in 0.24±0.01 and 0.36 ± 0.01 for birch and pine pollen, respectively. Pollen optical properties at 1064 and 355 nm were also estimated. The backscatter-related Ångström exponent between 532 and 1064 nm was assessed to be ∼ 0.8 (∼ 0.5) for pure birch (pine) pollen; thus the longer wavelength would be a better choice to trace pollen in the air. Pollen depolarization ratios of 0.17 and 0.30 at 355 nm were found for birch and pine pollen, respectively. The depolarization values show a wavelength dependence for pollen. This can be the key parameter for pollen detection and characterization.</p