37 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of interstitial lung diseases in Greece

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    SummaryIntroductionFew data are available on the epidemiology of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), especially after the current classification of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. The aim of this study is to provide data on the epidemiology of ILDs in Greece, under the ATS/ERS international consensus.MethodsDepartments of Pneumonology were contacted and asked to complete a questionnaire for every case of ILD that was alive on 2004 as well as for every new case from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2004. Questions on the patients' demographic data, the exact diagnosis and the procedures used to establish the diagnosis were included. Centers covering about 60% of the Greek population have been analyzed.ResultsA total of 967 cases have been registered. The estimated prevalence of ILDs is 17.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The estimated annual incidence of ILDs is 4.63 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The most frequent disease is sarcoidosis (34.1%), followed in decreasing order by idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (19.5%), ILD associated with collagen vascular diseases (12.4%), cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (5.3%), histiocytosis (3.8%), and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (2.6%). Unclassified ILD or not otherwise specified accounted for the 8.5% of prevalent cases.ConclusionsThese data suggest that sarcoidosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are the most frequent ILDs in our population. In comparison with the few previous reports, interesting dissimilarities have been observed

    Multi-feature computational framework for combined signatures of dementia in underrepresented settings

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    Objetivo. El diagnóstico diferencial de la variante conductual de la demencia frontotemporal (bvFTD) y La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) sigue siendo un desafío en grupos subrepresentados y subdiagnosticados, incluidos los latinos, ya que los biomarcadores avanzados rara vez están disponibles. Directrices recientes para el estudio de demencia destacan el papel fundamental de los biomarcadores. Por lo tanto, nuevos complementarios rentables Se requieren enfoques en entornos clínicos. Acercarse. Desarrollamos un marco novedoso basado en un clasificador de aprendizaje automático que aumenta el gradiente, ajustado por la optimización bayesiana, en una función múltiple enfoque multimodal (que combina imágenes demográficas, neuropsicológicas y de resonancia magnética) (IRM) y electroencefalografía/datos de conectividad de IRM funcional) para caracterizar neurodegeneración utilizando la armonización del sitio y la selección de características secuenciales. Evaluamos 54 DFTvc y 76 pacientes con EA y 152 controles sanos (HC) de un consorcio latinoamericano (ReDLat). Resultados principales. El modelo multimodal arrojó una alta clasificación de área bajo la curva (pacientes con DFTvc frente a HC: 0,93 (±0,01); pacientes con EA frente a HC: 0,95 (±0,01); DFTvv frente a EA pacientes: 0,92 (±0,01)). El enfoque de selección de características filtró con éxito información no informativa marcadores multimodales (de miles a decenas). Resultados. Probado robusto contra multimodal heterogeneidad, variabilidad sociodemográfica y datos faltantes. Significado. El modelo con precisión subtipos de demencia identificados utilizando medidas fácilmente disponibles en entornos subrepresentados, con un rendimiento similar al de los biomarcadores avanzados. Este enfoque, si se confirma y replica, puede complementar potencialmente las evaluaciones clínicas en los países en desarrollo.Q1Q1Abstract Objective. The differential diagnosis of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains challenging in underrepresented, underdiagnosed groups, including Latinos, as advanced biomarkers are rarely available. Recent guidelines for the study of dementia highlight the critical role of biomarkers. Thus, novel cost-effective complementary approaches are required in clinical settings. Approach. We developed a novel framework based on a gradient boosting machine learning classifier, tuned by Bayesian optimization, on a multi-feature multimodal approach (combining demographic, neuropsychological, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electroencephalography/functional MRI connectivity data) to characterize neurodegeneration using site harmonization and sequential feature selection. We assessed 54 bvFTD and 76 AD patients and 152 healthy controls (HCs) from a Latin American consortium (ReDLat). Main results. The multimodal model yielded high area under the curve classification values (bvFTD patients vs HCs: 0.93 (±0.01); AD patients vs HCs: 0.95 (±0.01); bvFTD vs AD patients: 0.92 (±0.01)). The feature selection approach successfully filtered non-informative multimodal markers (from thousands to dozens). Results. Proved robust against multimodal heterogeneity, sociodemographic variability, and missing data. Significance. The model accurately identified dementia subtypes using measures readily available in underrepresented settings, with a similar performance than advanced biomarkers. This approach, if confirmed and replicated, may potentially complement clinical assessments in developing countries.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6529-7077https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=kaGongoAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdatehttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000055000Revista Internacional - IndexadaS

    Multi-feature computational framework for combined signatures of dementia in underrepresented settings

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    PUBLISHED 25 August 2022Objective. The differential diagnosis of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains challenging in underrepresented, underdiagnosed groups, including Latinos, as advanced biomarkers are rarely available. Recent guidelines for the study of dementia highlight the critical role of biomarkers. Thus, novel cost-effective complementary approaches are required in clinical settings. Approach. We developed a novel framework based on a gradient boosting machine learning classifier, tuned by Bayesian optimization, on a multi-feature multimodal approach (combining demographic, neuropsychological, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and electroencephalography/functional MRI connectivity data) to characterize neurodegeneration using site harmonization and sequential feature selection. We assessed 54 bvFTD and 76 AD patients and 152 healthy controls (HCs) from a Latin American consortium (ReDLat). Main results. The multimodal model yielded high area under the curve classification values (bvFTD patients vs HCs: 0.93 (±0.01); AD patients vs HCs: 0.95 (±0.01); bvFTD vs AD patients: 0.92 (±0.01)). The feature selection approach successfully filtered non-informative multimodal markers (from thousands to dozens). Results. Proved robust against multimodal heterogeneity, sociodemographic variability, and missing data. Significance. The model accurately identified dementia subtypes using measures readily available in underrepresented settings, with a similar performance than advanced biomarkers. This approach, if confirmed and replicated, may potentially complement clinical assessments in developing countries.Sebastian Moguilner, Agustina Birba, Sol Fittipaldi, Cecilia Gonzalez-Campo, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Pablo Reyes, Diana Matallana, Mario A Parra, Andrea Slachevsky, Gonzalo Farías, Josefina Cruzat, Adolfo García, Harris A Eyre, Renaud La Joie, Gil Rabinovici, Robert Whelan and Agustín Ibáñe

    Harmonized multi-metric and multi-centric assessment of EEG source space connectivity for dementia characterization

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    Introduction -- Harmonization protocols that address batch effects and cross-site methodological differences in multi-center studies are critical for strengthening electroencephalography (EEG) signatures of functional connectivity (FC) as potential dementia biomarkers. Methods -- We implemented an automatic processing pipeline incorporating electrode layout integrations, patient-control normalizations, and multi-metric EEG source space connectomics analyses. Results -- Spline interpolations of EEG signals onto a head mesh model with 6067 virtual electrodes resulted in an effective method for integrating electrode layouts. Z-score transformations of EEG time series resulted in source space connectivity matrices with high bilateral symmetry, reinforced long-range connections, and diminished short-range functional interactions. A composite FC metric allowed for accurate multicentric classifications of Alzheimer's disease and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Discussion --Harmonized multi-metric analysis of EEG source space connectivity can address data heterogeneities in multi-centric studies, representing a powerful tool for accurately characterizing dementia

    Enhanced Working Memory Binding by Direct Electrical Stimulation of the Parietal Cortex

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    Recent works evince the critical role of visual short-term memory (STM) binding deficits as a clinical and preclinical marker of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These studies suggest a potential role of posterior brain regions in both the neurocognitive deficits of Alzheimer’s patients and STM binding in general. Thereupon, we surmised that stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) might be a successful approach to tackle working memory deficits in this condition, especially at early stages. To date, no causal evidence exists of the role of the parietal cortex in STM binding. A unique approach to assess this issue is afforded by single-subject direct intracranial electrical stimulation of specific brain regions during a relevant cognitive task. Electrical stimulation has been used both for clinical purposes and to causally probe brain mechanisms. Previous evidence of electrical currents spreading through white matter along well defined functional circuits indicates that visual working memory mechanisms are subserved by a specific widely distributed network. Here, we stimulated the parietal cortex of a subject with intracranial electrodes as he performed the visual STM task. We compared the ensuing results to those from a non-stimulated condition and to the performance of a matched control group. In brief, direct stimulation of the parietal cortex induced a selective improvement in STM. These results, together with previous studies, provide very preliminary but promising ground to examine behavioral changes upon parietal stimulation in AD. We discuss our results regarding: (a) the usefulness of the task to target prodromal stages of AD; (b) the role of a posterior network in STM binding and in AD; and (c) the potential opportunity to improve STM binding through brain stimulation

    Essential Medicines at the National Level : The Global Asthma Network's Essential Asthma Medicines Survey 2014

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    Patients with asthma need uninterrupted supplies of affordable, quality-assured essential medicines. However, access in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is limited. The World Health Organization (WHO) Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Global Action Plan 2013-2020 sets an 80% target for essential NCD medicines' availability. Poor access is partly due to medicines not being included on the national Essential Medicines Lists (EML) and/or National Reimbursement Lists (NRL) which guide the provision of free/subsidised medicines. We aimed to determine how many countries have essential asthma medicines on their EML and NRL, which essential asthma medicines, and whether surveys might monitor progress. A cross-sectional survey in 2013-2015 of Global Asthma Network principal investigators generated 111/120 (93%) responses41 high-income countries and territories (HICs); 70 LMICs. Patients in HICs with NRL are best served (91% HICs included ICS (inhaled corticosteroids) and salbutamol). Patients in the 24 (34%) LMICs with no NRL and the 14 (30%) LMICs with an NRL, however no ICS are likely to have very poor access to affordable, quality-assured ICS. Many LMICs do not have essential asthma medicines on their EML or NRL. Technical guidance and advocacy for policy change is required. Improving access to these medicines will improve the health system's capacity to address NCDs.Peer reviewe

    Etude de la dynamique de la macrofaune du sol en culture d’ognon sous usage de diverses pratiques agricoles

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    La dynamique de la macrofaune du sol en culture d’ognon (Alium cepa) a été étudiée huit semaines après le repiquage des plants. Les expérimentations ont été conduites en 2013 et 2014 au Centre de Recherches Environnementales et Agricoles et de Formation de Kamboinsé de l’Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA). L’objectif était d’étudier l’influence des différentes pratiques agricoles appliquées sur la faune du sol. La macrofaune a été échantillonnée par une méthode standard TSBF. Les termites ont été échantillonnés par la méthode des monolithes et par une fouille aléatoire sur un transect autour du monolithe. Les vers de terre et les autres groupes de la macrofaune du sol ont été échantillonnés uniquement par monolithes. Au total douze (12) espèces d’insectes et deux (02) espèces de vers de terre ont été enregistrées sous les dix (10) traitements appliqués sur le dispositif expérimental. Pour les insectes, ce sont : Cubitermes sp, Odontotermes akengeensis, Odontotermes silvaticus, Monomorium bicolor, Tetramorium sericciventre, Dorylus sp, Pachycondyla senaerensis, Componotus maculatus, Monomorium abyssinicum, Monomorium sp, Feronia sp, Nysius sp. Les vers de terre identifiés sont Milsonia inermis et Dichogaster affinis. Les traitements avec apport de fumure organique ont connu une macrofaune plus abondance en comparaison à ceux avec fumure minérale. L’application de l’herbicide de prélevé n’a pas eu d’effet sur les communautés de faune du sol étudiés. A l’intérieur des traitements, les groupes de faune du sol ont réagit différemment face aux traitements appliqués.Mots clés: ognon, macrofaune du sol, désherbage, pratiques agricolesEnglish Title: Study of the dynamics of soil macrofauna in onion by using various agricultural practicesEnglish AbstractThe dynamics of soil macrofauna in onion cultivation (Alium cepa) was studied eight weeks after transplanting the seedlings. The experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 at the Centre for Environmental and Agricultural Research and Training of the Institute of the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA). The objective was to study the effect of different agricultural practices on soilfauna. Macrofauna was sampled by a standard method TSBF. Termites were sampled by monolith method and by a random search on a transect around the monolith. Earthworms and other soil macrofauna groups were sampled only by monoliths. In total eleven (12) and two species of insects (02) earthworm species have been recorded in the ten (10) treatments applied on experimental design. For insects, these are: Cubitermes sp, Odontotermes akengeensis, Odontotermes silvaticus, Monomorium bicolor, Tetramorium sericciventre, Dorylus sp Pachycondyla senaerensis, Componotus maculatus, Monomorium abyssinicum, Monomorium sp, Feronia sp, Nysius sp. Earthworms identified were Milsonia inermis and Dichogaster affinis. Treatments with organic manure were more abundant of soil macrofauna compared to those with added mineral fertilizers. The  application of herbicide removed had no effect on communities of soil fauna studied. Inside the treatment, soil fauna groups react differently to treatments applied.Keywords: onion, soil macrofauna, weeding, agricultural practice

    Profil des sensibilisations aux pneumallergènes courants chez les patients asthmatiques à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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    Dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de la prise en charge des patients asthmatiques, nous avons étudié le profil des sensibilisations aux pneumallergènes courants chez les sujets asthmatiques reçus en consultation de pneumologie à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Nous avons réalisé une étude prospective portant sur 896 patients asthmatiques reçus de janvier 2005 à décembre 2012. La recherche de  sensibilisations a été réalisée grâce aux prick-tests cutanés effectués sur l’avant-bras avec des extraits allergéniques standardisés des Laboratoires Stallergènes- France. Sept cent quatre vingt et un (781) patients, soit 87,1% des patients, ont présenté des réactions positives aux pneumallergènes testés. Chez ces sujets atopiques, les sensibilisations aux allergènes d’acariens ont été les plus fréquentes (87,3 %) dont 91 % à Dermatophagoides ptéronyssinus, 89 % à  Dermatophagoides farinae et 51 % à Blomia topicalis. Les sensibilisations aux allergènes de blattes germaniques ont été de 38,1 %. Les moisissures ont été responsables de sensibilisation chez 37 % des patients atopiques : Aspergillus 22 % et Alternaria, 15 %. Des réactions positives aux phanères de chat (14 %), de chien (10,8 %), au latex (7,9 %) et de la souris (1,4 %) ont été également rencontrées. Les sources allergéniques identifiées pourraient être des facteurs déclenchant ou aggravant l’asthme en raison du lien démontré entre sensibilisations et risque d’asthme dans plusieurs études. La mise en évidence de l’atopie ouvre la voie à une meilleure prise en charge de ces patients.Mots-clés : Sensibilisation, Pneumallergènes perannuels, Asthme, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso).In order to improve the quality of care for asthmatic patients, we studied the profile of sensitization to aeroallergens in asthmatic subjects received in the teaching hospital (pulmonology unit) of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. We performed a prospective study of 896 patients with asthma, received from January 2005 to December 2012. A skin prick test was performed. Seven hundred eighty-one patients (87.1%) showed positive reactions to aeroallergens tested. Amongthese atopic patients, sensitization to mite allergens was the most frequent (87.3%), followed by those to cockroach allergens (38.1%) and molds (37%). Positive reactions to cat allergen (14%), dog (10.8%), latex (7.9%) and mouse (1.4%) were also observed. The allergenic sources identified are factors triggering or aggravating asthma, as demonstrated by several studies. Identification of atopy is a great step of these patients asthma management.Keywords: Sensitization, per annual aeroallergens, asthma, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

    Motor-system dynamics during naturalistic reading of action narratives in first and second language

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    Do embodied semantic systems play different roles depending on when and how well a given language was learned? Emergent evidence suggests that this is the case for isolated, decontextualized stimuli, but no study has addressed the issue considering naturalistic narratives. Seeking to bridge this gap, we assessed motor-system dynamics in 26 Spanish-English bilinguals as they engaged in free, unconstrained reading of naturalistic action texts (ATs, highlighting the characters\u2019 movements) and neutral texts (NTs, featuring low motility) in their first and second language (L1, L2). To explore functional connectivity spread over each reading session, we recorded ongoing high-density electroencephalographic signals and subjected them to functional connectivity analysis via a spatial clustering approach. Results showed that, in L1, AT (relative to NT) reading involved increased connectivity between left and right central electrodes consistently implicated in action-related processes, as well as distinct source-level modulations in motor regions. In L2, despite null group-level effects, enhanced motor-related connectivity during AT reading correlated positively with L2 proficiency and negatively with age of L2 learning. Taken together, these findings suggest that action simulations during unconstrained narrative reading involve neural couplings between motor-sensitive mechanisms, in proportion to how consolidated a language is. More generally, such evidence addresses recent calls to test the ecological validity of motor-resonance effects while offering new insights on their relation with experiential variables