684 research outputs found

    Chronic catherization of a hepatic vein, the portal vein and a mesenteric vein in cattle using totally implantable catheter system

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    Surgical techniques for implanting chronic catheters in a hepatic vein, the portal vein and a mesenterie vein in adult cattle are described. A totally implantable access system pemiitting repeated access to the vascular system is used and evaluated. The average function time for withdrawal of blood of this system for hepatic, portal and mesenteric catheters were 37+10, 31 +19. and 3 +2 weeks (mean + SD). respectively. 111- fusions were possible for much longer time. Advantages of this method were first of all a better quality of life for the experimental animal involved, since no restrain or confinement was needed during housing and handling. The experimental animals could safely graze pastures while equipped with catheters in portal, hepatic and mesenterie veins. Catheter infections were not observed, the maintenance protocol was faster and safer than for conventional catheters. Tissue reactions were limited to a thin layer of fibrous tissue. A disadvantage of this technique was a relatively high cost of the catheter system, when compared to traditional systems

    Analisa Pengaruh Kualitas Aset, Likuiditas, Efensiensi Usaha dan Profitabilitas terhadap Rasio Kecukupan Modal pada Umum Syariah Periode 2012-2015

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    The aim of this study is to examine the influence of effect of Asset Quality (NPF), Liquidity Level (FDR), Operating Efficiency (BOPO) and Return On Asset (ROA) on the Capital Adequacy Level by Capital Adequacy (CAR) on the general Islamic Bank listed on the Indonesian Bank in period 2012-2015. There are 11 samples in this research that is sharia BCA Bank, Muamalat Bank, Bukopin Bank, BRI Bank, Mega Bank, BNI Bank, BJB Bank, Mandiri Bank, Victoria Bank, Panin Bank and Maybank Bank. Hypotheses test used is panel data regression by carry out F Test and T test with value significant 5%. The result of F test, shows that simultaneously the NPF, FDR, BOPO and ROA have a influence on Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). The result of t-test,shows that ROA, FDR and BOPO are have negative influence on Capital Adequacy (CAR) and NPF have no effect towards Capital Adequacy (CAR) at Sharia Bank period 2010-2015

    Multi-dimensional parameter estimation of heavy-tailed moving averages

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    In this paper we present a parametric estimation method for certain multi-parameter heavy-tailed L\'evy-driven moving averages. The theory relies on recent multivariate central limit theorems obtained in [3] via Malliavin calculus on Poisson spaces. Our minimal contrast approach is related to the papers [14, 15], which propose to use the marginal empirical characteristic function to estimate the one-dimensional parameter of the kernel function and the stability index of the driving L\'evy motion. We extend their work to allow for a multi-parametric framework that in particular includes the important examples of the linear fractional stable motion, the stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, certain CARMA(2, 1) models and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with a periodic component among other models. We present both the consistency and the associated central limit theorem of the minimal contrast estimator. Furthermore, we demonstrate numerical analysis to uncover the finite sample performance of our method

    Are Emotions Perceptions of Value (and Why this Matters)?

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    In Emotions, Values & Agency, Christine Tappolet develops a sophisticated, perceptual theory of emotions and their role in wide range of issues in value theory and epistemology. In this paper, we raise three worries about Tappolet's proposal

    Spherical collapse of dark energy with an arbitrary sound speed

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    We consider a generic type of dark energy fluid, characterised by a constant equation of state parameter w and sound speed c_s, and investigate the impact of dark energy clustering on cosmic structure formation using the spherical collapse model. Along the way, we also discuss in detail the evolution of dark energy perturbations in the linear regime. We find that the introduction of a finite sound speed into the picture necessarily induces a scale-dependence in the dark energy clustering, which in turn affects the dynamics of the spherical collapse in a scale-dependent way. As with other, more conventional fluids, we can define a Jeans scale for the dark energy clustering, and hence a Jeans mass M_J for the dark matter which feels the effect of dark energy clustering via gravitational interactions. For bound objects (halos) with masses M >> M_J, the effect of dark energy clustering is maximal. For those with M << M_J, the dark energy component is effectively homogeneous, and its role in the formation of these structures is reduced to its effects on the Hubble expansion rate. To compute quantitatively the virial density and the linearly extrapolated threshold density, we use a quasi-linear approach which is expected to be valid up to around the Jeans mass. We find an interesting dependence of these quantities on the halo mass M, given some w and c_s. The dependence is the strongest for masses lying in the vicinity of M ~ M_J. Observing this M-dependence will be a tell-tale sign that dark energy is dynamic, and a great leap towards pinning down its clustering properties.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, matches version published in JCA

    Understanding the core density profile in TCV H-mode plasmas

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    Results from a database analysis of H-mode electron density profiles on the Tokamak \`a Configuration Variable (TCV) in stationary conditions show that the logarithmic electron density gradient increases with collisionality. By contrast, usual observations of H-modes showed that the electron density profiles tend to flatten with increasing collisionality. In this work it is reinforced that the role of collisionality alone, depending on the parameter regime, can be rather weak and in these, dominantly electron heated TCV cases, the electron density gradient is tailored by the underlying turbulence regime, which is mostly determined by the ratio of the electron to ion temperature and that of their gradients. Additionally, mostly in ohmic plasmas, the Ware-pinch can significantly contribute to the density peaking. Qualitative agreement between the predicted density peaking by quasi-linear gyrokinetic simulations and the experimental results is found. Quantitative comparison would necessitate ion temperature measurements, which are lacking in the considered experimental dataset. However, the simulation results show that it is the combination of several effects that influences the density peaking in TCV H-mode plasmas.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure