52 research outputs found

    A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on body weight in healthy subjects aged 16 years and above

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    Comparison of some anthropometric and biologic parameters in two groups of Tunisian infants (0 to 2 years)

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    Malnutrition still remains a preoccupying health problem that affects the most vulnerable age group (less than five years). The aim of this research is to establish the nutritional profile of the Tunisian infants less than 2 years, to specify the principal deficiencies and the possible origins of these deficiencies. In our transverse exploratory study carried out in a period of 12 months, two groups of infants less than 2 year old; a control group (n = 18) and a malnourished group (n = 18) were used. Our data consolidate the impact of pregnant women’s nutritional state, breastfeeding on the infant and the infant growth. In comparison with the control group, the malnourished group showed a significant reduction in weight/age, weight/height (p < 0.001), a significant reduction of the average values of cholesterol associated with high density lipoproteins (Chol-HDL) and the ratio of cholesterol associated with high density lipoproteins to cholesterol associated with low density lipoproteins (Chol-HDL / Chol- LDL). This shrinkage showed a positive correlation with the weight/height ratio which is an indicator of malnutrition gravity. The results of this study confirmed the existence of a remarkable change of the biological profile among malnourished infants. In addition, the study shows the necessity to target and develop means to fight against factors favoring malnutrition.Key words: Malnutrition, infants, breastfeeding, protein, lipoprotein

    Liquid metal embrittlement and deformation induced martensite: The case of 316 L austenitic steel LME by liquid eutectic gallium-indium

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    International audienceThe liquid metal embrittlement sensitivity of a low nickel 316 L austenitic steel has been studied with eutectic gallium indium alloy. The embrittlement case is firmly established with this steel and studied by X-Ray fractography and EBSD. Brittle to ductile recoveries were observed via a dedicated parametric study (varying cross-head speed and temperature). The return to ductility with temperature is strongly correlated with a significant reduction in plastically induced α’ phase change suggesting it is a requirement for LME. This implies a strategy focused on limiting deformation induced martensite to design LME resistant austenitic steels at low temperatur

    Parasitic infection of the digestive tract in children in a Regional Hospital Center in Gharb (Kenitra, Morroco): Some epidemiological features

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    Intestinal parasites are very common in children. We propose to study the prevalence and Epidemiological profile of the port of intestinal parasites in 300 children hospitalized in the Regional Hospital of Gharb area (Kenitra, Morocco) from June to December 2007. This study Identified 11 intestinal parasites. Of the 300 children, 157 at least one intestinal have Parasitism was 52.3% with 91 boxes of poly-Parasitism. Among the intestinal protozoan Identified, Is The first Amebiasis intestinal parasites. The rate of infestation of Amoebiasis IS 46.5%, Followed by Blastocystis hominis (28.7%) of giardiasis (14%). That shows 128 children in the study population IS a carrier of Various species of helminths, the main ones: Enterobius vermicularis (35%), Ascaris lumbricoides (29.9%), Trichuris trichiura (10.2%), Hymenolepis nana (3.8%) and Taenia saginata (2.5%). The survey shows the age group most That exposed to intestinal parasites IS Between 1 and 4 years and sex does not appear to significantly interferes in the distribution of different parasite species. The results show the necessity of improvement of the sanitation of the environment and the health education of the population. Then will Come the deworming campaign of which will be therefor effective.Keywords: Children, intestinal parasites, hospital, Kenitra, Morocco

    Etude physico-chimique et parasitologique des eaux usées destinées à l\'irrigation du périmètre péri-urbain de Fouarat (Kénitra, Maroc).

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    Les eaux usées de la commune urbaine de Saknia-Fouarat (Kénitra) sont rejetées sans aucun traitement préalable dans le lac Fouarat. Celles-ci sont en partie réutilisées pour l\'irrigation du périmètre péri-urbain de cette zone à vocation agricole. La caractérisation physico-chimique des echantillons a révélé un pH proche de la neutralité et des teneurs en sels relativement importantes. La teneur en chlorures a été de 112,5 mg/l. La charge polluante engendrée par ces effluents urbains a été comprise entre 24 et 124 mg/l pour la DBO5, 110,40 et 418,33 mg/l pour la DCO et entre 350 et 615 mg/l pour les MES. Ces paramètres de pollution ont été relativement faibles, comparativement à la moyenne des concentrations habituellement rencontrées pour les eaux usées urbaines du Maroc. Le rapport DCO/DBO5 a été de 3,48. Cette valeur élevée montre que les eaux usées de la commune urbaine de Saknia-Fouarat sont caractérisées par une pollution inorganique liée, notamment, au rejet des effluents d\'industrie textile raccordée au collecteur. L\'analyse parasitologique montre une forte contamination de ces eaux usées par les oeufs d\'helminthes, soit 32,4 oeufs/l, concentration nettement supérieure aux normes de l\'OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) relatives aux eaux destinées à l\'irrigation non restrictive des cultures. Les effluents constituent donc un risque environnemental pour la nappe phréatique sous-jacente exploitée par l\'ONEP (Office National de l\'Eau Potable) et pour les eaux du lac Fouarat. En conclusion, le traitement préalable de ces rejets est vivement recommandé, avant leur rejet dans le lac Fouarat pour usage comme eau d\'irrigation des cultures maraîchères.Effluents of the Saknia-Fouarat urban district (Kenitra city) are rejected in the Fouarat Lake without prior treatment. Part of the effluents is used to irrigate the peri-urban perimeter of this agriculturally-rich area. The physico-chemical characterization of these effluents revealed that pH is close to neutrality with relatively high salt content. Chloride concentraqtion was of about 112.5 mg/l. The polluting load generated by these urban effluents was between 24 and 124 mg/l for the BDO5, 110.4 and 418.33 mg/l for the COD and between 350 and 615 mg/l for suspended particles. All these pollutions parameters were relatively low, as compared to the average concentrations of the usual moroccan urban effluents. The calculated COD/BDO5 ratio was 3.48. This high value shows that these wastewaters are characterized by an inorganic pollution related to effluents rejection by the textile industry connected to the main collector. The parasitological characterization of the effluents shows a strong contamination by Helminths parasites eggs (32.4 eggs/l). This concentration largely exceeds the WHO standars concerning water used for non-restrictive irrigation of the cultures. Our results show that effluents used for irrigation cultures in the Fouarat perimeter induce an environmental risk for the subjacent ground water exploited by the ONEP and for the Fouarat Lake water consequently, we highly recommend the treatment of these effluents before their rejection in the Fouarat lake and the in use for irrigation. Keywords: Pollution, eaux usées, physico-chimie, Helminthes, lac Fouarat, MarocAgronomie Africaine Vol. 19 (3) 2007: pp. 251-26

    L’évaluation écoépidémiologique du «risque leishmanien» au Sahara atlantique marocain. Intérêt heuristique de la relation «Phlébotomes-bioclimats»

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    The authors present the results of a survey carried out on leishmaniasis risk factors in the littoral zone of the Moroccan western Sahara. The paradigmatic concept of the greater importance of the vector than the reservoir suggests that the spatial, qualitative and quantitative distribution of sandflies are the risk markers for leishmaniasis. The analysis reported here was based on a series of sandfly samples made with sticky paper traps set in transects. Sampling was done with 2,604 traps at 36 stations during the period of maximum sand fly activity. The traps were distributed in two series, one strictly coastal and the other slightly diverging for some kilometers towards the interior. Over 1,043 km, 27 rural and 9 urban localities were sampled. Among the latter were Tan-Tan, Tarfaya, Layoun, Boujdour and Dakhla. Only 12 sandflies were caught among which a single specimen of the genus Phlebotomus. This scorcity of vector species coincides with the absence of leishmaniasis in the area studied. Twenty two dogs examined serologically by IFAT were negative and no parasites were demonstrable in 10 Psammomys obesus from around the airport at Tan-Tan. This is explained by the local climate along the Atlantic coast -a constant breeze from the NW/NE sector causing important modifications in the Saharan region : heavy clouds accompanied by an abundance of occult precipitation : and low summer temperatures. Of these factors, the violent and humid winds and the low summer temperatures are the most unfavourable for sandflies. As long as there are no changes in the climate, the risk of leishmaniasis can be expected to remain low in the coastal band. Moreover the buffering effect of the oceanic mass should ensure that this zone remains protected from the expected global warming which, in the coming decades, is likely to affect the periarid region of the continental Maghreb where P. papatasi, the common vector of Leishmania major, is widely distributed with the exception of the littoral zone.Les auteurs rapportent les résultats d'une enquête sur le "risque leishmanien" dans la zone littorale du Sahara occidental marocain. Le concept paradigmatique de "précellence vectorielle" conduit à privilégier la distribution spatiale, qualitative et quantitative, des Phlébotomes (Diptera-Psychodidae) en tant que "marqueurs de risque" pour les trois Leishmania : L. major, L. tropica et L. infantum (Kinetoplastida-Trypanosomatidae). L'analyse s'appuie sur une série de piégeages aux papiers adhésifs selon la méthode des transects. Réalisée en période de pleine activité imagínale, l'opération a utilisé 2604 pièges pour 36 stations. Celles-ci se distribuent sur deux itinéraires, l'un strictement côtier, l'autre légèrement divergent à quelques dizaines de kilomètres à l'intérieur des terres. Sur un parcours de 1043 km, 27 stations rurales et neuf localités urbaines ont été échantillonnées. Parmi ces dernières : Tan-Tan, Tarfaya, Layoun, Boujdour, Dakhla. Au total, 12 Phlébotomes seulement ont été capturés, dont un seul exemplaire du genre Phlebotomus. Cette rareté des espèces vectrices coïncide avec l'absence de leishmaniose dans la zone considérée. Une échantillon de 22 chiens, analysé par la technique d'immunofluorescence, s'est révélé négatif, de même qu’une dizaine de Psammomys obesus observés aux environs de l'aérodrome de Tan-Tan. Cette situation est mise sur le compte du climat local (mésoclimat) : le long de la côte atlantique, l'alizé souffle en permanence de secteur NW-NE, entraînant d'importantes modifications du régime saharién à savoir : forte nébulosité, abondance des précipitations occultes, faibles maximums thermiques. Parmi ces facteurs, les vents, violents et humides, et les basses températures estivales apparaissent comme défavorables aux Phlébotomes. Dans la mesure où n'interviendrait aucun changement climatique, le risque leishmanien demeurerait faible sur la bande côtière. Bien plus, "l'effet tampon", induit par la masse océanique, maintiendrait, longtemps encore, cette zone à l'abri d'un éventuel "réchauffement global" susceptible d'affecter, dans les prochaines décennies, l'étage peraride continental du Maghreb. Dès lors P. papatasi, vecteur habituel de L. major, resterait rare sur le littoral atlantique alors qu'il serait largement favorisé sur le reste du Sahara septentrional.Rioux Jean-Antoine, Akalay Othman, Perrieres J., Dereure Jacques, Mahjour Jaouad, Le Houérou Henri Noël, Léger Nicole, Desjeux Philippe, Gallego Montserrat, Saddiki A., Barkia A., Nachi Hiroshi. L’évaluation écoépidémiologique du «risque leishmanien» au Sahara atlantique marocain. Intérêt heuristique de la relation «Phlébotomes-bioclimats». In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 23 n°3-4, 1997. pp. 73-92
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