21 research outputs found

    Sur le défaut palindromique des mots infinis

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    Lorsqu'on s'intĂ©resse Ă  l'Ă©tude de la structure combinatoire d'un mot infini w, une stratĂ©gie classique consiste Ă  calculer sa fonction de complexitĂ©, c'est-Ă -dire Ă  dĂ©crire le nombre de mots de longueur n qui apparaissent dans w, pour chaque entier n ≄ 0. RĂ©cemment, des chercheurs se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  un raffinement de cette notion en introduisant la fonction de complexitĂ© palindromique: pour chaque entier n ≄ 0, nous calculons le nombre de palindromes de longueur n apparaissant dans w. Rappelons qu'un palindrome est un mot qui se lit de la mĂȘme façon de gauche Ă  droite que de droite Ă  gauche (par exemple, "radar" et "ressasser" sont des palindromes de la langue française). La connaissance des palindromes apparaissant dans un mot permet de dĂ©duire de nombreuses informations prĂ©cieuses sur sa structure. Par exemple, un mot admettant une infinitĂ© de palindromes prĂ©fixes est nĂ©cessairement rĂ©current (tout facteur apparaĂźt une infinitĂ© de fois) et son langage est fermĂ© sous l'opĂ©ration miroir. D'autre part, nous Ă©tudions Ă©galement les occurrences de facteurs antipalindromiques (une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de la notion de palindrome), qui semblent naturellement en interaction avec les palindromes usuels. En particulier, nous dĂ©crivons les complexitĂ©s palindromique et antipalindromique de quelques familles importantes de mots: les mots pĂ©riodiques, les mots sturmiens, le mot de Thue-Morse et les suites de Rote. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous Ă©tudions le dĂ©faut palindromique des mots finis et infinis. Il s'agit d'une mesure de "richesse" ou de "pauvretĂ©" en palindromes des mots. Nous montrons en particulier que certains mots associĂ©s aux suites de Rote, Ă  l'instar des mots sturmiens (Droubay, Justin et Pirillo, 2001), sont aussi pleins, c'est-Ă -dire qu'ils rĂ©alisent la complexitĂ© palindromique maximale, et nous Ă©tablissons aussi des conditions sous lesquelles les mots pĂ©riodiques sont pleins. Une section supplĂ©mentaire est consacrĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©tude des lacunes du mot de Thue-Morse, qui admet une infinitĂ© de palindromes, mais dont le dĂ©faut est infini (c'est-Ă -dire qu'il possĂšde une infinitĂ© de lacunes palindromiques). En dernier lieu, nous mentionnons quelques problĂšmes ouverts dans ce passionnant champ de recherche. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Combinatoire, Mots, Palindromes, Antipalindromes, ComplexitĂ©, DĂ©faut

    On Words with the Zero Palindromic Defect

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    We study the set of finite words with zero palindromic defect, i.e., words rich in palindromes. This set is factorial, but not recurrent. We focus on description of pairs of rich words which cannot occur simultaneously as factors of a longer rich word

    Generalised Lyndon-SchĂŒtzenberger Equations

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    We fully characterise the solutions of the generalised Lyndon-SchĂŒtzenberger word equations u1⋯uℓ=v1cdotsvmw1⋯wnu_1 \cdots u_\ell = v_1 cdots v_m w_1 \cdots w_n, where ui∈{u,Ξ(u)}u_i \in \{u, \theta(u)\} for all 1≀i≀ℓ1 \leq i \leq \ell, vj∈{v,Ξ(v)}v_j \in \{v, \theta(v)\} for all 1≀j≀m1 \leq j \leq m, wk∈{w,Ξ(w)}w_k \in \{w, \theta(w)\} for all 1≀k?≀n1 \leq k ?\leq n, and Ξ\theta is an antimorphic involution. More precisely, we show for which ℓ\ell, mm, and nn such an equation has only Ξ\theta-periodic solutions, i.e., uu, vv, and ww are in {t,Ξ(t)}∗\{t, \theta(t)\}^\ast for some word tt, closing an open problem by Czeizler et al. (2011)

    An Optimal Algorithm for Tiling the Plane with a Translated Polyomino

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    We give a O(n)O(n)-time algorithm for determining whether translations of a polyomino with nn edges can tile the plane. The algorithm is also a O(n)O(n)-time algorithm for enumerating all such tilings that are also regular, and we prove that at most Θ(n)\Theta(n) such tilings exist.Comment: In proceedings of ISAAC 201

    Repetitions in infinite palindrome-rich words

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    Rich words are characterized by containing the maximum possible number of distinct palindromes. Several characteristic properties of rich words have been studied; yet the analysis of repetitions in rich words still involves some interesting open problems. We address lower bounds on the repetition threshold of infinite rich words over 2 and 3-letter alphabets, and construct a candidate infinite rich word over the alphabet ÎŁ2={0,1}\Sigma_2=\{0,1\} with a small critical exponent of 2+2/22+\sqrt{2}/2. This represents the first progress on an open problem of Vesti from 2017.Comment: 12 page

    The impact of managerial characteristics on business strategies under the environmental change: an investigation of the Israeli diamond industry

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    The changing business environment has required firms to adopt new strategies to facilitate efficient organizational adaptation. Previous upper echelons studies suggested that the demographic characteristics of top managers influence their choice of strategies, and ultimately the firms’ performance. These studies tended to examine firms in a homogenous way. The characteristics of family-owned firms, together with the unique external environment within which they operate, have been largely ignored. This study aims to fill this gap and examine the relationships between the top managers’ characteristics and their choice of exchange strategy within the diamond industry in light of the environmental changes. This paper illustrates the evolutionary stages of the diamond industry and how players adjust their strategies in-line with the environment. We interviewed 100 diamond firm managers to gather the empirical data. The results have shown that certain managerial characteristics, such as family background and marketing experience, have positively influenced the choice of using the arm’s length market exchange strategies. Our findings have also reflected that the relationship between managers’ characteristics and strategic choice is social and normative. Many managers follow the family or community traditions and imitate other key industry players in order to achieve legitimacy from the stakeholders and improve competitiveness

    On the critical exponent of generalized Thue-Morse sequences

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    For certain generalized Thue-Morse words t, we compute the "critical exponent", i.e., the supremum of the set of rational numbers that are exponents of powers in t, and determine exactly the occurrences of powers realizing it